Gard, M.
Atlas d'hybrides artificiels de Cistes ( Cistus T.) obtenus par E. Bornet à la Villa Thuret à Antibes. Compenant 41 planches, dont 5 en couleurs horse texte, d'après les photographies de E. Bornet et les aquarelles de Riocreux, précédées de la description de ces hybrides. [With the rare slipcase].
Paris, G. Dion, 1933. Large 4to (36.1 x 25.2 cm). 99 pp.; 41 plates of which five in full colour. Original printed wrappers. In a marbled slipcase (37.0 x 26.6 x 2.6 cm).
A well-illustrated work on rockroses, or rock roses, "defining plants of sunny gardens with a nearly frost-free Mediterranean climate" (Wikipedia). Publication was delayed for a very long time. Initially, it would be published in 1914 and it was quite a miracle that it was finally published 19 years later. The 36 black and white plates were photographed by the French botanist and renowned algae expert Jean-Baptiste Édouard Bornet (1828-1911) and the five fine full-colour plates are after water-colours by the French scientific illustrator Alfred Riocreux (1820-1912), "described as the 'most distinguished botanical artist of his day'" (Wikipedia). Fine and crisp copy. Rare, especially with the slipcase; neither in Nissen BBI, nor in Stafleu and Cowan.