Russia, former USSR
29 items found
Basilewsky, S.
Ichthyographia Chinae borealis scripta a Doctore Medicinae Stephano Basilewsky.
Moscou, Université Imperiale, [1852]-1855. 4to (28.2 x 22.5 cm). Title page to the work, 45 pp. [numbered 218-263]; eighth finely engraved and hand-coloured plates, where appropriate heightened with silver. Later green cloth with the original green, printed front wrapper mounted.
Read moreBerg, L. S.
Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collections du Musée zologique de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Poissons (Marsipobranchii et Pisci). Volume III. Ostariophysi. Livraison 1 - 2 - 3. [Complete].
St.-Pétersbourg, Académie impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg [AND Akademii NAUK SSSR], 1912-1933. Three parts in three. 8vo (25.1 x 16.8 cm). Two title pages each, 846 pp. (1 [1912]: [1]-336; 2 [1914]: 337-704; 3 [1933]: [705]-846); six [2; 4; 0] plates (two larger, folded), 172 [1-27; 28-139; 140-172] text illustrations. Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreBruin, C., De [De Bruyn or Bruijn]
Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie: verrykt met driehondert kunstplaten, vertoonende de beroemste lantschappen en steden, ook de byzondere dragten, beesten, gewassen en planten, die door gevonden worden: voor al derzelver oudheden, en wel voornamentlyk heel uitvoerig, die van het heerlijke en van oudts de geheele werrelt door befaemde hof van Persepolis, by den Persianen Tchilminar genaemt. Alles door den Autheur zelf met groote naeukeurigheit na 't leven afgetekent, en nooit voor dezen in 't ligt gebragt.
Amsterdam, R. and G. Wetstein, J. Oosterwyk and H. van de Gaete, 1714. Folio (33.3 x 21.1 cm). Allegorical frontispiece (by Picart, dated 1711), title page (in red and black); engraved portrait of de Bruyn (by G. Kneller), [vi], 472, [xii] pp.; 260 numbered engraved plates (many double, folded), two large maps, and 34 large text engravings, not numbered, including portraits, views, etc. Contemporary blind ruled and embossed vellum. Spine with six raised bands, title written in ink, in a neat contemporary hand.
Read moreDybowsky, B.
Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der in den Baikal-See vorkommenden niederen Krebse aus der Gruppe der Gammariden.
St Petersburg, Russische Entomologische Gesellschaft zu St. Peterburg, 1874. Large 4to (32.5 x 24.5 cm). 190 pp.; 14 engraved plates of which the first three nicely hand-coloured. Original printed wrappers. In contemporary quarter cloth marbled portfolio.
Read moreFilippova, N. A.
Fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. Arachnoidea. Volum IV, issue 5. Ixodid ticks of subfamily Amblyomminae.
St. Petersburg, NAUKA, 1997. Large 8vo. 436 pp.; 245 text illustrations, 44 plates. Original black leatherette with gilt title on the front board and spine.
Read moreFischer de Waldheim, [J.] G. and E. [von] Eversmann
Entomographie de la Russie. Tome V. Lepidoptères de la Russie. I. Nymphalides.
Moscow, Société Imperiale des Naturalistes, 1851. 4to (30.5 x 24.2 cm). Half title, title page, dedication page; ii, 151 pp.; 16 finely engraved plates, all hand-coloured and occasionally heightened with Gum Arabic. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreGranö, J. G.
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eiszeit in der Nordwestlichen Mongolei und einigen ihrer südsibirischen Grenzgebirge. Geomorphologische Studien aus den Jahren 1905, 1906, 1907 und 1909.
Helsingfors, J. Simelii [for the Geographical Society of Finland], 1910. Large 8vo (24.9 x 16.5 cm). iv, 230 pp.; seven large, folded coloured maps, 19 photographic plates. Later quarter calf over pictorial boards.
