30 items found
Juko Jushikei Hakki.
Juko Jushikei Hakki. Three parts in one volume. Kyoto (?), Enami Jinbee, Genroku 8 (= 1685). 4to size (27.0 x 19.0 cm). Xylographically printed on 69 double leaves folded in an accordion, or oriental, style, with 16 full-page woodcut plates. Original blue paper wrappers with xylographic text vignette on front. Contained in a modern blue cloth box made in Japanese style.
Read moreBergmann, E. von
Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Klinik der Königlichen Universität Berlin. Erster Theil - Tritter Theil. [Complete].
Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1886-1887. Three volumes in three. 8vo (21.7 x 14.3 cm). 602 [204; 218; 180] pp.; seven [4; 3; 0] double-sized or larger lithographed plates, of which three in chromolithography. Uniform embossed cloth with printed titles on the front boards and spines. All edges gilt.
Read moreBuc'hoz, P. P.
Étrennes du printemps, aux habitants de la Campagne et aux herboristes, ou pharmacie champêtre, végétale & indigène, à l'usage des pauvres & des habitants de la Campagne.
Paris, Lamy, 1781. 12mo (14.0 x 9.0 cm; some leaves smaller). viii, 185 pp., two wood-engraved title vignettes. Original patterned boards.
Read moreEinthoven, W.
Über einige Anwendungen des Saitengalvanometers. [AND] Über eine neue Methode zur Dämpfung oszillierender Galvanometerausschläge" [AND] Weiter Mitteilungen über das Saitengalvanometer. Analyse der saitengalvanometrischen Kurven. Masse und Spannung des Quarzfadens und Widerstand gegen die Fadenbewegung.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Berth, 1904-1906. Three papers in three. 8vo (22.5 x 14.5 cm). 11 pp.; one text figure ( Anwendungen) [AND] 12 pp.; two text figures, large, folded plate ( Dämpfung) [AND] 68 [32, 36] pp.; five text figures ( Weitere Mittleilungen). Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreGautier, A.
Manuel des plantes médicinales ou description, usage et culture des végétaux indigènes employés en médecine; contenant la manière de les recueillir, de les sécher et de les conserver; la description des parties que l'on en trouve dans le commerce; les préparations qu'on leur fait subir, et les doses auxquelles on les administe; leurs propriétés réelles ou supposées; les temps de leur floraison, de leur récolte, et les lieux où ils croissent naturallement; faut éviter ou craindre; enfin les sympômes et le traitement des empoisennemens par ceux qui sont vénéneux.
Paris, Audot, 1822. Thick 12mo (17.3 x 10.2 cm). xvi, 1124 pp.; engraved frontispiece. Contemporary quarter calf over tree-calf resembling paper boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and black morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read moreKerckring, T.
Opera omnia anatomica; continentia spicilegium anatomicum, osteogeniam foetuum: nec non anthropogeniae ichnographiam. Accuratissimus figuris aeri incisis illustrata. Editio tertia.
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden], Theodorus Haak and Samuel Luchtmans, 1729. Three works in one. 4to (23.2 x 18.3 cm). Frontispiece engraving by A. Blotelingh; title page with woodcut vignette "Tuta sub Aegide Pallas", xx, 303 pp., including titles to the Osteogenia foetuum, in qua quis cuique ossiculo singulis accedat mesibus, quidve decedat, & in eo per varia immutetur tempora, accuratissimè oculis subjicitur (with copper engraved vignette "Structa super lapidem qui ruet ista domus" and blank verso) and Anthropogeniae ichnographia sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque sad ossificationis principia, in supplementum osteogeniae foetuum (with wood-engraved vignette); 40 engraved plates (several large, folding); Marbled limp paper boards, green label with script title on the spine.
Read moreLambert, J. H., D. Bernouilli, and others
Acta Helvetica, Physico-Mathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica, figuris aeneis illustrata & in usus publicos exarata. I-II.
Basel, J. R. Im-Hof, 1751-1755. Two volumes in one. 4to (19.6 x 16.0 cm). Title pages in red and black. 458 pp. [I (1751): vi, 104, 72; II (1755): iv, 272]; 18 [I: 6; II: 12] engraved plates, and one folded table. Near contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, compartments with black floral patterns and title. Speckled edges. In a transparent sleeve.
