115 items found
Amaral, A. Do
Albinismo em "Cobra Coral" (1). [AND] Três subespecies novas de Micrurus corallinus (Wied): M. corallinus corallinus, M. corallinus riesei e M. corallinus dumerilii. (2) [AND] Da invalidez da especie colubrideo elapineo Miceurus ibiboboca (Merrem) e rediscripção de M. lemniscatus (L.) (3). [AND] Sobre a Lachesis muta Daudin, 1803, especie ovipara. (4) [AND] Da invalidez da especie de colubrideo dipsadinea Sibynomorpus peruanus (Boettger). (5) [AND] Da occurrencia de albinismo em cascavel. (6) [AND] Albinismo em "dorme-dorme", Sibynomorphus turgidus (Cope, 1869). (7) [AND] Ophidios sul-americanos do Museo Carnegie e especies novas de Griffin. (8) [AND] Sobre os nomes genericos de ophidios Liophis Wagler, 1830 e Leimadophis Fitzinger, 1843. (9) [AND] Da invalidez do nome generico de ophidios Erpetodryas ou Herpetodryas. [(10)*] [AND] Sobre a pholidose dorsal da especies de colubridea, Philodryas aestivus (Dm & Bibr., 1854) e sobre a invalidez de Philodryas campicola Jensen, 1900. (11) [AND] Variações das marcas doraes de Crotalus terrificusLaurenti, 1768. (12). [AND] Bicephalia em ophidios. (13) [AND] Esudo comparativo da evolução ontogenetica de Pseudoboa claelia (Daudin, 1803) e Ps. haasi (Boettger, 1906). (14).
São Paulo, Museo Paulista, 1927. 14 papers in one. 8vo (23.0 x 15.5 cm). 111 pp.; with several plates and text figures. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreAnnandale, [T.] N.
Zoological results of the Abor Expedition, 1911-12.
Calcutta, The Director of the Zoological Survey of India, 1912-1918. Large 8vo (26.0 x 18.0 cm). pp. 1-77, 191-410, 493-621 [of 629] pp., errata leaf; plates I-V, XVI-XXVII, XXXVIII-LIV [of 57] (mostly lithographs and photogravures), several text illustrations. Original, uniform printed wrappers.
Read more[Anonymous naturalist]
Naturhistorischer Atlas. Zu Kaisers sowie zu jeder anderen Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend: zahlreiche Abbildungen zum Gebrauche für den anschaulichen naturgeschichtlichen Unterricht in Land- und Bürgerschulen. Dritte Auflage.
Langensalza, Hermann Beyer, [N.D. but ca. 1875]. Oblong folio (42.0 x 34.0 cm). Printed front wrapper, and twelve chromolithographed plates. Contemporary blind, green, pebbled quarter cloth over marbled boards. Later paper label with gilt title mounted on the front board.
Read moreBarboza du Bocage, J. V.
Herpétologie d'Angola et du Congo. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices du Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies.
Lisbonne, Imprimerie Nationale, 1895. Very large 8vo (27.0 x 17.6 cm). xx, 203 pp.; 20 plates (numbered I-XIX, X.A). Contemporary rich gilt Iberian-style quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments rich gilt-patterned or with gilt fleur de lis vignette, and with gilt title. Patterned endpapers.
Read moreBell, T.
A history of British reptiles.
London, John van Voorst, 1839. 8vo (21.8 x 13.9 cm). xxiv, 142 pp.; numerous fine woodcuts. Contemporary polished calf. Spine rich gilt with five raised bands, floral vignettes and red morocco label with gilt title. Boards with triple-gilt borders and corner pices; gilt-lined edges and inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreBelon, P.
Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, trouvees en Grece, Asie, Iudée, Egypte, Arabie, & autres pays estranges, redigées en trois liures. Reueuz de nouveau & augmentez de figures. Le catalogue contenant le plus notables choses, est en la page fuyuante.
Paris, H. de Marnef & G. Cavellat, 1588. 4to (22.1 x 15.4 cm). [xiv], 468, [ii] pp.; numerous woodcuts, some page-sized. 18th-century full tree calf. Spine with five raised bands, compartments rich gilt with floral patterns. Red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. All edges red.
Read moreBertuch, F. [J. J.]
Bilderbuch für Kinder, enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Blumen, Früchten, Mineralien.... [12 herpetological plates].