Read moreHedin, S. and F. Bergman
History of the Expedition in Asia 1927-1935. Part II. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North Western Provinces of China Under the Leadership of Dr Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publication 24.
Stockholm, Elander, 1943. 4to (28.3 x 22.7 cm). xv, 215 pp.; 60 photographic plates. Contemporary full beige cloth with gilt leather labels on spine. Original buff, printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreHoltedahl, O. (ed.)
Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemblya 1921.
Kristiania [Oslo], Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania (The Society of Arts and Sciences of Kristiania), 1922-1930. 45 parts in three. Large 8vo (27.2 x 18.0 cm). Over 1500 pp.; 160 plates and maps. Indexes to the three volumes. Uniform near contemporary full buckram with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreLashkarev, A. Y.
Illustrirovannaya klassifikashya glavnishikh sortov Lugovikh Trav. S kratkim opisaniem kazhdoi travy v otdel`nosti. [Illustrated classification of the main cultivated grasses in Russia. With a short description of each herb separately].
St. Petersburg, Department of State Papers, 1898. Folio (33.8 x 25.5 cm). half title and title page in red and black; [iii], xi pp.; 108 coloured chromolithographed plates, each accompanied by one or more explanatory text leaves. Contemporary diced Russia over lined boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreLesseps, [J. B. B.] de
Herrn von Lesseps Gefährten des Grafen de la Perouse Reise durch Kamtschatka und Sibirien nach Frankreich. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Mit Anmerkungen von Johann Reinhold Forster.
Berlin, Voss, 1791. 8vo (22.4 x 14.5 cm). xxviii, 302 [303-544] pp.; two engraved, folded maps, one folded table. Original blind boards.
Read moreMedvedev, G. S. (ed.)
Opredelitel nasekomych Evropejskoj chasti SSSR [Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR). Tom III chast 3: Pereponchatokrylyye (Hymenoptera).
Leningrad, Akademia Nauk SSSR, 1981. Large 8vo (26.8 x 18.1 cm). 687 pp.; 301 text figures. Original publisher's embossed cloth. Gilt title on front board and spine.
Read moreMedvedev, G. S. (ed.)
Opredelitel nasekomych Evropejskoj chasti SSSR [Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR). Tom IV, Chast 1: Cheshuyekrylyye [Lepidoptera].
Leningrad, Akademia Nauk SSSR, 1978. 4to (26.8 x 17.6) cm, 710, [ii] pp.; 585 (groups of) text figures. Publishers's embossed cloth with gilt title on front board and spine.
Read moreNikolski, A. M. [Nikolsky, Nikolskii]
Presmykaiushchisi i zemnovodnyia Kavkaza (Herpetologia caucasica).
Tiflis [Tbilisi], Tipografiia kantseliarii Namiestrika E.I.V. na Kavkazie, 1913. 8vo (23.1 x 16.0 cm). 272 pp.; four (groups of) text figures, three lithographed plates of which one in chromolithography. Near contemporary blind half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreNikolsky, A. M. [Nikolski, Nikolskii]
Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collections du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Reptiles (Reptilia). Volumes I-II. [Complete].
Petrograd, Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd, 1915-1916. Two volumes in two. 8vo (25.0 x 16.6 cm). 884 [534; 350] pp.; 133 [69; 64] text engravings, 17 [9; 8] plates. Uniform original printed wrappers.
Read morePavlov, I. P. [Pawlow]
[Lektsii o rabote glavnikh pischevaritelnikh zhelez; Lectures on the work of the principal digestive glands].
Moscow, Priroda, 1917. 8vo (19.5 x 13 cm) xvi, 230 pp. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards with original printed title with floral borders mounted on front board.
Read morePawlow, I. [P.] [Pavlov, I. P.]
Vorlesungen über die Arbeit der Grosshirnhemisphären. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Russischen von Prof. Dr. G. Volborth.
