63rd New York International Antiquarian Book Fair
Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue, New York63rd New York International Antiquarian Book Fair
43 items found
Audubon, J. J.
Account of the habits of the Turkey Buzzard ( Vultur aura), particularly with the view of exploding the opinion generally entertained of its extraordinary power of smelling.
Edinburgh, Adam Black, 1827. 8vo (22.5 x 14.4 cm). 13 pp. [numbered 172-184]. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreBecker, W.
Album of the finest birds of all countries.
Philadelphia, PA, Weik & Wieck, [1854]. Oblong folio (27.2 x 36.0 cm). 25 finely lithographed plates, all in accurate original hand-colouring (14 plates with American birds; five European; one Asian; five Australian). Publisher's moiré silk-covered boards, with elaborate polychrome floral pattern larded with figures of birds and two gilt dragons. All edges gilt.
Read moreBecquerel, H.
Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matière, activité radiante spontanée ou radioactive de la matière.
Paris, Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France, 1903. Large 4to (28.4 x 22.5 cm). Half title, title page, 360, [i] pp.; 13 plates. Original printed wrappers. Protective transparent sleeve.
Read more[Binding] [Rabelais, F.]
La chronique de Gargantua, premier texte du roman de Rabelais. Précédé d'une notice par M. Paul Lacroix. [Limited edition in fine binding].
Paris, Jouaust, 1868. 8vo (18.8 x 10.8 cm). Full straight-grained morocco. Boards with rich gilt ornamental borders, gilt-lined edges, and triple gilt-lined inner borders with gilt rosettes on corners. Spine with five raised bands, rich gilt-stippled compartments with central floral vignettes, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Green book ribbon. All edges gilt.
Read moreBraun, J. H.
[BINDING]. Exercitatio academica ex antiquitatibus Germanicis et Francicis de Butigulariis, praecipue iis qui Norimbergae olim floruerunt quam sub praesidio Christiani Gotlib. Schwarzii com. palat. caes. et prof. publ. a.d. viii decembr a.r.s. mdccxxiii in academico disputantium circulo as disquirendum proponit a. et r. Iohannes Hieronymus Braun. Norimbergensis.
Altorfii Noricorum (Nürnberg), Iod. G. Kohlesius, 1723. Small 4to (19.0 x 16.2 cm). Title page, [ii], 100 pp.; one engraved map of the Nürenberg area and one peculiar engraving showing a crossbowman on a beehive with two coats-of-arms: one of Crenan, Leidlarius, Eschanson and Butigul, and one engraved initial letter. Wonderful medieval-style contemporary parchment binding decorated with blind-tooled roller stamp decoration of hunting scenes including deer, birds and lions. Edges red.
Read more[Brunet, J. C.]
Catalogue des livres rares et précieux composant la bibliothèque de feu M. Jacques-Charles Brunet. Première Partie. Livres rares et précieux. Belles reliures anciennes et modernes. [AND] Deuxième partie. Ouvrages de divers genres. Histoire littéraire. Bibliografie. [Complete].
Paris, Potier, Labitte; London, T. and W. Boone, 1868. Two volumes in two, 8vo (24.4 x 15.6 cm). Volume I: Engraved frontispiece portrait by G. Staal, xlvi, [(5)-16], 139; [(119-130; (199-208, (141)-143], 16 pp.; five tissue-guarded plates, showing bindings. Volume II: xiii, 232 pp. Uniform burgundy half morocco over marbled boards, spines with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers, top edges gilt.
Read moreByrne, O.
New and improved system of logarithms, with a table of the logarithms of the natural numbers, from 1 to 100,000, and by differences, from 1 to 10,000,000. The calculations have been recently made, and afterwards compared with the tables of Callet, Hutton, Vega, Briggs, Gardiner, Taylor, and Babbage. To which is added, an account of the origin, nature and use; and their application to several subjects to which they appertain. Also, an index, containing tables of trigonometrical formulae, (the notation entirely new and simple.)
London, William Day, Lithographer to the Queen, and Queen Dowager, 1838. Tall folio (40.7 x 25.9 cm). Half-title, title page, [vii]-xii, 106, [i] pp.; nine double-sized, partially hand-coloured tables; a few hand-coloured text figures; mounted tabs. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with triple gilt bands; front board with rectangular ruled morocco label with gilt ornamental borders and title. Edges speckled red.
