Ornithology List 2
43 items found
Audubon, J. J.
Account of the habits of the Turkey Buzzard ( Vultur aura), particularly with the view of exploding the opinion generally entertained of its extraordinary power of smelling.
Edinburgh, Adam Black, 1827. 8vo (22.5 x 14.4 cm). 13 pp. [numbered 172-184]. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreBecker, W.
Album of the finest birds of all countries.
Philadelphia, PA, Weik & Wieck, [1854]. Oblong folio (27.2 x 36.0 cm). 25 finely lithographed plates, all in accurate original hand-colouring (14 plates with American birds; five European; one Asian; five Australian). Publisher's moiré silk-covered boards, with elaborate polychrome floral pattern larded with figures of birds and two gilt dragons. All edges gilt.
Read moreBuffon, [G. L. L. Comte de]
Oeuvres complètes de Buffon avec la nomenclature Linnéenne et la classification de Cuvier. Revues sur l'édition in 4to de l'Imprimerie Royale et annotées par M. Flourens.
Paris, Garnier frères, 1853-1855. In 12 volumes. Very large 8vo (26.7 x 17.8 cm). Text with one engraved frontispiece, one hand-coloured frontispiece, one engraved portrait of Buffon, and 160 hand-coloured engraved plates and maps, for a total of 163 plates outside the text. Contemporary uniform dark blue half calf over pebbled boards; spines with four raised bands, compartments with gilt vignettes and titles. Iridescent endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreBulliard, P.
Traité de la chasse aux oiseaux et de toutes les ruses dont on se sert pour les prendre, suivi d'une collection considerable de figures et de pièges nouveux propres à différentes chasses. Nouvelle édition, augmentée de la méthode pour faire les filets; de beaucoup de détails sur la chasse au gibier-plume, et ornée d'un grand nombre de figures représentant les oiseaux que l'on chasse en France.
Paris, Audot, 1818. 12mo (16.3 x 9.5 cm). 270 pp.; 57 engraved plates of birds and utensils to catch them. Contemporary full speckled calf. Spine with four raised bands, rich gilt compartment and brown morocco label with gilt title. Boards with thin gilt line border. Edges speckled red.
Read moreCharleton, J.
Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias & nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica; et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus.
London, Jacobus Allestry, 1668. Small 4to (19.9 x 14.9 cm). Title page, 363 pp. [xx, 309, xxxiv]; eight large, engraved plates (of which six folded); four text illustrations (one page-sized). Contemporary full calf. Spine with four raised bands; compartments with gilt floral vignettes and gilt title. All edges red.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A magnificent parrot plate. Plate 8. Ara hyacinthus [Hyacinth ara].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A magnificent toucan plate. Plate 13. Ramphastos toco and Pteroglossus piperivorus [Toco or giant toucan and Guyana toucannet].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent parrot plates. Plates 6 and 7. Ara ararauna, and Ara severus [Blue-and-yellow macaw, chestnut-fronted macaw], and Ara aracanga, and Ara cryssosema [Scarlet macaw and colour variety].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. A pair of magnificent toucan plates. Plates 12 and 14. Ramphastos ariel and Ramphastos dicolorus, and Pteroglossus aracari and Pteroglossus ulocomus. [Ariel toucan and green-billed toucan; and black-necked aracari and curl-crested aracari].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Two chromolithographed plates with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 1. Sarcoramphus papa [King vulture] and Percnopterus jota [Black vulture].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 2. Harpyia cristata. [Harpy eagle].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDescourtilz, J. T.
Ornithologie brésilienne. Ou histoire des oiseaux du Brésil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes. Plate 5. Otus clamator, Strix perlata, and Strix pumila. [Striped owl, pearl-spotted owlet, and pygmy owl].
Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Reeves, [1852]. Folio (62.0 x 45.0 cm). Chromolithographed plate with additional fine, original hand-colouring.
Read moreDresser, H. E.
A monograph of the Coraciidae or family of the rollers.