Read moreLeclerc, D.
Historia naturalis et medica latorum lumbricorum, intra hominem & alia animalia, nascentium ex variis auctoribus & propriis observationibus. Accessit, horum occasione, de ceteris quoque hominum vermibus, tum de omnium origine, tandemque de remediis quibus pelli possint, Disquisitio. Cum variis figuris.
Geneva, Fratres de Tournes, 1715. Small 4to (22.1 x 16.3 cm). 16, 456 pp.; 14 folded engraved plates. Contemporary full calf with five raised bands, rich floral gilt compartments and red morocco label with gilt title on spine, marbled flyleaves, all edges red.
Read moreLeibniz, G. W. and others
Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. Ephemerides sive Observationum Medico-Physicarum a Celeberrimis viris. Centuria III & IV. Cum, Appendice.
Norimbergae [Nuremberg], Wolfgang Michahelles, 1715. Small, thick 4to (20.3 x 16.4 cm). Engraved allegorical frontispiece, title, half title, 738 pp. ([xii], 484, [ii], 232, [viii]); 15 engraved plates (several larger, folded), three portraits. Contemporary full vellum. Title neatly written on the spine in an old (probably contemporary) hand. Edges speckled blue.
Read moreMonardes, N.
De simplicibus medicamentis ex occidentali India delatis, quorum in medicina usus est. Nicolao Monardis Hispalensi Medico. Interprete Carolo Clusio atrebate. [AND] Simplicium medicamentorum ex nova orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina usus est, historiae liber tertius. Nicolao Monardes Hispalensi Medico: nunc verò primum Latio donatus, & notis illustrarus à Carolo Clusio a.
Antverpiae, Christophor Plantin, 1574-1582. Two works bound in one. 8vo (16.3 x 10.5 cm). 88, [vii] pp.; ten wood-engravings in the text of which six page-sized; 47 pp.; two text illustrations including one page-sized wood-engraving. Near comtemporary marbled wrappers. In new protective cloth box (18.2 x 12.4 x 1.9 cm) with gilt lettered label on the spine.
Read morePavlov, I. P. [Pawlow]
[Lektsii o rabote glavnikh pischevaritelnikh zhelez; Lectures on the work of the principal digestive glands].
Moscow, Priroda, 1917. 8vo (19.5 x 13 cm) xvi, 230 pp. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards with original printed title with floral borders mounted on front board.
Read morePawlow, I. [P.] [Pavlov, I. P.]
Vorlesungen über die Arbeit der Grosshirnhemisphären. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Russischen von Prof. Dr. G. Volborth.
Leningrad, Medizinischer Staatsverlag d. R. S. F. S. R., 1932. 8vo ( 21.9 x 14.7 cm). viii, 480 pp.; several figures and tables. Original blue cloth with gilt title on the front board and spine. Original printed dustjacket, in transparent protective sleeve.
Read morePollacci, G. and A. Nannizzi
I miceti patogeni dell'uomo e degli animali, descritti, delineati e preparati per l'osservazione al microscopio, con notizie sopra i rimedi per combatterli. Fasciculo I-X. [Complete].
Bologna, L. Cappelli, 1922-1930. Ten parts in eight. Folio (28.0 x 21.8 cm). Text; 100 microscopic slides with specimens under sealed cover slips, and printed labels. Uniform dark green half cloth portfolios with gilt lettering on the front boards, and small paper label on the spines.
Read more[Röntgen,W.]
Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. [The first papers on the application of Röntgen or X rays in medicine].
Leipzig und Berlin, [Thieme], 1896. Folio (31.5 x 23.6 cm). Numerous pages and illustrations including original, mounted photos. Later half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreRuysch, F.
Alle de ontleed- genees- en heelkundige werken van Fredrik Ruysch. In zijn ed. leven vermaard geneesheer en hoog-leeraar in d'ontleed- en kruydkunde tot Amsterdam; als mede lid der Keyserlyke, Londensche en Parysse genootschappen. Met veele koperen plaaten. Eerste - Tweede - Derde deel. [Complete].