Read more[Caricature] [Probably by P. C. L. Janet]
Les singeries humaines. Petit museum comique et grotesque.
Paris, Louis Janet, ca. 1825. Oblong 8vo (19.0 x 12.3 cm). iv, 146, [i] pp.; title page with large, engraved and finely hand-coloured vignette, 12 finely engraved, tissue-guarded plates with contemporary hand-colouring. Contemporary quarter polished calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt bands and title, and blind tooled vignettes.
Read moreCosta, E. Mendes da
Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniae, or, the British conchology; containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland: illustrated with figures. In English and French.
London, for the Author, 1778. Large 4to (29.8 x 23.3 cm). xii, 254, viii pp. 17 finely engraved plates in excellent original hand-colouring. 19th-century French red half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral vignette and title. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreCuvier, G. [L. C. F. D.]
Le Regne animal distribué d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparée. Avec figures, dessinées d'après nature.
Paris, Deterville, 1817. Four volumes in four. 8vo (21.0 x 13.4 cm). 2072 pp. [I: xxxvii, 540; II: xviii, 532; III: xxix, 653; IV: viii, 255]; 15 engraved plates. Uniform contemporary full mottled calf. Spines rich gilt with floral vignettes and ornamental, straight and stippled bands; two red morocco labels with gilt title. Boards with elaborate gilt borders. Edges gilt-lined; gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Marbled edges.
Read moreDelarue, [J.]
Musée des Lépidoptères. Collection de papillons de toutes les parties du monde.
Paris, Arnauld de Vresse, [ca. 1840]. Folio (42.0 x 30.1 cm). Gilt-lettered title page; 12 chromolithographed plates with captions, finished by hand, some heightened with silver and gum arabic. Original green cloth with large gilt-embossed decoration and title to front panel and blind-tooled borders.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent parrot plates. Plates 6 and 7. Ara ararauna, and Ara severus [Blue-and-yellow macaw, chestnut-fronted macaw], and Ara aracanga, and Ara cryssosema [Scarlet macaw and colour variety].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent toucan plates. Plates 12 and 14. Ramphastos ariel and Ramphastos dicolorus, and Pteroglossus aracari and Pteroglossus ulocomus. [Ariel toucan and green-billed toucan; and black-necked aracari and curl-crested aracari].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDistant, W. L.
Rhopalocera Malayana: A description of the butterflies of the Malay Peninsula.
London, West, Newman & Co. (for the author) [AND] Penang [George Town], D. Logan, 1882-1886. 12 parts in one. 4to (31.6 x 24.7 cm). xvi, 482, [iv] pp.; 129 woodcuts, 46 fine chromolithographed plates [numbered I-XLIV, XXVIIa, XXVIIb]. Contemporary olive, gilt-bordered morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed wrappers (12) bound in.
Read moreEinthoven, W.
Über einige Anwendungen des Saitengalvanometers. [AND] Über eine neue Methode zur Dämpfung oszillierender Galvanometerausschläge" [AND] Weiter Mitteilungen über das Saitengalvanometer. Analyse der saitengalvanometrischen Kurven. Masse und Spannung des Quarzfadens und Widerstand gegen die Fadenbewegung.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Berth, 1904-1906. Three papers in three. 8vo (22.5 x 14.5 cm). 11 pp.; one text figure ( Anwendungen) [AND] 12 pp.; two text figures, large, folded plate ( Dämpfung) [AND] 68 [32, 36] pp.; five text figures ( Weitere Mittleilungen). Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read more[Games - Mathematics]
Encyclopédie méthodique. Dictionnaire des jeux, faisant suite au tome III des mathématiques. [AND] Dictionnaire des jeux familiers, ou des amusemens de société; faisant suite au dictionnaire des jeux, annexé au tome III des mathématiques. [AND] Dictionnaire des jeux mathematiques, contenant l'analyse, les recherches, les calculs, les probabilités & les tables numériques, publiés par plusiers célèbres mathématiciens, relativement aux jeux de hasard & combinaisions; et suite du dictionnaire des jeux.
Paris, Pancoucke, 1792. 4to (25.4 x 19.0 cm). Title page, iii, 316 pp.; 16 engraved plates; Paris, Agasse, An V (1798 or 1799). Half-title, engraved title page, ii [erroneously numbered viii], 172 pp.; Paris, H. Agasse, An VII (1801 or 1802). viii, 212 pp., numerous text engravings. Contemporary full mottled calf, spine with five raised bands, Louis XVI style gilt bands and vignettes, and brown morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreGötz, T. [M. G.]
