A seldom-seen, earliest, work by Linnaeus on an American carnivorous mammal
Linnaeus, C.
Beskrifning på et Americanskt diur, som Hans Konglige Hoghet gifvit til undersökning.
Item ID
Stockholm, Kongliga Vetenskapsacademien, 1747. 8vo (19.5 x 12.0 cm). 13 pp.; one large, double-folded engraved plate. Disbound.
A seldom-seen publication - Linnaeus's first - on the raccoon, titled 'Description of an American animal, which His Royal Highness has given for examination' . Linneaus described the external and internal anatomy after a specimen brought to Sweden as a gift to the king, Frederick I (1676-1751). This work was published in the academy's Handlingar, Volume 8. A few, small worm holes, otherwise very good. Soulsby, 1160.