Farnborough, the author, 1893. Folio (37.6 x 28.3 cm). Title page with woodcut vignette (owl) and quote in Greek; xx, 111; 27 lithographed plates, all in a most careful and beautiful original hand-colouring. Contemporary full red pebbled morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with central gilt vignettes and title. Boards with intricate gilt floral borders and woodcut vignette (an owl - as on the title page), bevelled edges, gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreFerrer de Valdecebro, A.
Govierno general, moral y politico hallado en las Aves mas generosas, y nobles, sacado de sus naturales, virtudes, y propiedades le escrive el Padre Maestro Fray Andres Ferrer de Valdecebro...le consagra al gloriosissimo Padre, y apostol Valenciano San Vicente Ferrer.
Madrid, M. Alegre, 1670. 4to (20.5 x 13.7 cm). [xl], 205 numbered leaves, 30 pp. of "tabla general" (general index); one engraved portrait of San Vicente Ferrer and 18 text engravings; all of the birds discussed. Limp vellum with beautifully contemporary calligraphed title on the spine.
Read moreGloger, C. W. L.
Die Hegung der Höhlenbrüter mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Nachteile des Vogelfanges für Land- und Forstwirthschaft. Mit fünf lithographischen Tafeln. [BOUND WITH] Die nützlichsten Freunde der Land- und Forstwirthschaft unter den Tieren, als die von der Natur bestellten Verhüter und Bekämpfer von Ungezieferschäden und Mausefrass. Zur Belehrung für Landleute und Land-Schullehrer. Fünfte (unveränderte) Auflage. [AND] Kleine Ermahnung zum Schutze nüslicher Thiere, als naturgemäßer Abwehr von Ungezieferschäden und Mäusefraß. [AND] Die Höhlenbrüter im Dienste der Land- und Forstwirthschaft als Bekämpfer der Ungezieferschäden. Anweisung zu ihrer Hegung, sowie zur Anfertigung und Anbringung der Nistkästen. Eine dringende Mahnung an alle Behörden, an Geistliche und Lehrer, sowie an alle Land- und Forstwirthe. Mit 1 Tafel Abbildungen von Nistkästen.
Berlin, Allgemeine Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (S. Wolff), 1863-1865. Four papers in one. 8vo (20.6 x 13.2 cm). 192 pp. [28; 88; 31; 45]; six lithographed plates [5; 0; 0; 1]. Late 19th-century pebbled cloth. Gilt bands and author's name on spine.
Read moreHawkins, B. W.
Almorah jay. Garrulus vigorsii. [J. E. Gray's Illustrations of Indian Zoology, plate 22].
[London, Treutel, Wurtz, Treutel Jr. and Richter, 1831]. Folio. Single leaf. Finely lithographed and originally hand-coloured by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins. Matted and framed. In black and gilt frame (49.8 x 42.0 cm).
Read moreHørring, R. (et al.)
Report on the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. The Danish Expedition to Arctic North America in charge of Knud Rasmussen. Vol. II. No. 6-9. Zoology II. Birds, Fishes. Insects. Crustacea.
Copenhagen, Gylendal, 1937. Large 8vo (28.2 x 18.5 cm). 203 pp. [134; 19; 24; 26]; two folding maps. Original printed wrappers.
Read more[Manetti, F. S]
Storia naturale degli uccelli trattata con metodo e adornata di figure intagliate in rame e miniate al naturale. Ornithologia methodice digesta atque iconibus aeneis ad vivum illuminatis ornate. [Two counterproofs in original water colouring, of Plate 37, Falco albanella torquata, and of Plate 48, Falco vulga barletto.]
[Florence, 1776]. Two single sheets (each 47.1 x 35.8 cm). Hand-coloured and captioned.
Read moreNewton, E. T. [AND] [J. F.] J. von Haast
On the remains of a gigantic species of bird ( Gastornis klaassenii, n. sp.) from the Lower Eocene Beds near Croydon [AND] On Megalapteryx hectori, a new gigantic species of apterygian bird [AND] On Dinornis oweni, a new species of Dinornithidae, with some remarls on D. curtus.
London, The Zoological Society of London, 1886. Three papers in one. Very large 4to (32.0 x 25.6 cm). 40 pp. [143-160; 161-169; 171-182]; five lithographed plates [28-29; 30 (larger, folded); 31-32]. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePallas, P. S.
