Written by the founder of Indian palaeobotany

Sahni, B.

Revision of Indian fossil plants. Part I. Coniferales (a. Impressions and incrustations). [AND] Part II (b. Petrifactions).

Published 1928-1931
Item ID 32148

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Calcutta, The Geological Survey of India, 1928-1931. Two Parts in two. Folio (36.7 x 25.0 cm). 124 pp.; 21 text figures, 15 photographic plates. Original, uniform printed wrappers.

An important contribution to the knowledge of the fossil plants of India, with the descriptions and illustrations of many new species. Written by the Indian botanist and palaeontologist Birbal Sahni (1891-1949). His reputation as founder of Indian palaeobotany is partly based on this publication. He "founded what is now the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany at Lucknow in 1946. His major contributions were in the study of the fossil plants of India and in plant evolution. He was also involved in the establishment of Indian science education and served as the President of the National Academy of Sciences, India and as an Honorary President of the International Botanical Congress, Stockholm." (Wikipedia). Published in the series, Palaeontologia Indica, New Series, Volume XI. Wrapper a bit frayed and chipped at (fore) edges, otherwise a very good set. Stafleu and Cowan, 10008. Not in Nissen BBI.

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