A unique collection of three important works, including manuscript corrections, by one of the great French marine invertebrate and embryogenetic scholars of the 19th century

Lacaze-Duthiers, [F. J.] H. de

Three important, published works by Henri Lacaze-Duthiers, including a collection of proof copies and handwritten notes and corrections to one of them.

Published 1877-1885
Item ID 49285

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Paris, 1877-1885. Various sizes. 468 pp. [160, 220, 88]; 28 [8; 14; 6] lithographed plates, of which 22 hand-coloured. Preserved in a clamshell box covered in burgundy cloth (30.4 x 25.2 x 9.2 cm) with printed label.

Unique collection of three important works, including manuscript corrections, by Felix Joseph Henri de Lucaze-Duthiers (1821-1901), one of the great French marine invertebrate and embryogenetic scholars from the 19th century and founder of the Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale. Lacaze-Duthiers studied medicine in Paris and was an assistant of Ducrotay de Blainville and Henri Milne-Edwards. He succeeded Achille Valenciennes as professor of the Mollusca, Vermes and zoophytes at the Paris Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in 1865, and in 1871 he was elected member of the Académie des Sciences. He founded the marine laboratories of Roscoff (on the Atlantic coast) and Banyuls-sur-Mer (French Mediterranean coast). The collection consists of: I. Histoire de laLaura gerardiae, type nouveau de crustacé parasite. Paris, Institut de France, Memoires de l'Académie des Sciences, 1882. 4to. 160 pp., eight hand-coloured engraved plates. Green cloth with Lacaze-Duthiers' own gilt library stamp and family crest. II. The same work in loose correction sheets. pp. 1-72, 1-160 and descriptions of plates I-VIIII in many duplicates and with hundreds of corrections, and with stamps of Typographe Chamerot, dated 1881-1882, and several handwritten additions and corrections on loose sheets. III. Histoire des Ascides simples des Côtes de France parte 2: Etudes des Espèces. Paris, Archives de Zoologie Expérimentele, 1877. 220 pp., and 14 partly hand-coloured engraved plates, also in original green cloth with Lacaze-Duthier's own gilt stamp and family crest. IV. Mémoire sur l'Anatomie et l'Embryogenie des Vermets (Vermetus triqueter et Vermetus semisurrectus Phil.) Parte 1: Anatomie (1885). 88 pp., including all engraved plates, numbered 4-9 [1-5 to this work], and their description. From Lacaze's own library, but this title without his corrections. See DSB 7, pp. 545-546.

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