Firsts, London’s Rare Book Fair 2022
35 items found
Auer, A.
Faust. Poligrafisch illustrirte Zeitschrift für Kunst, Wissenschaft, Industrie, und geselliges Leben, begleitet von Kunst-Beilagen aus mehr als 30 Druckfächern. [All photographic plates. Original prints, mounted, as issued].
Wien, Auer, [1853]-1855. Folio (34.4 x 25.6 cm). Three original albumen prints, mounted on printed boards.
Read moreBecker, W.
Album of the finest birds of all countries.
Philadelphia, PA, Weik & Wieck, [1854]. Oblong folio (27.2 x 36.0 cm). 25 finely lithographed plates, all in accurate original hand-colouring (14 plates with American birds; five European; one Asian; five Australian). Publisher's moiré silk-covered boards, with elaborate polychrome floral pattern larded with figures of birds and two gilt dragons. All edges gilt.
Read more[Berkeley, M. J. (ed.)]
Lancashire fungi.
Lancashire, unpublished manuscript, 1872-1885. Folio (33.0 x 25.5 cm). 61 leaves, each with one or more (up to five) original watercolours - several heightened with gum arabic - mounted on rectos, and several additional ones on versos. Contemporary full calf. Spine with five gilt-bordered, raised bands and red morocco label with gilt title. Boards with double, gilt borders and gilt daisy corner pieces, and blind-rolled border, with blind-tooled fleur-de-lis motif corner pieces. Marbled endpapers with blind-tooled floral dentelles. All edges gilt.
Read moreBrown, E.
[Wunderkammer - Giant Library] Durch Niederland, Teutschland, Hungarn, Serbien, Bulgarien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Oesterreich, Steirmarck, Kärnthen, Carniolen, Friaul, &c. gethane ganz sonderbare Reisen...
Nürnberg, Johann Ziegler, 1685. 4to (20.3 x 16.5 cm). Engraved title, letterpress title in black and red; [viii], 334, [xii] pp.; 18 engraved plates, of which several larger, folding. Later blind vellum.
Read moreCotton, J.
The song birds of Great Britain; containing delineations of thirty-three birds, of the natural size, (incl. the genus Sylvia of Latham,) coloured principally from living specimens, with some account of their habits, and occasional direction for their treatment in confinement.
London, privately published, [1835-]1836. Title-page, [xi] pp. [prefaces]; 33 beautiful, originally hand-coloured engraved plates with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary dark green grained full morocco. Boards with double rich gilt borders with floral corner pieces; gilt lines on the edges, and inner gilt lines. Spine with ornamental gilt rectangles and title. All edges gilt.
Read moreDaudin, F. [M.]
Histoire naturelle des rainettes, des grenouilles et des crapauds.
Paris, Levrault, An XI (1802). 4to (28.7 x 22.2 cm). 108 pp.; 38 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Early 19th-century polished, gilt-bordered half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt vignettes, and with black morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreDelarue, [J.]
Musée des Lépidoptères. Collection de papillons de toutes les parties du monde.
Paris, Arnauld de Vresse, [ca. 1840]. Folio (42.0 x 30.1 cm). Gilt-lettered title page; 12 chromolithographed plates with captions, finished by hand, some heightened with silver and gum arabic. Original green cloth with large gilt-embossed decoration and title to front panel and blind-tooled borders.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A magnificent parrot plate. Plate 8. Ara hyacinthus [Hyacinth ara].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A magnificent toucan plate. Plate 13. Ramphastos toco and Pteroglossus piperivorus [Toco or giant toucan and Guyana toucannet].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent parrot plates. Plates 6 and 7. Ara ararauna, and Ara severus [Blue-and-yellow macaw, chestnut-fronted macaw], and Ara aracanga, and Ara cryssosema [Scarlet macaw and colour variety].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent toucan plates. Plates 12 and 14. Ramphastos ariel and Ramphastos dicolorus, and Pteroglossus aracari and Pteroglossus ulocomus. [Ariel toucan and green-billed toucan; and black-necked aracari and curl-crested aracari].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 1. Sarcoramphus papa [King vulture] and Percnopterus jota [Black vulture].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 2. Harpyia cristata. [Harpy eagle].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 5. Otus clamator, Strix perlata, and Strix pumila. [Striped owl, pearl-spotted owlet, and pygmy owl].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDresser, H. E.
A monograph of the Coraciidae or family of the rollers.
Farnborough, the author, 1893. Folio (37.6 x 28.3 cm). Title page with woodcut vignette (owl) and quote in Greek; xx, 111; 27 lithographed plates, all in a most careful and beautiful original hand-colouring. Contemporary full red pebbled morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with central gilt vignettes and title. Boards with intricate gilt floral borders and woodcut vignette (an owl - as on the title page), bevelled edges, gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read more[Games - Mathematics]
Encyclopédie méthodique. Dictionnaire des jeux, faisant suite au tome III des mathématiques. [AND] Dictionnaire des jeux familiers, ou des amusemens de société; faisant suite au dictionnaire des jeux, annexé au tome III des mathématiques. [AND] Dictionnaire des jeux mathematiques, contenant l'analyse, les recherches, les calculs, les probabilités & les tables numériques, publiés par plusiers célèbres mathématiciens, relativement aux jeux de hasard & combinaisions; et suite du dictionnaire des jeux.
