Pomology - Fruits
5 items found
Descourtilz, M. E.
Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies Françaises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portugaises; Peinte d'après les dessins faits sur les lieux par M. J. Th. Descourtilz.
Paris, Privately published by Descourtilz (1827-1829, 1833). In eight volumes. 8vo (20.2 x 12.8 cm). Half-titles, title pages, 2810 pp.; 600 hand-coloured engraved plates. Beautiful contemporary style uniform black grained half calf with gilt ornaments and titles on spines.
Read moreHoola van Nooten, B.
Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l'ile de Java. peints d'après nature. Ouvrage dédié à s majesté la reine de Hollande.
Bruxelles, Émile Tarlier, 1863. Large folio (55.6 x 40.8 cm). Title page, [ii] pp. (preface), dedication leaf; 41 chromolithographed plates, some finished by hand, with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary half calf over over burgundy linen boards. Spine blind-tooled with four low, wide bands, and dark brown morocco label with gilt title. Light, greyish green endpapers.
Read moreHorticultural Society of London
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Series I Volumes 1-7 (and) Series II Volumes 1-3 and General Index to both Series.
London, The Horticultural Society, 1820-1848. Ten volumes in ten. 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). Engraved titles with woodcut vignettes; more than 3000 pp.; 175 engraved plates (several larger, folded) of which 91 finely hand-coloured; three folding tables, several text figures. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with gilt title and volume number. Speckled edges.
Read moreLiron d'Airoles, J. de
Album de la Civélière, contenant les figures et descriptions des principales introductions agrico-horticoles qui y on été faites depuis l’année 1851. [Royal dedication copy].
Bruxelles, F. Parent, 1855. Large 4to (36.5 x 28.0 cm). Half-title, letterpress title with woodcut floral vignette; additional pictorial lithographed title with woodcut vignette on verso; dedication leaf by the author to the Comte de Chambord; ix, 64 pp.; 28 hand-coloured lithographed plates with explanatory text. Original printed wrappers, loosely inserted into a contemporary - custom made - dark blue pebbled morocco portfolio. "Spine" with five raised bands and gilt title; front (upper) board with gilt title. Iridescent silky paper on pastedowns.
Read moreNoort, M. van
Pomologia Batava of afbeelding en beschrijving van onderscheidene soorten van appelen en peeren, welke in de Nederlandsche gewesten worden gekweekt. Allen naar het leven in kleuren geteekend en beschreven.
Leiden, C. C. van der Hoek [1830-ca. 1844]. 4to (26.6 x 21.6 cm). [iv], 4, 80 pp.; 80 (of perhaps 85) fine lithographic plates, finely coloured by hand, and each with accompanying letterpress text leaves. Contemporary black polished half morocco over marbled boards, spine rich gilt. Marbled endpapers.
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