Catalogue 87 - Decorative Arts & Design
Catalogue 87 - Decorative Arts & Design
70 items found
Seder, A. and others
Les plantes dans leurs applications a l'art et a l'industrie. Monographie des plantes les plus belles et les plus riches de formes qui se rencontrent dans les divers styles et dans la nature, pour servir à leur application pratique aux beaux-arts en général et aux arts industriels. Ouvrage richement illustré en couleurs, or et argent. Series I-II. [Complete].
Vienne [Vienna], Gerlach & Schenk, 1886. Folio (53.8 x 38.2 cm). 196 plates (numbered 1-189, 1A, 13A, 20A, 34A, 72A, 167A, and 185A), mostly in chromolithography, several heightened with gold. In three uniform portfolios, red half cloth over pictural boards.
Read moreSéguy, E. A.
Prismes. 40 planches de dessins et coloris nouveaux.
Paris, Editions d'Art Charles Moreau, [1931]. Folio portfolio (33.5 x 25.5 cm). [iv] pp. (half-title and title page); 40 very fine full colour pochoir plates. The original publisher's full-colour pictorial portfolio.
Read moreTeirich, V.
Ornamente aus der Blüthezeit Italienischer Renaissance (Intarsien). 25 Tafeln mit erklärendem Text.
Wien, Alfred Hölder, 1873. Imperial folio (60.5 x 43.7 cm). [iv], 12 pp. 25 chromolithographed plates. Black half morocco over black pebbled cloth. Spine with gilt decorations and title.
Read more[Trade Catalogue - Japanese Silk]
Well-known raw silk producers and their trade marks - Empire of Japan - Compiled for Louisiana Purchase Exposition 1904.
Tokio [Tokyo], The Japan Sericultural Association, 1904. Folio (29.6 x 22.0 cm). Preliminary leaf, title page, (xiv [advertisements]), 166, 7, [ix] pp. 144 text illustrations (logos), of which 142 in colour - mostly in full colour chromolithography, a few partly printed in silver. Additional full-colour illustrations in the advertisement sections. Original multi-colour pochoir wrappers, with two silk ties. Printed erratum leaf tipped in.
Read moreVerneuil, M. P., G. Auriol, and [A. M.] Mucha
Combinaisons ornementales.
Paris, Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, [1901]. Oblong folio (21.7 x 25.0 cm). Title page, 2 pp.; 58 illustrations in three different colours [numbered 3-60]. In original portfolio with quarter blind grey cloth over pictorial boards.
Read more[Wallpaper]
A collection of ten rolls of wallpaper, mainly borders, in late Jugendstil or early Art Deco "Amsterdamse School" style.
The Netherlands, unknown firm, ca. 1910. Various sizes. Height between 10 and 32 centimetres; five rolls, each with a length of more than 5 metres (547, 618, 621, 690 and 695 cm). Colour-printed and pochoir, some with additional hand-colouring.
Read more[Wallpaper] Paul Dumas
"P.D.". Échantillons de papier peint - Pochoir wallpaper samples [Chinoiserie].
[Paul Dumas, Paris, ca. 1930]. A fine set of three very large sheets (119 x 73 cm each) with pochoir designs with flowers and birds, for wallpaper or similar ornamental purposes.
Read more[Wallpaper] Paul Dumas
"P.D.". Échantillons de papier peint - Pochoir wallpaper samples [Flowers and birds].
[Paul Dumas, Paris, ca. 1930]. A fine set of three very large sheets (119 x 73 cm each) with pochoir designs with flowers and birds, for wallpaper or similar ornamental purposes.
Read moreWolfrum, F. [Publisher]
Farbige Flächendecorationen im modernen Stil. Serie 1.
Vienna and Leipzig, Wolfrum, no date [ca. 1902]. Folio (42.5 x 29.9 cm). Portfolio, containing title page and 17 (of 18) coloured plates. Original cloth and paper portfolio with title and fine Jugendstil logo of the printer.
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