Hoyle, W. E. and others [Albatross]

Reports on the dredging operations off the west coasts of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," during 1891, Lieut.-Commander Z. L. Tanner, U.S.N., commanding. XXIX. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding. V. Report on the Cephalopoda. With twelve plates [AND]. XXVI. Report on the pteropods and heteropods collected by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross during the voyage from Norfolk, VA., to San Francisco, Cal., 1887-'88. [AND] Reports on the dredging operations off the west coasts of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," during 1891, Lieut.-Commander Z. L. Tanner, U.S.N., commanding. XIII. Die Opisthobranchien. With twelve plates [AND] Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Narica und Onustus. Mit zwei Tafeln [AND] Die Opisthobranchier der Sammlung Plate. Mit 6 Tafeln.

Published 1893-1906
Item ID 75811
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Five papers in one. 1893-1906. 8vo (22.8 x 15.0 cm). 311 pp. [70;16;109;14;102]; 35 plates [12; 3; 12; 2; 6], including two cephalopod plates in chromolithography, and two (one coloured) large, multi-folded maps. Greyish-blue buckram with gilt title on the spine.

Three less-often seen publication based on material collected during one of the first systematical dredgings in the Eastern Pacific under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz; the seconds with his autograph on the front wrapper. The second work was written by the American malacologist James Ingraham Peck (1863-1898), the third - perhaps the only Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin written in German, is by the Danish malacologist Ludwig Sophus Rudolph Bergh (1824-1909). Presence of the two other Bergh papers, bound in the rear, is a bit odd, as there is no connection to the "Albatross" works. However, both do have Alexander Agassiz's autographed name on the front wrapper. Stamp of the American malacologist Richard Irwin Johnson (1925-2020) in the top margin of the front wrappers, otherwise very good.

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