Malacology List 19
Malacology List 19
41 items found
Agassiz, L.
Iconographie des coquilles Tertiaires, réputées identiques avec les espèces vivantes ou dans différens terrains de l'époque Tertiaire, accompagnée de la description des espèces nouvelles.
Neuchatel, Henri Wolfrath (for the Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles), 1845. Large 4to (32.4 x 25.0 cm). 64 pp.; 15 lithographed plates (numbered 1-14, A). Later quarter cloth over plain blue boards. Spine with paper label with printed title. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreAlbers, J. C. [AND] Castello de Paiva, A.
Malacographia maderensis sive enumeratio molluscorum quae in insulis Maderae et Portus Sancti aut viva extant aut fossilia reperiuntur [AND] Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium Insularium Maderensium.
Berolini [Berlin], Georg Reimer, 1854 [AND] Olisipone [Lisbon], Academicis, 1867. Two works in one. 4to (26.9 x 21.3 cm). 94 pp.; 17 lithographed plates (all but one finely hand-coloured). [AND] 170 pp.; two finely hand-coloured lithographed plates, heightened with gum arabic. [AND] Four "letters" loosely inserted. Later blue buckram with gilt titles on the spine.
Read moreBlanford, W. T. [AND] H. H. Godwin-Austen [AND] G. K. Gude [AND] H. B. Preston
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Mollusca. Parts I-IV. [Complete].
London, Taylor & Francis, 1908-1921. Four parts in four. 8vo (22.8 x 15.8 cm). More than 1,500 pp.; two plates, numerous text figures. Uniform red cloth with gilt titles on spines. Black endpapers (white in Vol. II).
Read moreBosc, L. A. G.
Histoire naturelle des coquilles contenant leur description, leurs moeurs des animaux qui les habitent et leurs usages. Avec figures dessinées d'apres nature. Tome premier - II - III - IV - V. [Complete].
Paris, Deterville, an X [1802]. Five parts in five. 12mo (12.4 x 8.3 cm). Five titles and half-titles, 1501 pp. [343; 330; 292; 280; 256]; one folded table, " tableau des vers", and 44 [1; 2-12,15; 13-14, 16-28; 29-36; 37-44] engraved plates after Desève. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards; gilt title and ornamental lines on spines. Green speckled endpapers.
Read moreBourguet, [L.]
Traité des pétrifications. Nouvelle édition, corrigée et augmentée.
Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1778. 8vo (19.7 x 12.3 cm). Half-title, title page, 349 pp. (xvii, 326, [vii], and 4; 16 with advertisements); 441 engravings on 60 plates. 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental lines and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read more[Bourguignat, J. B.] Servain, G. (ed.)
Oeuvres scientifiques de M. J.-R. Bourguignat. Précédés d'une préface biographique par le Dr. Georges Servain. Président de la Société malacologique de France.
Paris, D. Dumoulin, 1891. 8vo (23.6 x 15.5 cm). ix, 256 pp. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreConrad, T. A.
Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States. Illustrated by figures, drawn from nature.
Philadelphia, PA, J. Dobson, 1838. 8vo (21.1 x 15.6 cm). viii, 80, [vi] pp; 51 plates [numbered 1-32, 34-50, followed by two without number] (Plate 45 pencilled). Later half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreConrad, T. A.
Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States. Illustrated by figures, drawn from nature. [Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the United States 1-2; Fossils of the Miocene formation of the United States 3-[4].]
Philadelphia, PA, J. Dobson, 1838-1861. Four parts in one. 8vo (23.1 x 14.2 cm). xvi, 89 pp; 52 plates (numbered 1-32, 34-49 [Plates 3, 7, 11, and 19 in two widely different states; 24-25, 46-47 without number; 48 wrongly numbered 47, 33 not used]). 20th-century red buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original brown, printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreCossmann, M.
Essais de paléoconchologie comparée. I - XIII. [Complete].
Paris, privately published, 1895-1925. 13 parts in seven. Large 8vo (26.3 x 16.7 cm). 3,296 pp.; 624 text engravings, 119 plates. Uniform contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-lined, raised bands; and gilt title.
