4 items found
Albers, J. C. [AND] Castello de Paiva, A.
Malacographia maderensis sive enumeratio molluscorum quae in insulis Maderae et Portus Sancti aut viva extant aut fossilia reperiuntur [AND] Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium Insularium Maderensium.
Berolini [Berlin], Georg Reimer, 1854 [AND] Olisipone [Lisbon], Academicis, 1867. Two works in one. 4to (26.9 x 21.3 cm). 94 pp.; 17 lithographed plates (all but one finely hand-coloured). [AND] 170 pp.; two finely hand-coloured lithographed plates, heightened with gum arabic. [AND] Four "letters" loosely inserted. Later blue buckram with gilt titles on the spine.
Read moreLafitau, J. F.
Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le nouveau monde.
Paris, Saugrain & Coignard, 1733. Two parts in two. 4to (29.6 x 25.7 cm). [iv], xxiv, 616 pp.; [xxiv] 693, [xliv] pp. With an engraved frontispiece, one text-vignette, 14 engraved plates and views (of which one larger, folding), and a fine, large, multi-folded map of the world. Uniform contemporary full calf, spines with raised bands and extensive gilt floral patterns; rich gilt red morocco labels with titles. Marbled endpapers. Edges speckled red.
Read moreColmeiro (y Penido), M.
Enumeracion de las criptógamas de España y Portugal. Parte primera. Acrogenas: helechos, equisetáceas, rizocarpeas, licopodiaceas, musgos, hepáticas. [AND] Parte segunda. Talogenas: hongos, líquenes, collemaceas, algas. [Complete].
Madrid, Eusebio Aguado, 1867. 8vo (20.2 x 14.3 cm). 379 [119; 260] pp. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine with gilt ornaments, title gilt. Marbled endpapers. Edges sprinkled red.
Read moreBarrois, T. [C.]
Catalogue des crustacés marins, recueillis aux Açores durant les mois d'Août et Septembre 1887.
Lille, Le Bigot, 1888. 8vo (23.6 x 15.8 cm). 110 pp.; four lithgraphed plates (three sepia, one in chromolithography). Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
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