An attractive copy of a seldom-seen pocket-sized herbal

Gautier, A.

Manuel des plantes médicinales ou description, usage et culture des végétaux indigènes employés en médecine; contenant la manière de les recueillir, de les sécher et de les conserver; la description des parties que l'on en trouve dans le commerce; les préparations qu'on leur fait subir, et les doses auxquelles on les administe; leurs propriétés réelles ou supposées; les temps de leur floraison, de leur récolte, et les lieux où ils croissent naturallement; faut éviter ou craindre; enfin les sympômes et le traitement des empoisennemens par ceux qui sont vénéneux.

Published 1822
Item ID 76589
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Paris, Audot, 1822. Thick 12mo (17.3 x 10.2 cm). xvi, 1124 pp.; engraved frontispiece. Contemporary quarter calf over tree-calf resembling paper boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and black morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.

An excellent 'pocket'-sized work on all aspects of herbs and their place in medicine and nourishment. It deals with plants commonly observed in France and other European countries. The author, Alexandre Gautier was a medical doctor at the university of Paris. The subtitle translates into: Manual of medicinal plants or description, use and cultivation of indigenous plants used in medicine; containing the manner of collecting, drying and preserving them; the description of the parts that are found in commerce; the preparations to which they are subjected, and the doses in which they are administered; their real or supposed properties; the times of their flowering, their harvest, and the places where they grow naturally; should be avoided or feared; finally, the symptoms and the treatment of poisonings by those that are venomous. Slight shelf-wear, very weak foxing throughout. Unmarked. An attractively bound, clean copy. Cat. BM(NH) p. 645. Not in Pritzel.

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