Monographie des Hundes, oder: Beschreibung seiner Zucht, Wartung und Pflege sämtlicher Racen, deren Krankheiten und der Gebrauchsmittel dagegen, sowie Bekanntmachung des ursprünglichen Vaterlandes und Gebrauchs jeder Race. Für alle, deren Geschäft und Stand es erfordert, dieses Thier-Geschlecht halten zu müssen, so wie für jeden Liebhaber desselben. Gesammelt und herausgegeben.
Gotha, Hennings und Hopf, 1834. 8vo (18.3 x 11.3 cm) [vi], 114, [6] pp.; engraved, very large, folding frontispiece and 39 hand-coloured plates (several larger, folded). Contemporary sprinkled boards. Spine with gilt bands and red morocco label with gilt title. Edges red.
Read moreHamond, W.
A paradox: prooving, that the inhabitants of the isle called Madagascar, or St. Laurence, (in temporall things) are the happiest people in the World. Whereunto is prefixed, a briefe and true description of that island: the nature of the climate, and condition of the inhabitants, and their speciall affection to the English above other nations. With most probable arguments of a hopefull and fit plantation of a colony there, in respect of the fruitfulnesse of the soyle, the benignity of the ayre, and the relieving of our English ships, both to and from the East-Indies.
London, Nathaniell Butter, 1640. 4to (18.7 x 14.4 cm). Original second blank; title page, half title, half-title (placed after 12th text page) [xii, xxi] pp., Mid-19th century brown crushed morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments rich gilt with floral patterns and gilt title; boards with triple gilt borders and rosettes; gilt-lined edges and elaborate gilt inner dentelles.
Read moreHanley, S. [C. T.] and W. Theobald
Conchologia Indica: illustrations of the land and freshwater shells of British India.
London, L. Reeve, [1870]-1876. 4to (27.2 x 20.8 cm). xviii, 65 pp.; 160 hand-coloured, lithographed plates. 20th-century dark green buckram. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreJerdon, T. C.
Illustrations of Indian Ornithology.
Madras, P. R. Hunt, American Mission Press, [1844]-1847. 4to (30.5 x 23.0 cm). Title page, contents leaf, introduction; 50 originally hand-coloured lithographed plates, each with extensive descriptive text. Contemporary, gilt-bordered brown half calf over linen boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt title. Blue endpapers.
Read moreKlein, J. T.
Tentamen herpetologiae. Cum perpetuo commentario. Accessit J. A. Unzeri Observatio de taeniis. Latine reddita, cum dubiis circa eandem.
Leidae & Gottingae, Elias Luzac Jun., 1755. 4to (26.2 x 21.0 cm). Title in red and black; [ii], 72 pp.; two large, double-folded engraved plates. Contemporary blind half vellum over marbled boards. Speckled edges.
Read moreLiron d'Airoles, J. de
Album de la Civélière, contenant les figures et descriptions des principales introductions agrico-horticoles qui y on été faites depuis l’année 1851. [Royal dedication copy].
Bruxelles, F. Parent, 1855. Large 4to (36.5 x 28.0 cm). Half-title, letterpress title with woodcut floral vignette; additional pictorial lithographed title with woodcut vignette on verso; dedication leaf by the author to the Comte de Chambord; ix, 64 pp.; 28 hand-coloured lithographed plates with explanatory text. Original printed wrappers, loosely inserted into a contemporary - custom made - dark blue pebbled morocco portfolio. "Spine" with five raised bands and gilt title; front (upper) board with gilt title. Iridescent silky paper on pastedowns.
Read moreMéheut, M.
Études d'animaux. Tome premier - Tome second. [Complete].
Paris, Albert Lévy, 1911. Two parts in two [and an addition, described below]. Folio (44.0 x 34.0 cm). Title page in red and black, pp. 5-9 (introduction), index leaf; second title page in red and black, half-title; 100 [42; 58] loose, unnumbered plates in original, printed passepartouts. Uniform quarter cloth portfolios (45.0 x 35.0 cm); front boards with large vignette and printed title.
Read moreMonardes, N.