Read moreCosta, E. Mendes da
Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniae, or, the British conchology; containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland: illustrated with figures. In English and French.
London, for the Author, 1778. Large 4to (29.8 x 23.3 cm). xii, 254, viii pp. 17 finely engraved plates in excellent original hand-colouring. 19th-century French red half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral vignette and title. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreCuvillier, J.
Revision du nummulitique Égyptien. [AND] Nouvelle contribution à la paléontologie du nummulitique Égyptien. [AND] Étude complémentaire sur la paléontologie du nummulitique Égyptien. [Complete].
Le Caire, Institut d'Egypte, 1930-1935. Three parts in three. 4to (27.5 x 22.0 cm). 530 pp. [371; 76; 83]; 37 plates [24; 8; 5], one folded map. Original, uniform printed front wrappers.
Read moreDunker, G. [= W. (B. R. H.)]
Index molluscorum maris japonici. Conscriptus et tabulis iconum xvi illustratus.
Casselis Cattorum [Kassel], Theodor Fischer, 1882. 4to (27.3 x 22.1 cm). vii, 301 pp.; 16 exquise lithographed plates of which 13 superbly hand-coloured. Near contemporary grained blue half cloth over grained burgundy cloth. Script title on the spine.
Read moreFérussac, J. B. L. dAudebard, Baron de and A. É. J. P. J. F. dAudebard, Baron de
Essai d'une méthode conchyliologique. Appliquée aux mollusques fluviatiles et terrestres d'après la considération de l'animal et de son test, par M. Daudebard de Férussac. Nouvelle édition. Augmentée d'une synonymie des espèces les plus remarquables, d'une table de concordance systématique de celles qui ont été décrites par Géoffroy, Poiret et Drapsrnaud, avec Müller et Linné, et terminée par un catalogue d'espèces observées en divers lieux de France, par J. Daudebard fils.
Paris, Delance, 1807. 8vo (19.8 x 11.8 cm). xvi, 142 pp. Contemporary quarter calf over plain boards. Spine with gilt lines and vignettes, and red morocco label with gilt title. Yellow edges.
Read moreHanley, S. [C. T.] and W. Theobald
Conchologia Indica: illustrations of the land and freshwater shells of British India.
London, L. Reeve, [1870]-1876. 4to (27.2 x 20.8 cm). xviii, 65 pp.; 160 hand-coloured, lithographed plates. 20th-century dark green buckram. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreHessling, [K.] T. von
Die Perlmuscheln und ihre Perlen naturwissenschaftlich und geschichtlich mit Berücksichtigung der Perlengewässer Bayerns.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1859. 8vo (25.0 x 18.0 cm). viii, 376 pp.; hand-coloured frontispiece and seven (partly) hand-coloured plates, two large, folded, tables, one large, folded, coloured map. 19th-century polished and grained half calf over marbled boards. Black morocco label with gilt title on the spine. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreKoninck, L. [G.] de
Description des animaux fossiles, qui se trouvent dans le terrain carbonifère de Belgique. Supplément.
Liège, H. Dessain, 1851. 4to (29.9 x 21.8 cm). 76 pp.; five lithographed, tinted plates with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with four raised bands; gilt ornamental bands and title. Marbled endpapers; marbled edges.
Read moreLeymerie, A. [F. G. A.]
Mémoire sur le terrain a nummulites (épicrétacé) des corbières de la Montagne Noire.
Paris, Société Géologique de France, 1846. Folio (35.0 x 25.9 cm). 39 pp.; six lithographed plates, of which one a hand-coloured map and the others showing fossils, mainly molluscs. Near contemporary blind quarter cloth over green paper-covered boards. Original blind blue wrappers bound in.
Read moreLycett, J.
A monograph of the British fossil Trigoniae. [AND] Supplement to a monograph of the British fossil Trigoniae.
London, The Palaeontographical Society, 1875-1879; 1881-1883. Two parts in one. 4to (27.0 x 21.1 cm). [iv], 245 pp.; plates [numbered I-IX, 10-40, XLI], numerous text illustrations [the main work]; [iv] 19 pp.; four text figures, four plates [the supplement]. Contemporary red half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands and two red morocco labels with gilt title. Brown endpapers; red speckled edges.