Dierkundig mengelwerk, in het welke de nieuwe of nog duistere zoorten van dieren door naauwkeurige afbeeldingen, beschryvingen en verhandelingen opgehelderd worden. In het Latyn beschreeven door den heer P. S. Pallas ... vertaald en met aanmerkingen voorzien door P. Boddaert M.D. VI. Stukken. Met plaaten.
Utrecht, Abraham van Paddenburg en J. Van Schoonhoven, 1767-1770. 4to (26.6 x 21.0 cm) [board size 27.5 x 22.0 cm]. General title in red and black, dated 1770; viii, 195, [ii] pp.; ten fine, contemporary hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary polished half calf over speckled boards. Spine with triple gilt lines and grained tan morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreSagra, R. de la
Album d'oiseaux de Cuba réunis pendant le voyage de M. Ramon De La Sagra. Dédié à S. M. la Reine Isabelle II. Album de Aves Cubanas, reunidas durante el viage de D. Ramon De La Sagra. Dedicado a S. M. Doña Isabel II.
Paris, Maulde et/y Renou, 1842-1843. Folio (38.8 x 26.6 cm). French half-title, title page (dated 1843) with engraved vignette, pp. 5-16; idem in Spanish (title dated 1842), pp. 5-15. 33 fine hand-coloured engraved plates (I-XXXII, XIXbis). Twentieth-century half calf over cloth boards, five raised bands, gilt ornaments and title on spine.
Read moreSclater, P. L.
A monograph of the jacamars and puff-birds, or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae.
London, the author, 1879-1882. Folio (32.3 x 25.5 cm). lii, [i], 171 pp.; 55 lithographed and finely hand-coloured plates, 13 groups of steel engravings in the text, showing taxonomically important parts, including heads, bills, etc. Contemporary red half morocco over gilt-bordered, red pebbled cloth. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands. Compartments with gilt floral vignettes, title and date. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed [and dated] wrappers, of all seven instalments, bound in rear.
Read moreSharpe, R. B. and [L.] P. [S.] Robert
Birds in Nature.
Boston, MA, Estes and Lauriat, 1888. 4to (31.8 x 25.8 cm). Title in red and black, [iii], 78 pp.; 39 mounted chromolithographed plates, and elaborate pictorial woodcut capitals and tailpieces. Original pictorial cloth with polychrome vignette and gilt title on the front board; spine with gilt title, gilt edges and black endpapers.
Read more[Susemihl, J. C.] Borkhausen, M. B.
Teutsche Ornithologie oder Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Teutschlands in naturgetreuden Abbildungen und Beschreibungen.
Darmstadt, 1800-1817-1841. In two parts. Folio (46.3 x 31.3 cm). 132 [67; 65] colour-printed plates, in careful, original hand-colouring, with accompanying descriptive text leaves in German, and, often, also in French. Uniform polished half calf over floral-patterned, embossed boards.
Read moreSwagers, E.
Collection complète des oiseaux d'Europe, dessinés et coloriés d'après nature.
Amiens, [the author, 1833]. Folio (30.7 x 23.0 cm). 11 unnumbered printed text sheets; 87 (of 88) lithographed plates in fine, original hand-colouring. Original printed wrappers. Preserved in later brown cloth clambox (32.5 x 25.3 x 3.6 cm). "Spine" with red morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreVosmaer, A.
Description de deux petits alcyons des Indes Orientales, très-beaux, a queuë courte, ayant deux doigts devant, & un derrière; admirable, n'ayant presque point de queuë, pourû de deux doigts de devant, & de deux derrière; lesquels se conservent dans le cabinet de son altesse sérénissime monseigneur le prince d'Orange et de Nassau, Stadhouder héréditaire, gouverneur, capitaine général et admiral des Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas, &c. &c. &c.
Amsterdam, Pierre Meijer, 1768. 4to (27.1 x 21.0 cm). Title page, seven pp.; text vignette, one finely engraved plate in contemporary hand-colouring.
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