De simplicibus medicamentis ex occidentali India delatis, quorum in medicina usus est. Nicolao Monardis Hispalensi Medico. Interprete Carolo Clusio atrebate. [AND] Simplicium medicamentorum ex nova orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina usus est, historiae liber tertius. Nicolao Monardes Hispalensi Medico: nunc verò primum Latio donatus, & notis illustrarus à Carolo Clusio a.
Antverpiae, Christophor Plantin, 1574-1582. Two works bound in one. 8vo (16.3 x 10.5 cm). 88, [vii] pp.; ten wood-engravings in the text of which six page-sized; 47 pp.; two text illustrations including one page-sized wood-engraving. Near comtemporary marbled wrappers. In new protective cloth box (18.2 x 12.4 x 1.9 cm) with gilt lettered label on the spine.
Read moreOrbigny, A. [C. V.] D. d'
Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la république orientale de l'Uruguay, la république Argentine, la Patagonie, la république du Chili, la république de Bolivia, la république du Perou). Exécuté dans le cours des années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Tome cinquième. 3.e Partie: Mollusques.
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, V. Levrault, 1834-[1847]. In two volumes (text and atlas). Large 4to and folio (33.0 x 25.4 cm). Half-title to the Voyage, title to the Mollusques, half-title to the Mollusques; xliii, 758 pp.; 86 finely lithographed and delicately hand-coloured plates [numbered 1-85; 41bis; plates 83-85 not coloured, as always]. Uniform period style half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreOwen, R.
On the Aye-aye ( Chiromys, Cuvier; Chiromys madagascariensis, Desm.; Sciurus madagascariensis, Gmel. Sonnerat; Lemur psilodactylus, Schreber, Shaw).
London, Taylor and Francis, 1863. Large 4to (32.5 x 25.1 cm). 72 pp.; 14 lithographed plates including two very large, double folded. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePatrizi, F.
Della nuova geometria di Franc. Patrici. Libri XV.
Ferrara, Vittorio Baldini, 1587. Small 4to (20.0 x 15.0 cm). Title page with engraved vignette; [vi], 218, [i] pp.; numerous text illustrations. Contemporary limp vellum with handwritten title in an old hand on the spine.
Read morePraetorius, J. [H. Schultze]
Collegium curiosum privatissimum physiognom-chiromant-metoposcop-anthropologicum ... Oder ein sehr nützliches Werck, darinnen curieus und doch vollkömmlich abgehandelt wird, was zur Physiognomie, Chiromantie, Metoposcopie und Anthropologie gehöret. [BOUND WITH] Die von Aberglauben Vanitaeten und Zeuscherey gereinigte Chiromantia und Physiognomia.
Frankfurt und Leipzig, Philipp Wilhelm Stock, 1713. Small 8vo (16.4 x 9.6 cm). Title page in red and black; [xii], 128 pp.; nine (five copper-engraved, four woodcuts) multi-folded plates, three large text woodcuts. [AND] Title in red and black, 61 pp.; engraved frontispiece and 20 engraved plates; a few woodcut endpieces. Contemporary full vellum. Gilt title between gilt ornamental lines on the spine. Speckled edges.
Read moreRusconi, M. and P. Configliachi
Del Proteo anguino di Laurenti. Monografia.
Pavia, Galeazzi, 1819. Large 4to (30.0 x 22.4 cm). Title page, [iv], 119 pp., four lithographed plates, of which two in double-suite: line drawings and lithographs, (partly) hand-coloured by the second author. Late 19th-century pebbled morocco over marbled boards. Spine with polished morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers, speckled edges.
Read moreSagra, R. de la
Album d'oiseaux de Cuba réunis pendant le voyage de M. Ramon De La Sagra. Dédié à S. M. la Reine Isabelle II. Album de Aves Cubanas, reunidas durante el viage de D. Ramon De La Sagra. Dedicado a S. M. Doña Isabel II.
Paris, Maulde et/y Renou, 1842-1843. Folio (38.8 x 26.6 cm). French half-title, title page (dated 1843) with engraved vignette, pp. 5-16; idem in Spanish (title dated 1842), pp. 5-15. 33 fine hand-coloured engraved plates (I-XXXII, XIXbis). Twentieth-century half calf over cloth boards, five raised bands, gilt ornaments and title on spine.
Read moreSchlegel, H.