Leningrad, Medizinischer Staatsverlag d. R. S. F. S. R., 1932. 8vo ( 21.9 x 14.7 cm). viii, 480 pp.; several figures and tables. Original blue cloth with gilt title on the front board and spine. Original printed dustjacket, in transparent protective sleeve.
Read moreRomanoff, N. M.
Mémoires sur les lépidoptères. Rédigés par N. M. Romanoff. Tome I-IX.
St.-Pétersbourg, Privately published, 1884-1897. Nine volumes in eight. 4to (25.5 x 18.1 cm). Titles, half-titles, 3492 pp.; 130 plates of which 76 finely hand-coloured, and one tinted; four maps. [I (1884) [i], 181 pp., 10 plates (I-IV finely hand-coloured), and colour-printed map; II (1885) [bound with I] [i], 262 pp., 16 plates (II-IV, VII, XIII-XVI finely hand-coloured); III (1887) [i], 419 pp., 17 plates (VI, XIII-XIV hand-coloured), two colour-printed maps (one on p. 241]; IV (1890) xvii, 577 pp., 22 plates (I-XXI, A; of which III-V, XI-XIII finely hand-coloured and A tinted), one rose-tinted table on p. 146, and a rose-tinted map on p. 196. In rear pocket a large, folded map (which is usually lacking!); V (1889) [i], 248 pp., 12 plates (V, VIII-XII finely hand-coloured; VI (1892) 701 pp., 16 plates (I-IV, VI-XVI finely hand-coloured); VII (1893) lvi, 658 pp., 23 plates (20 hand-coloured [I-III are always plain]); VIII (1901) [i], xiv, 602 pp., 34 full colour plates [numbered XXIV-LVII] [in modern reprint, as always]; IX (1897) [i], 367 pp., 14 finely hand-coloured plates]. Later uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with four raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt author's name and Volume number.
Read moreSchrenck, [P.] L. [I.] von
Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande 1854-1856. Volume 2, Heft 3. Mollusken des Amur-Landes und des Nordjapanischen Meeres.
Saint Petersburg, 1859-1867. Folio (33.0 x 23.2 cm). Half-title. 718 pp. [numbered (259)-976]; 17 finely lithographed plates and two large, folding maps [numbered consecutively, XII-XXX]. Navy cloth. Spine with black label with gilt title.
Read moreSchröck, L.
Historia Moschi, ad normam Academiae Naturae Curiosorum.
Augsburg, Theophil Göbel, 1682. 4to (19.7 x 15.8 cm). Engraved allegorical title, letterpress title page, [x], 124, [v] pp.; three engraved plates (one folded), large wood-engraved vignette. Contemporary blue paper boards. Spine with small dark red morocco label with gilt border and title. Edges red.
Read moreSimroth, H. [R.]
Die Nacktschneckenfauna des russischen Reiches. Mit 27 Tafeln, 10 Karten und 17 Textfiguren.
St Petersburg, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1901. Large 4to (29.2 x 20.1 cm). xii, 321 pp.; 27 lithographed plates [numbered I-VIII, IXa, IXb, X-XXVI]; ten large, multi-folded plates. Later navy buckram with gilt lines and title on the spine.
Read more[Tolstoy, Leo]
Portrait of Tolstoy - Rare Russian carte de visite.
Saint Peterburg, Wesenberg, ca. 1885. Albumen print, mounted on cardboard with a printed red ink border (10.5 x 6.3 cm), and text printed in red on recto and verso. With the name L. Tolstoy stamped in Cyrillic on verso.
Read moreZola, É. Gounod, C. and A. Rubinstein
Cartes de visite. Émile Zola, Charles Gounod, and Anton Rubinstein.
Saint Peterburg, Wesenberg, ca. 1890. Three albumen prints, each mounted on cardboard with a red ink border (10.4 x 6.3 cm). With the printed names Rubinstein, Gounod, and Zola stamped in Cyrillic on verso.
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