Wyder, J. F.
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des serpens de la Suisse.
Genève, Barbezat et Delarue; Paris, Naudin, 1826. 8vo (20.7 x 13.0 cm). Engraved title page, iv, 7-90 pp.; two large, folded, finely engraved and contemporary hand-coloured plates. 20th-century half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five gilt-bordered, raised bands. Original wrappers, with neatly handwritten title in an old hand, bound in the rear.
An exceedingly rare - almost unknown - work on Swiss snakes by J. François Wyder (1775?-1831?), listed on the title page as 'Membre de la Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles', but about whom little else is known. This well-illustrated work includes a chapter on the effects of the poison of an adder on a young boy, written by a Dr. Schwarz of Lausanne. An earlier edition was published in 1823 in Lausanne for which only two auction records exist. it included an "Avis" stating that the plates were sold additionally to this work, or separately. This Geneva edition, however, simpy includes the plates. Page numbering is somewhat erratic. Uncut. The binding is attractive in its simplicity. Some light, marginal spotting, the plates, however, clean. A very good copy. We found only one auction record of this edition, dating from 1974. Neither in Adler, Contributions to the History of Herpetology, nor in Nissen ZBI.