An ultra-rare complete copy of the most beautiful work on Cote d'Azur butterflies

Milliere, P.

Iconographie et description de chenilles et lépidoptères inédits. I - III. [Complete].

Published 1859-1874
Item ID 77969

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Lyon, F. Dumoulin (Vol. I, Parts 1-10), 1859-[1864]; Paris, F. Savy, 1864-1874 (Vol. II, Parts 11-22; Vol. III., Parts 23-35); Lyon H. Georg, (for the Société Linnéenne de Lyon), 1878. 36 parts in four. 4to (27.2 x 17.5 cm). 1430 pp. [424; 506; 488; 12]; 155 finely hand-coloured, lithographed and tissue-guarded plates [50; 50; 54; 1]. Three main volumes in uniform contemporary half morocco over double gilt-bordered marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments rich gilt with floral fields, gilt title and volume number. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Last part in original wrappers.

Dedication copies of an exceedingly rare work, especially with the never included plate 155. Written and illustrated by the French pharmacist and entomologist Pierre Millière (1811-1887), who settled in Cannes, Cote d'Azur, and then enthusiastically surveyed its typical Mediterranean lepidopterological fauna, resulting in one of the most beautifully illustrated entomological works of the time. Each plate shows various butterflies and/or moths, and their caterpillars, pupae, and fodder plants, in fine lithography and exquisite colouring. Millière, being an entomologist himself, knew as no other how to draw even the finest detail with great accuracy. The lay-out of the plates, and fine colouring shows that he was a gifted artist, too. Published in instalments over a long period, during troubled times, with the Franco-Prussian War and Paris Commune creating much economic and political uncertainty. Therefore, complete(d) copies are quite rare. The parts up to 28 were published in the Annales du Société Linnéenne de Lyon (most copies with the plates uncoloured), but parts 29-35 "n'ont jamais paru dans un publication périodique mais n'ont été imprimées que separément dans un nombre très-restraint d'exemplaires" [have never appeared in a periodical publication but have only been printed separately in a very limited number of copies] (Junk). Junk states that the third volume is "rarissime", and about the whole work: "très rare; son prix monte toujours". The first two volumes each have an index; the third volume has an index for all three volumes, indicating that the author considered the work as completed. Nonetheless, in 1878, yet another part, consisting of 12 text pages, and one plate, numbered 155, were published - again in the Annales (Volume 25). This part, which is nearly always overlooked, is included in our set. In the first six parts, the plate numbering starts anew. From Part 7 (Plate 33) onwards, plate numbering is consecutive. All parts have four plates, except Part 2 (6 plates), 3 (10), 10 (6), 16 (6), 35 (6), and 36 (1). Plates 147-148 are probably incorrectly dated 1873, as plates 145-146 are dated 1874 and all other plates are published strictly chronologically. Horn-Schenkling's collation is widely incorrect. Provenance: first blanks of the first two bound volumes a signed, handwritten dedication by Millière to the French zoologist and entomologist Émile Blanchard (1819-1900). Light shelf wear to the boards, internally very crisp & clean, unmarked. An excellent, beautiful and truly complete set. Of complete copies (and even of copies with all but the 155th plate) there are no auction records ever. Hagen I, p. 542; Horn-Schenkling II(3) pp. 104-105; Junk Rara II, p. 143; Nissen ZBI, 2823.

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