Abbildungen neuer oder unvollständig bekannter Amphibien, nach der natur oder dem Leben entworfen, herausgegeben und mit einem erläuterenden Texte begleitet. [Atlas].
Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., 1837-1844. Folio (36.5 x 27.1 cm). Engraved title page; 50 finely lithographed plates of which 49 beautifully hand-coloured and (often) heightened with gum arabic, and one plain, as intended. Contemporary style full blue calf. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt floral vignettes and title. Boards with triple-gilt borders, floral corner pieces, gilt dentelles. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreSclater, P. L.
A monograph of the jacamars and puff-birds, or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae.
London, the author, 1879-1882. Folio (32.3 x 25.5 cm). lii, [i], 171 pp.; 55 lithographed and finely hand-coloured plates, 13 groups of steel engravings in the text, showing taxonomically important parts, including heads, bills, etc. Contemporary red half morocco over gilt-bordered, red pebbled cloth. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands. Compartments with gilt floral vignettes, title and date. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed [and dated] wrappers, of all seven instalments, bound in rear.
Read moreSéguy, E. A.
Prismes. 40 planches de dessins et coloris nouveaux.
Paris, Editions d'Art Charles Moreau, [1931]. Folio portfolio (33.5 x 25.5 cm). [iv] pp. (half-title and title page); 40 very fine full colour pochoir plates. The original publisher's full-colour pictorial portfolio.
Read more[Trade Catalogue]
Walking stick knobs and handles. [Original drawings]
France, unpublished, ca. 1880-1900. Folio (39.0 x 28.0 cm). 151 cards, each with one to four individual pencil or ink designs, mounted on 52 stiff paper leaves. Dark green limp cloth. Spine with blind-stamped rectangular compartments, central floral vignettes and title; front board with gilt and black ornamental border, rear board with large, black intricate, oriental vignette.
Read moreVaillant, L. [L.] and M. [F.] Bocourt
Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale. Recherches zoologiques pour servir à l'histoire de la faune d'Amérique Centrale et du Mexique. Poissons.
Paris, Mission du Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale, 1874-[1915]. Large 4to (35.5 x 27.5 cm). Title to the Zoology section, title to part IV, half title to the ichthyology, [i ("avis"), 265 pp.; 31 plates, numbered 1-16, 1bis, 1ter, 5bis, 5ter, 5quat, 8bis, 9bis, 10bis, 10ter, 11quint (error for 10quint?), 11bis, 11ter, 11quat, 13bis, 13ter; all with original descriptive text leaves, of which 26 in fine chromolithography with additional hand-colouring; plates 1bis, and 1ter tinted, and plates 9bis, 10ter, and 10quint plain, as always. Printed wrappers to part IV, dated 1874, bound in. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreValenciennes, A. and A. D. d'Orbigny
Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la république orientale de l'Uruguay, la république Argentine, la Patagonie, la république du Chili, la république de Bolivia, la république du Perou). Exécuté dans le cours des années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Tome cinquième, 2e partie: Poissons. Catalogue des principales espèces de poissons rapportées de l'Amérique méridionale.
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, V. Levrault, 1847. Folio (33.8 x 25.0 cm). 11 pp.; 16 lithographed plates (numbered 1-16) in fine, original hand-colouring. Later quarter linen over printed boards.
Read moreWerner, C. F.
Nile-sketches painted from nature during his travels through Egypt.
Wandsbeck near Hamburg, Gustav W. Seitz; London, Hildesheimer & Faulkner, [1870-1878]. Folio (37.4 x 29.1 cm). Frontispiece map in red and black; title in red and black; 71 pp.; 24 chromolithographed page-sized views, each with a printed tissue-guard. Publisher's very rich gilt polychrome, decorative cloth. Gilt title on the spine and front board. Pictorial endpapers. All edges gilt. In protective transparent (Mylar) sleeve.
Read more[Women's Liberation] [André Citroën]
Application de la main-d'oeuvre féminine au travail des obus. [AND] Usines André Citroën. Vues photographiques des usines André Citroën de mars a ocobre 1915 [at] 143 quai de javel, Paris.
Paris, Citroën, [1915]-1916. In two volumes. Oblong folio (31.5 x 43.7 cm). 71 original photographs (22.0 x 28.5-35.5 cm) mounted on grey cardboard with printed captions [60; 11]. Uniform full mottled calf. Boards with double gilt-rolled ornamental borders and gilt title.
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