Weimar, Industrie-Comptoir, ca. 1800. Folio (ca. 23.5 x 19.0 cm, mounted on larger sheets). Collection of 12 hand-coloured engravings from Bilderbuch für Kinder, showing reptiles and amphibians. All framed and with their description in German added.
Read moreBose, C. and [J.] H. Menz
Generatio paradoxos in Rana. Conspicua et. sub praesidio Friderici. Menzii disputata a Casparo. Bosio. Die IV. Mart. MDCCXXIV.
Lipsiae, Immanuel Titius, 1724. 4to (19.0 x 16.4 cm). Title page, dedication leaf, index and corollaria.; 24 pp.; engraved plate. Without wrappers, as published.
Read moreDaudin, F. [M.]
Histoire naturelle des rainettes, des grenouilles et des crapauds.
Paris, Levrault, An XI (1802). 4to (28.7 x 22.2 cm). 108 pp.; 38 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Early 19th-century polished, gilt-bordered half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt vignettes, and with black morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreDeraniyagala, P. E. P.
Some of Linné's reptiles and a mammal from Ceylon and elsewhere that are in Sweden. [AND] Some little-known characters of the two subspecies of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz).
Colombo, The National Museums of Ceylon, 1961. 4to (27.9 x 21.3 cm). 8 [1, 7] pp.; two plates, three (groups of) text figures. Disbound.
Read moreDoria, G. and R. Gestro (eds.)
Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii del Società Geografica Italiana. - Resultati zoologici.
Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 1895. 8vo (25.5 x 17.0 cm). xviii, 558 pp.; five lithographed plates; one very large, folded map of the Horn of Africa. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreDufrenoy, [O. P. A.] and [J. B. A. L. L.] Élie de Beaumont
Explication de la carte géologique de la France. Volumes I-IV (text and atlas), and two maps. [Complete].
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, Imprimerie Nationale, 1841-1879. Four volumes in seven, and a large map in six folded sheets, each ca. 70 x 205 cm (including borders) with linen covers. Large 4to (four text volumes; ca. 27.5 x 21.0 cm); folio (two atlas volumes, 26.8 x 35.7 cm). Tome premier: Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1841. Large 4to. xxii, 825 pp., 71 text engravings (mainly profiles); Tome deuxième: Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1848. Large 4to. xii, 813 pp., 105 text engravings (mainly views and profiles), one large, folded chromolithographed geological map (finished by hand) of France (printed surface: 57 x 54 cm, and consisting of 15 smaller sections, mounted on linen and folded) bound in the rear; Tome troisième. Première partie (by Dufrénoy): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1873. Large 4to. viii, 231 pp., 18 text engravings (mainly profiles). Printed wrappers. Tome quatrième. Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1879. Large 4to. 185 pp. Printed wrappers; Tome quatrième. Atlas (in two volumes). Première partie. Fossiles principaux des terrains (by É. Bayle). Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1878. Folio. Title page, half title to first part. 86 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered I-LXXXVI; 90 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered LXXXVII-CLXXVI (the last 16 on plants), for a total of 176 plates. Volumes I, II, and IV plate volumes in near uniform contemporary dark-green pebbled morocco over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-stippled bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. The text volumes with top edge gilt, atlases with marbled top edges. Text volumes III and IV in original printed wrappers. The large chromolithographed map in six sheets (approximately 218 x 223 cm) is contained in a contemporary, book-like crimson box with gilt-lettered spine, with raised bands and patterned paper sides.
Read moreDugès, A. [L.]
Recherches sur l'ostéologie et la myologie des batraciens, a leurs différens ages, présentées a l'Académie Royale des Sciences en réponse a la question suivante: déterminer, a l'aide d'observations, et démonstrer, par préparations anatomiques et des dessins exacts, les modifications que présentent, dans leur squelette et dans leurs muscles, les reptiles batraciens, tels que grenouilles et les salamandres, en passant de l'état de larve à celui d'animal parfait.
Paris, Académie des Sciences, 1834. 4to (26.5 x 21.1 cm). 216, [1] pp.; 20 folded engraved plates. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with four raised bands, gilt bordered compartments and red morocco label with gilt title. Patterned endpapers.
Read moreEdinger, L.
Untersuchungen über die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirnes. 3. Neue studien über das Vorderhirn der Reptilien. Mit IV Tafeln und XIV Textfiguren.
Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1896. Large 4to (29.8 x 23.1 cm). Two title pages, 75 pp.; 14 text engravings, four fine, chromolithographed plates. Original printed wrappers.
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