Amsterdam, Janssoons van Waesberge, [1739]-1744. Three volumes in three. 4to (27.1 x 22.2 cm). Engraved allegorical "Wunderkammer" frontispiece and engraved portrait of Ruysch. Three half-titles, three titles in red and black, additional title in black; 1575 pp. (104; 483 [of which pp. 30-44 not numbered]; [484]-932, 546[bis]-552[bis]; [933]-1280, [clxxxiii]). 133 engraved, mostly folded plates (Neerd 8-72; 73-119, 93*; 120-139), of which several spectacularly large, and eight (groups of) numbered text illustrations, numbered I-IX, 3-4, but with III-V in one figure]. Contemporary uniform quarter calf over marbled boards. Spines with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral borders and vignettes, and red and black morocco labels with gilt title.
Read moreSantini, G. [Lucchese]
Ricettario medicinale di M. Giuseppe Santini Lucchese. Con un pieno trattato intorno alla cognitione del provedere, eleggere, conseruare, preparare e comporre ogni sorte di medicamento.
Serravalle di Vinetia, Marco Claseri, 1604. Small 4to (19.8 x 14.4 cm). Title page with large, allegorical vignette; xviii, 504 pp.; three page-sized engravings with explanatory text on opposite leaves. Early 20th-century boards and endpapers. Spine with two morocco labels with gilt borders, and title.
Read moreSavtschenko, P.
Atlas des poissons vénéneux et descriptions des ravages produits par eux sur l'organisme humain et des contre-poisons à employer. Atlas jadovitych ryb s opisaniem vida ich deistviia jada na organizm cheloveka i ukazaniem protivuiadii.
St. Petersburg, Balasheva, 1886. 4to (32.2 x 24.0 cm). [iv], 53. [i] pp.; ten tissue-guarded lithographed plates of which nine hand-coloured. Later blind quarter cloth over original printed boards.
Read moreSoemmering, S. T. et al. [translated and edited by A. J. L. Jourdan]
Traité d'anatomie générale ou histoire des tissus et de la composition chimique du corps humain. Volumes II-VIII, Atlas. [Complete].
Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1843-1847. Seven text parts in eight, and two atlas parts in one. 8vo text (20.5 x 12.7 cm), and folio atlas (31.1 x 23.5 cm) with 33 lithographed and engraved plates with descriptive text. Uniform contemporary green morocco over green mottled boards. Spines with four raised bands, gilt vignettes and black morocco labels with gilt title. Marbled endpapers, speckled edges.
Read moreTidswell, F.
Researches on Australian Venoms. Snake-Bite, Snake-Venom and Antivenine. The Poison of the Platypus. The Poison of the Red-Spotted Spider.
Sydney, Department of Public Health, New South Wales, 1906. 8vo (21.7x 14.0 cm). vii, 79 pp.; several tables. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreWagner, R. [F. J. H.]
Icones physiologicae. Tabulae physiologiam et geneseos historiam illustrantes. Erläuterungstafeln zür Physiologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht auf seine Lehrbücher über Physiologie und vergleichende Anatomie, herausgegeben von Rudolph Wagner.
Leipzig, Leopold Voss, 1839. Two parts in two (text and atlas). Folio (34.7 x 27.4 cm). Three title pages, 91 pp. [81; x]; 30 engraved plates, of which two double-sized. Original uniform quarter-cloth portfolios with printed title mounted on the front boards.
Read moreWall, F.
Chart to tell whether an Indian snake is poisonous or harmless.
Bombay [Mumbai], The Bombay Natural History Society, [1917]. Leporello binding (17.6 x 10.6 cm) with text and nine illustrations (in red and black) on a five-folded (concertina) linen-backed paper leaf (16.5 x 49.1 cm). Brown linen boards with black title.
Read moreX-Rays: Friedrich Haller & Söhne Atélier und Laboratorium mit Röntgen'schen Strahlen
Very early applied radiology [Röntgen photographs, X-rays] including the first use of X-rays in authentication of fine art (i.e. painting by Albrecht Dürer).
Munich, Friedrich Haller & Söhne, Atélier und Laboratorium mit Röntgen'schen Strahlen, 1897. Loose in folio album. Set of nine extremely early, mint conditioned X-Ray-photographs mounted on six presentation cardboards (three with two photographs each) and with manuscript descriptions; the photographs measuring between 6.6 x 5.6 cm, and 34.4 x 23.6 cm, all housed in contemporary gilt cloth portfolio titled Album.
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