Read moreMartens, [K.] E. von
Ueber vorderasiatische Conchylien nach den Sammlungen des Prof. Hausknecht.
Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1874. 4to (29.0 x 23.2 cm). vi, 127 pp.; nine fine, hand-coloured lithographed plates. Near contemporary half cloth over marbled board. Spine with gilt title on the spine. Edges sprinkled red.
Read moreNeumann, J. G.
Naturgeschichte Schlesisch-Lausitzischer Land- und Wassermollusken.
Zittau, Johann Gottfried Seyfert (for the Oberlausitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften), 1833. 8vo (18.6 x 11.9 cm). 166 pp.; two large, folded lithographed and hand-coloured plates. Later pebbled half cloth over marbled board. Spine with gilt title. Red edges.
Read moreOrbigny, A. [C. V.] D. d'
Paléontologie Française. Description des mollusques et rayonnés fossiles. Terrains Jurassiques. II. Gasteropodes. Texte, Atlas. [Complete].
Paris, Victor Masson, 1850-1860. Two volumes in two. 8vo (21.3 x 13.2 cm [text]; 22.1 x 14.6 cm [atlas]). 623 pp.; 198 lithographed plates, numbered 235-431, 237bis. Contemporary uniform half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with four raised bands, gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreOrbigny, A. [C. V.] D. d'
Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la république orientale de l'Uruguay, la république Argentine, la Patagonie, la république du Chili, la république de Bolivia, la république du Perou). Exécuté dans le cours des années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Tome cinquième. 3.e Partie: Mollusques.
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, V. Levrault, 1834-[1847]. In two volumes (text and atlas). Large 4to and folio (33.0 x 25.4 cm). Half-title to the Voyage, title to the Mollusques, half-title to the Mollusques; xliii, 758 pp.; 86 finely lithographed and delicately hand-coloured plates [numbered 1-85; 41bis; plates 83-85 not coloured, as always]. Uniform period style half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreOwen, D. D.
Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota; and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska territory. Made under instructions from the United States Treasury Department [AND] Illustrations to the geology report of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota.
Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. Two parts in two. 4to (31.1 x 23.0 cm). Engraved frontispiece and title page, 639 pp. (first xxxviii in Roman numbers), numerous fine steel-engravings (text volume); title page, 27 (I-XV, IA-D, IIA-B, IIIA, VA-B, VIIIA, XIIA-B) fine lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, and 21 mostly folding (all but two) and (partly) hand-coloured (all but two) geological maps, views, and profiles (atlas volume). Original near uniform blind-tooled cloth. Text volume spine with gilt title, plate volume with gilt title on the front board.
Read morePassy, A. [F.]
Description géologique du département de la Seine-Inférieure. [Text and Atlas].
Rouen, Nicétas Periaux, 1832. Two parts [text and atlas] in one. 4to (26.7 x 21.3 cm). 402 pp. [xvi, 371; 15]; 20 engraved plates (several double-sized), of which 15 in original hand-colouring. Contemporary quarter morocco over marbled boards; spine with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read morePennant, T.
British Zoology. Vol. IV. Crustacea. Mollusca. Testacea.
London, Benjamin White., 1777. 8vo (20.5 x 12.9 cm). Engraved title page with molluscan vignette, xviii, 154 pp.; 93 finely engraved plates [numbered I-XCII, IX.A]. 20th-century buckram with gilt title on the spine.
Read morePhilippi, R. A.
Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz. Fortgezetzt von Hofrath Dr. G. H. v. Schubert und Professor Dr. J. A . Wagner. In Verbindung mit Dr. Philippi, Dr. L. Pfeiffer und Dr. Dunker neu herausgegeben und vervollständgt von Dr. H. C. Kuster. Zweiten Bandes vierte Abtheilung. Die Gattungen Delphinula, Scissurella und Globulus. In Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen von Dr. R. A. Philippi.
Nürnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853. 4to (28.3 x 21.8 cm). 57 pp.; eight lithographed plates of which seven finely hand-coloured, and one intentionally plain. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePictet, F.
Traité de Paléontologie où histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. [Text and atlas, complete].
