138 items found
Abendanon, E. C.
Expédition de la Célèbes Centrale. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale (1909-1910). Volumes I-III (text), atlas. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1916. Three text volumes in three. 8vo (27.3 x 19.1 cm). 1615 pp. [xxviii, xvi, xxii,1549], 183 plates and maps, 140 text figures. [AND] atlas folio (55.0 x 38.0 cm). Text with eight photogravures, 138 photographs, maps, numerous figures [AND] atlas with title page (double, French/Dutch) one coloured explanatory chart (36 different colours) and 17 mostly coloured folded geological maps and/or profiles (numbered 1, II, 3-11, 12a, 12b, 13-16). Original uniform black and gilt printed olive cloth (text), original printed portfolio (atlas).
Read more[Acupuncture]
Juko Jushikei Hakki.
Juko Jushikei Hakki. Three parts in one volume. Kyoto (?), Enami Jinbee, Genroku 8 (= 1685). 4to size (27.0 x 19.0 cm). Xylographically printed on 69 double leaves folded in an accordion, or oriental, style, with 16 full-page woodcut plates. Original blue paper wrappers with xylographic text vignette on front. Contained in a modern blue cloth box made in Japanese style.
Read moreAdriani, N. and A. C. Kruyt
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes. [Complete, in four volumes].
Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. In four volumes. Text in three octavo volumes (26.5 x 18.0 cm) [AND] atlas in folio portfolio (37.0 x 26.5 cm). 1,636 pp.; 58 photographs on 26 sheets, 13 coloured plates of which seven partly in full colour, and four coloured folding maps (two showing adjacent regions). Original uniform quarter cloth over printed boards.
Read moreAnville, [J. B. B.] d'
Carte de l'Inde. Dressée pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orléans. Paris, Novembre 1752.
Paris, Compagnie des Indes, 1752. Oblong broadsheet (97.2 x 111.5 cm), printed engraving with additional, contemporary hand-colouring (printed surface 87.8 x 104.5 cm).
Read moreAudebert, J. B.
Histoire naturelle des singes, peints d'après nature. [AND] Histoire naturelle [des singes et] des makis. [Complete].
Paris, l'Auteur, [AND] H. J. Jansen, 1797-[An 8 = 1799]. Two volumes in one. Folio (49.2 x 31.8 cm). Three half-titles, two title pages; 178 pp. [24, 4, 4, 10, 4, 8, 10, 24, 14, 8, 10, 8, 44, iv, 2]; 63 engraved plates of which 61 finely colour-printed, with additional original hand-colouring, and two plain, as intended. Contemporary, empire style, full calf. Boards with triple gilt borders and embossed floral vignettes, central vignette of a lyre. Spine with seven raised bands, gilt vignettes (vases) and morocco label with gilt title. Later marbled endpapers.
Read moreBasilewsky, S.
Ichthyographia Chinae borealis scripta a Doctore Medicinae Stephano Basilewsky.
Moscou, Université Imperiale, [1852]-1855. 4to (28.2 x 22.5 cm). Title page to the work, 45 pp. [numbered 218-263]; eighth finely engraved and hand-coloured plates, where appropriate heightened with silver. Later green cloth with the original green, printed front wrapper mounted.
Read moreBell, W.
Description of the two-horned rhinoceros of Sumatra. [Bound with] Description for a species of Chaetodon, called by the Malays Ecan bonna.
London, The Royal Society, 1793. 4to (27.2 x 20.2 cm). Seven pp. [3-6 and 7-9]; five foldout plates (three to the first and two to the second contribution), all mounted on linen. 20-century boards with printed label mounted on the front board.
Read moreBlanford, W. T. [AND] H. H. Godwin-Austen [AND] G. K. Gude [AND] H. B. Preston
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Mollusca. Parts I-IV. [Complete].
London, Taylor & Francis, 1908-1921. Four parts in four. 8vo (22.8 x 15.8 cm). More than 1,500 pp.; two plates, numerous text figures. Uniform red cloth with gilt titles on spines. Black endpapers (white in Vol. II).
Read moreBleeker, P.
Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Notopterus van den Indischen Archipel.
Breslau and Bonn, Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher, "1852" [1854]. 4to (30.6 x 24.0 cm). Title page and 12 text pages [numbered (51)-62]; five chromolithographed plates (one much larger, folded) [numbered 6-10]. Contemporary blind blue wrappers.