Paris, Pancoucke, 1792. 4to (25.4 x 19.0 cm). Title page, iii, 316 pp.; 16 engraved plates; Paris, Agasse, An V (1798 or 1799). Half-title, engraved title page, ii [erroneously numbered viii], 172 pp.; Paris, H. Agasse, An VII (1801 or 1802). viii, 212 pp., numerous text engravings. Contemporary full mottled calf, spine with five raised bands, Louis XVI style gilt bands and vignettes, and brown morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreHoeven, J. van der
Bijdragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae of Prosimii. [Titled Bydragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae on front board].
Leiden, S. Luchtmans and J. Luchtmans. Tall folio (45.2 x 29.4 cm). Title page, [i], 18 pp.; three lithographed plates of which two finely hand-coloured. Contemporary full bright red grained calf. Boards with intricate blind-tooled and gilt-ornamental borders, floral corner pieces and title. Pink floral endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreLeuba, [F.]
Monographie du genre Morchella. Traité au point de vue historique, botanique et chimique.
[Switzerland], unpublished, 1875. Folio (31.2 x 24.0 cm). Script title page with watercolour vignette, handwritten preface by the author, dated 15 Août 1875 (verso blank), 16 pp. of handwritten descriptive text; nine watercolour plates with script captions. Later half morocco over marbled boards. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreLinnaeus, C.
Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae ... editio tertia curante D. Jo. Christiano Daniele Schrebero.
Erlangen, J. Jacob Palm, 1787-1790. Ten volumes in ten. 8vo. Title pages, 4,691 pp. (1: [ii], 571; 2: [ii], 472; 3: [ii], 464; 4: [ii], 600, [ii]; 5: [ii], 583, [ix]; 6: [ii], 486, [vi]; 7: [ii], 506, [iv]; 8: [ii], 332, [i]; 9: [ii], 331; 10: [iii], 172, 131); 59 folded, engraved plates [17;4;4;4;11 [numbered I-III, I-VIII];6;7;6;0;0]. Uniform contemporary half calf over speckled boards. Spines with gilt bands and two light brown, gilt-bordered morocco labels with gilt titles and volume numbers (small, oval labels).
Read moreLischke, C. E.
Japanische Meeres-Conchylien. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mollusken Japan's, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die geographische Verbreitung derselben. I - III. [Complete].
Cassel [Kassel], Theodor Fischer, 1869-1875. Three volumes in one. 4to (28.2 x 21.7 cm). Three title pages; 503 pp. ([ii], 192; [ii], 184; 123]); 37 [14; 14; 9] fine, hand-coloured lithographed plates. Later grained green half calf over marbled boards. Spine with four raised, gilt-ornamented bands and two green morocco labels with gilt title.
Read morePückler-Muskau, H. L. H. Graf von
Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei verbunden mit der Beschreibung ihrer praktischen Anwendung in Muskau. [Atlas].
Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Louis Friedrich Sachse), 1834. Oblong folio (34.0 x 48.5 cm). 45 finely engraved and original hand-coloured plates (numbered I-XXIX, XXXI-XXXXIV, XXXIII[bis], XXXIV[bis]), of which two much larger, folded, and three with originally hand-coloured overlays, partly augmented with gum arabic. Contemporary full straight-grained green morocco. Spine with four raised, gilt-ornamented green bands, and gilt ornamental head and tail pieces; boards with quadruple gilt-lined borders with floral gilt corner-pieces. Original marbled slipcase with a red morocco label with gilt ornamental border and gilt title on the front board.
Read moreSagra, R. de la
Album d'oiseaux de Cuba réunis pendant le voyage de M. Ramon De La Sagra. Dédié à S. M. la Reine Isabelle II. Album de Aves Cubanas, reunidas durante el viage de D. Ramon De La Sagra. Dedicado a S. M. Doña Isabel II.
Paris, Maulde et/y Renou, 1842-1843. Folio (38.8 x 26.6 cm). French half-title, title page (dated 1843) with engraved vignette, pp. 5-16; idem in Spanish (title dated 1842), pp. 5-15. 33 fine hand-coloured engraved plates (I-XXXII, XIXbis). Twentieth-century half calf over cloth boards, five raised bands, gilt ornaments and title on spine.
Read moreSchlegel, H.
Abbildungen neuer oder unvollständig bekannter Amphibien, nach der natur oder dem Leben entworfen, herausgegeben und mit einem erläuterenden Texte begleitet. [Atlas].
Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., 1837-1844. Folio (36.5 x 27.1 cm). Engraved title page; 50 finely lithographed plates of which 49 beautifully hand-coloured and (often) heightened with gum arabic, and one plain, as intended. Contemporary style full blue calf. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt floral vignettes and title. Boards with triple-gilt borders, floral corner pieces, gilt dentelles. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreSchott, G.