Paris, Baillière, 1853-1857. Five parts in five. 8vo (four text parts; 20.7 x 12.7 cm) and 4to (atlas; 30.7 x 23.5 cm). 2742 pp. [I: xiv, 584; II: 727; III: 654; IV: xvi, 768; Atlas; 77]; 110 fine lithographed plates. contemporary uniform pebbled half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with gilt-bordered bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read morePotiez, V. L. V. and A. L. G. Michaud
Galerie des mollusques, ou catalogue méthodique, descriptif et raisonné des mollusques et coquilles du Muséum de Douai.
Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1838-1844. Four volumes (texts and atlasses) in two. Large 8vo (22.7 x 15.1 cm). 915 pp.; 70 lithographed plates. First volume (1838): xxxvi, 560 (iv) pp. (texte); 56 pp.; 37 plates (atlas). Second volume (1844): 8 [numbered xxxvii-xliv], 307, (ii) pp. (texte); 23 pp. [numbered 57-79]; 33 plates [numbered 38-70] (atlas). Uniform 20th-century green buckram with gilt title on the spines. Speckled edges. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreSaulcy, [L.] F. [J. C.] de
Voyage autour de la Mer Morte et dans les terres bibliques exécuté de décembre 1850 à avril 1851. Relation de voyage; atlas. [Complete].
Paris, Gide et J. Baudry, 1852-1853. In two text volumes and one atlas volume. 8vo (24.5 x 16.0 cm [text]). 1054 pp. [399; 655]). Folio/large 4to (31.0 x 23.7 cm [atlas]). 172 pp. [4, vii, 20, i-iv, 5-19; xxvi, 96]; 15 maps on 14 sheets (one double-sized); 61 (LVII; 4) lithographed plates (several tinted). Text in near contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt bands and title; Atlas in contemporary half morocco over grained, cloth with gilt title on the front board and spine. Marbled endpapers. Original printed wrappers of the text volumes bound in.
Read moreSauvage, [F.] C. and [N.] A. Buvignier
Statistique minéralogique et géologique du département des Ardennes.
Mézières, Trecourt, 1842. 8vo (21.0 x 13.0 cm). xlv, 554 pp.; five lithographed plates. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with four raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with blind-stamped and gilt ornamental borders. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreSchumacher, [H.] C. F.
Essai d’un nouveau système des habitations des vers testacés. Avec XXII planches.
Copenhague, Schultz, 1817. Quarto (25.2 x 20.2 cm). Title page, 287 pp.; 22 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf over tree calf resembling paper boards. Spine with gilt ornaments and title. Yellow endpapers. Marbled edges.
Read moreSimroth, H. [R.]
Die Nacktschneckenfauna des russischen Reiches. Mit 27 Tafeln, 10 Karten und 17 Textfiguren.
St Petersburg, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1901. Large 4to (29.2 x 20.1 cm). xii, 321 pp.; 27 lithographed plates [numbered I-VIII, IXa, IXb, X-XXVI]; ten large, multi-folded plates. Later navy buckram with gilt lines and title on the spine.
Read moreSpengel, J. W. (ed.)
Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Zoologie. Erster - Vierter Band.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1909-1914. Four volumes in four. 8vo (22.9 x 16.1 cm). 2416 pp. [I: 596; II: 585; III: 593; IV: 642]; numerous text illustrations, several plates. Uniform pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Spines with gilt title. Speckled edges.
Read moreTrenkner, [F.] W. [T.]
Paläontologische Novitäten vom Nordwestlichen Harze. I. Iberger Kalk und Kohlengebirge von Grund.
Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1867. 4to (28.1 x 22.3 cm). 60 pp.; four lithographed plates showing molluscs and other invertebrates; one large, folded plate with profiles. Patterned quarter cloth over marbled boards. Green diamond-shaped label with gilt title mounted on the front board. Speckled edges.
Read morevarious authors
[Alert voyage] Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the HMS Alert 1881-1882.
London, Taylor and Francis, 1884. 8vo (22.4 x 14.1 cm). xxv, 684 pp.; 54 lithographed plates (some partially coloured). Original embossed and gilt-lettered cloth.
Read more