Read moreBrown, R.
On Cyrtandreae. From Horsfield's Plantae Javanicae rariores. [Preprint or "preissue"].
London, R. and J. Taylor, 1839. Folio (38.0 x 27.6 cm). Title page, 22 pp. (numbered 1-3, [4 blank) 105-122]; two fine, tissue-guarded engraved plates. Contemporary quarter cloth over blind boards.
Read moreBrühl, P. and G. King
Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta Vol. V. Part II. A century of new and rare Indian plants. With ninety-nine plates [ sic].
Calcutta [Kolkata], Royal Botanic Gardens, 1896. Folio (35.5 x 28.0 cm). Title pages to the volume, to the part, and to the work itself, [ii], 71 pp. [numbered (70)-170]; 100 lithographed plates [numbered 102-200, 110a]. All loose, in original portfolio in half morocco over printed boards.
Read moreBruin, C., De [De Bruyn or Bruijn]
Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie: verrykt met driehondert kunstplaten, vertoonende de beroemste lantschappen en steden, ook de byzondere dragten, beesten, gewassen en planten, die door gevonden worden: voor al derzelver oudheden, en wel voornamentlyk heel uitvoerig, die van het heerlijke en van oudts de geheele werrelt door befaemde hof van Persepolis, by den Persianen Tchilminar genaemt. Alles door den Autheur zelf met groote naeukeurigheit na 't leven afgetekent, en nooit voor dezen in 't ligt gebragt.
Amsterdam, R. and G. Wetstein, J. Oosterwyk and H. van de Gaete, 1714. Folio (33.3 x 21.1 cm). Allegorical frontispiece (by Picart, dated 1711), title page (in red and black); engraved portrait of de Bruyn (by G. Kneller), [vi], 472, [xii] pp.; 260 numbered engraved plates (many double, folded), two large maps, and 34 large text engravings, not numbered, including portraits, views, etc. Contemporary blind ruled and embossed vellum. Spine with six raised bands, title written in ink, in a neat contemporary hand.
Read moreButler, A. G. [AND] Owen, R.
The butterflies of Malacca. [AND] On Hypsiprymnodon, Ramsay, a genus indicative of a distinct family (Pleopodidae) in the diprodont section of the marsupialia.
London, The Linnean Society, 1879. 4to (30.3 x 24.0 cm). 36 pp.; two lithographed plates (one very nicely hand-coloured), table; [AND] ten pp.; two plates, including one hand-coloured, by Joseph Wolf. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreCamper, P.
Account of the organs of speech of the orang outang. [Philosophical Transactions, 1779 Part I].
London, The Royal Society, 1779. 4to (25.5 x 19.7 cm). 21 pp.; one large, double-folded engraved plate. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five gilt-bordered raised bands. Black morocco label with gilt title. All edges speckled red.
Read moreChevey, P.
Iconographie ichtyologique de l'Indochine: Poissons des campagnes du "de Lanessan" (1925-1929). 1re partie. [All published].
Saigon, Institut Océanographique de l'Indochine, 1932. 4to (31.5 x 25.2 cm). 155 pp., 50 brightly coloured plates, some augmented with silver. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreClarke, C. B.
Commelynaceae et Cyrtandraceae Bengalenses (paucis aliis ex terris adjacentibus additis).
Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., Publishers to the Calcutta University, 1874. Large folio (52.4 x 34.3 cm). Half title, title page, 133, ii (index) pp.; 95 lithographed plates (plate I-XCIII, LXXXVII bis, LXXXIX bis). Somewhat later green half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreCollet, O. [J. A.]
l'Or aux Indes orientales Néerlandaises. Étude sur l'etat actuel de l'industrie aurifere.
Batavia, G. Kolff, 1889. Small 4to (24.4 x 16.3 cm). 51 pp. Original crimson pebbled and embossed cloth with gilt ornamental bands and gilt title on the front board. Floral-pattered endpapers.
Read moreConway, W. M.
Ascensions et explorations a sept mille mètres dans l'Himalaya.
Paris, Hachette, 1898. 8vo (17.9 x 11.4 cm). Title page with pictorial vignette, v, 242 pp.; frontispiece and 47 illustrations, mostly after photographs, and a map. Later black cloth with gilt title on the spine. Original pictorial front wrapper bound in.
Read moreCorse, J.