Physica curiosa sive mirabilia naturae et artis libris XII comprehensa, quibus pleraq[ue] quae de angelis, daemonibus, hominibus, spectris, energumenis, monstris, portentis, animalibus, meteoris.
Herbipoli (Würzburg), Johann André Endter & Wolfgang Endter junior, 1667. Thick 4to (20.6 x 16.8 cm) [21.6 x 19.5 x 9.8 cm]. Half-title, engraved title by I. Sandrart, letterpress title page in red and black, verso with engraved coat of arms ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’. 1460 ([l], 1389 [xxi]) pp.; 61 engraved plates, numbered I-LVIII; A-C, of which six larger, double-folded. Contemporary, extensively blind-tooled pigskin boards. Spine with four raised bands. Boards with bevelled edges and with two leather straps and brass clasps. Edges blue.
Read moreSclater, P. L.
A monograph of the jacamars and puff-birds, or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae.
London, the author, 1879-1882. Folio (32.3 x 25.5 cm). lii, [i], 171 pp.; 55 lithographed and finely hand-coloured plates, 13 groups of steel engravings in the text, showing taxonomically important parts, including heads, bills, etc. Contemporary red half morocco over gilt-bordered, red pebbled cloth. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands. Compartments with gilt floral vignettes, title and date. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed [and dated] wrappers, of all seven instalments, bound in rear.
Read moreSéguy, E. A.
Prismes. 40 planches de dessins et coloris nouveaux.
Paris, Editions d'Art Charles Moreau, [1931]. Folio portfolio (33.5 x 25.5 cm). [iv] pp. (half-title and title page); 40 very fine full colour pochoir plates. The original publisher's full-colour pictorial portfolio.
Read moreSmith, A.
Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa; consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836; fitted out by "The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa". Published under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. Mammalia. Aves. Reptilia. Pisces. Invertebratae. [Complete].
London, Smith, Elder and Co., [1838]-1849. Five volumes in five. Large 4to (31.6 x 26.6 cm). Reptilia: (ii [index], 28 [appendix] pp., errata leaf; 78 plates (75 plates hand-coloured, plates 30, 42, and 48 plain as intended); Mammalia: vii pp. (including index); 52 plates (numbered I-XVII, XIX-XXXVI, XXXVIII-LIII, VIIIbis); 48 hand-coloured, four (8bis, 15, 21, 25, plain, as intended); plates 18 and 37 not published - see Mammalia index list); Pisces: [i] p. (index); 31 hand-coloured plates; Aves: [ii] pp.; 114 hand-coloured plates; Invertebratae: [ii], 75 pp.; four hand-coloured plates, making a total of 279 plates (272 hand-coloured) most by and after George H. Ford, and all with descriptive text on unnumbered leaves. Uniform publisher's green blind-stamped cloth with floral pattern on the boards and gilt title on the spines. Brown endpapers.
Read more[Susemihl, J. C.] Borkhausen, M. B.
Teutsche Ornithologie oder Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Teutschlands in naturgetreuden Abbildungen und Beschreibungen.
Darmstadt, 1800-1817-1841. In two parts. Folio (46.3 x 31.3 cm). 132 [67; 65] colour-printed plates, in careful, original hand-colouring, with accompanying descriptive text leaves in German, and, often, also in French. Uniform polished half calf over floral-patterned, embossed boards.
Read moreSwagers, E.
Collection complète des oiseaux d'Europe, dessinés et coloriés d'après nature.
Amiens, [the author, 1833]. Folio (30.7 x 23.0 cm). 11 unnumbered printed text sheets; 87 (of 88) lithographed plates in fine, original hand-colouring. Original printed wrappers. Preserved in later brown cloth clambox (32.5 x 25.3 x 3.6 cm). "Spine" with red morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreTrattinnick, L.
Fungi austriaci delectu singulari iconibus XL observationibusque illustrati. Editio nova. Oesterreichs Schwämme in einer Auswahl durch vierzig Abbildungen und Beobachtungen beleuchtet. Neue Ausgabe.
Wien, Carl Gerold, 1830. 4to (24.9 x 20.8 cm). Title page, dedication leaf, 210 pp.; 20 engraved plates, containing 40 illustrations in fine, original hand-colouring. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreTrog, J. G.
Die essbaren, verdächtigen & giftigen Schwaemme der Schweiz.
Bern, [privately published], [1843-1850 or 1866]. Folio (38.3 x 28.5 cm). Title (mounted), 46, [ii] pp.; 36 finely hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary dark green grained paper boards. Gilt lines on the spine.
Read moreWerner, C. F.
Nile-sketches painted from nature during his travels through Egypt.
Wandsbeck near Hamburg, Gustav W. Seitz; London, Hildesheimer & Faulkner, [1870-1878]. Folio (37.4 x 29.1 cm). Frontispiece map in red and black; title in red and black; 71 pp.; 24 chromolithographed page-sized views, each with a printed tissue-guard. Publisher's very rich gilt polychrome, decorative cloth. Gilt title on the spine and front board. Pictorial endpapers. All edges gilt. In protective transparent (Mylar) sleeve.
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