A cornucopia of srilankese zoology

Plate, L. [H.] (ed.)

Fauna et Anatomia Ceylanica. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Ceylon-Reise ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Ritter-Stiftung 1913/14. Band I-IV. [Complete].

Published 1922-1931
Item ID 75767

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Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1922-1931. Four volumes in four. 8vo (23.5 x 15.2 cm). 2,360 pp.; 106 lithographed plates (some tinted). Original uniform printed wrappers.

All on animals of Sri-Lanka and a basic zoological monograph on this island based on collection made by the German zoologist and Darwinist Ludwig Hermann Plate (1862-1937), a disciple of Ernst Haeckel. In a fine condition (uncut, unused). Includes a general introduction, with photos of localities, and several herpetological contributions: H. Eckart " Das Geruchsorgan einiger ceylonischer Eidechsen (Agamiden)"; E. Dätz " Die Haut von Ichthyophis glutinosus"; M. Wolter " Die Giftdrüse von Vipara berus L."; F. Engelhardt " Tentakelapparat und Auge von Ichthyophis". Likewise, there are some interesting papers on Mollusca: H. Hoffmann " Die Vaginuliden Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer biologie, Anatomie, Systematik, geographischen Verbreitung und Phylogenie"; H. Von Knorre " Die Schalen und die Rückensinnesorgane von Trachydermon (Chiton) cinereus L. und die ceylonischen Chitonen der Sammlung Plate" (with nice coloured illustrations of new species); J. Spelter " Studien zur Anatomie und systematischen Stellung der Rhipidoglosse Clypidina notata L.", and two others, one also on Clypidina, the other on Cypraea moneta. Other papers deal with fish, mammals and several invertebrates. A few staples rusty, a few plates (on different paper) detached; otherwise very good, clean, unmarked, as issued. Uncommon in this very fresh condition.

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