Observations on the different species of Asiatic elephants, and their mode of dentition [AND] Some observations on the structure of the teeth of graminivorous quadrupeds; particularly of the elephant and Sus aethiopicus (by E. Home).
London, The Royal Society, 1799. Two papers in one. Large 4to (29.4 x 22.6 cm). 55 [33; 22] pp.; 17 [8; 9] large, folded engraved plates. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreCui, R. (ed.)
Tibetan Forest.
Beijing, Science Publishing (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 1985. Large 8vo (26.0 x 18.6 cm). ix, 375 pp.; 38 plates showing trees, scenery, wood samples, and tree pests, including fungi and beetles. Large, full-colour map in rear pocket. Original green quarter buckram over pictorial boards. Spine with gilt title.
Read moreCunningham, D. D.
The causes of fluctuations in turgescence in the motor organs of leaves. [AND] A new and parasitic species of Choanephora.
Calcutta [Kolkata], Royal Botanic Gardens, 1895. Folio (35.5 x 28.0 cm). Title pages to the volume, to the part, and to the two works, dedication leaf and preface leaf; ii, 174, pp.; nine hand-coloured lithographed plates [numbered I-IX]. All loose, in original portfolio in half morocco over printed boards.
Read moreDebeaux, [J.] O.
Contribution à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines récoltées en China et les florules de Shang-Hai, Tché-Fou et Tien-Tsin.
Paris, F. Savy, [1875]-1879. Four parts in one. 8vo (25.0 x 16.5 cm). 361 pp. [3-21; 3-78; 3-191; 3-79]; six lithographed plates [1;0;3;2], and two original drawings in pen, ink and pencil. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt floral bands and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreDeraniyagala, P. E. P.
Some of Linné's reptiles and a mammal from Ceylon and elsewhere that are in Sweden. [AND] Some little-known characters of the two subspecies of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz).
Colombo, The National Museums of Ceylon, 1961. 4to (27.9 x 21.3 cm). 8 [1, 7] pp.; two plates, three (groups of) text figures. Disbound.
Read moreDresser, H. E.
A monograph of the Coraciidae or family of the rollers.
Farnborough, the author, 1893. Folio (37.6 x 28.3 cm). Title page with woodcut vignette (owl) and quote in Greek; xx, 111; 27 lithographed plates, all in a most careful and beautiful original hand-colouring. Contemporary full red pebbled morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with central gilt vignettes and title. Boards with intricate gilt floral borders and woodcut vignette (an owl - as on the title page), bevelled edges, gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreDunker, G. [= W. (B. R. H.)]
Index molluscorum maris japonici. Conscriptus et tabulis iconum xvi illustratus.
Casselis Cattorum [Kassel], Theodor Fischer, 1882. 4to (27.3 x 22.1 cm). vii, 301 pp.; 16 exquise lithographed plates of which 13 superbly hand-coloured. Near contemporary grained blue half cloth over grained burgundy cloth. Script title on the spine.
Read moreFaber, F. C. Von
Die Kraterpflanzen Javas in physiologisch-ökologischer Beziehung.
Buitenzorg, 's Lands Plantentuin - Botanischer Garten, 1927. Large 8vo (24.1 x 17.0 cm). iv, 119 pp.; 12 text illustrations, 18 fine photographic plates. A unique pattered batik-cloth binding with gilt title on the spine and front board. Original printed front wrapper bound in.
Read moreForbes, F. B. and W. B. Hemsley
Enumeration of all the plants known from China proper, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago, and the island of Hongkong, together with their distribution and synonymy.
London, The Linnean Society, Longmans, Green and Co., Williams and Norgate, 1886-1905. Twenty issues in 20, forming three parts. 8vo (22.2 x 14.4 cm). 1812 pp. ([ii], 521; 592; 686, xi); 24 lithographed plates [14; 10; 0], the first being a large, folded, duotone map. Original, uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreFouquier, M. and A. Duchêne
Des divers styles de jardins. Modèles de grandes et petites résidences. Sur l'art décoratif des Jardins. Jardins Européens et jardins orientaux.
Paris, Emile Paul, 1914. Large 4to (31.3 x 24.3 cm). Title in red and black; [vi], 216, [i] pp.; one fine frontispiece showing King Louis XIV with De Louvois and Le Nôtre, in Versailles in 1690 by E. Allegrain. Numerous fine phototypes. Original full cloth with gilt title on the spine.
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