53 items found
Becquerel, H.
Collection of six early papers on radioactivity, from "comptes rendus... de l'academie des sciences", 1896-1901.
Paris, Académie des Sciences, 1896-1901. Six papers in one. 4to (26.6 x 20.3 cm). 30 pp. Old style blue stiff paper boards. Two title pages of the Comptes Rendus (for 1896 and 1899) bound in.
Read moreBecquerel, H.
Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matière, activité radiante spontanée ou radioactive de la matière.
Paris, Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France, 1903. Large 4to (28.4 x 22.5 cm). Half title, title page, 360, [i] pp.; 13 plates. Original printed wrappers. Protective transparent sleeve.
Read moreBrowne, W.
Dr. Gregory's elements of catoptrics and dioptrics. To which is added I. A method for finding the foci of all specula as well as lens's universally. As also for magnifying or lessening a given object by a given speculum or lens in any assign'd proportion, &c. II. A solution to those problems which are left undemonstrated. III. A particular account of microscopes and telescopes, from Mr. Huygens. With an introduction shewing the discoveries made by catoptrics and dioptrics.
London, E. Curll, J. Pemberton and W. Taylor, 1715. 8vo (18.6 x 11.5 cm). 228 pp. [xvi, 111, 1-72, 65-93]; three large, multifolded plates. Contemporary full calf, elaborately blind-tooled boards. Edges speckled red.
Read more[Brun, P. le Père le]
Lettres qui decouvrent l'illusion des philosophes sur la baguette, et qui detruisent leurs systemes.
Paris, Jean Boudot, 1696. 12mo (13.0 x 7.0 cm). Title page in black and red. xxvi, 255 pp.; text engraving, two engraved plates. Period-style full mottled calf. Spine with four raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and corner pieces; red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Edges speckled red.
Read moreChevreul, [M.] E.
D'une erreur de raisonnement très-fréquente dans les sciences du ressort de la philosophie naturelle qui concernent le concret, expliquée par les derniers écrits de M. E. Chevreul. [AND] Études des procédés de l'esprit humain dans la recherche de l'inconnu à l'aide de l'observation et de l'expérience, et du moyen de savoir s'il a trouvé l'erreur ou la verité, composé de trois mémoires. Premier mémoire. - La science devant la grammaire. Deuxième mémoire. - L'enseignement devant l'étude de la vision, avec deux planches. Troisième mémoire. - Explication de nombreux phénomènes qui sont une conséquence de la veillesse. [AND] Résumé d'une histoire de la matière depuis des philosophes grecs jusq'à Loivoisier inclusivement, avec quatorze planches, accompagnées de légendes.
Paris, Firmin-Didot [For the Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France], 1878. Large 4to (28.2 x 22.5 cm). 802 pp. [3-102; 1-327; 321-702]; 16 plates of which several coloured. Original blue printed boards.
Read moreCurie, Pierre. Marie Curie Sklodowska, a.o.
A fine collection of 41 extracts by "the Curies" all from the Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences.
Paris, Académie des Sciences, 1881-1934. Various sizes. In a modern, blue box (29.6 x 23.3 x 4.2 cm) with printed label on the top board.
Read moreDolomieu, D. [G. S. T.], De
Reise nach den liparischen Insuln oder Nachricht von den äolischen Insuln zur nähern Aufklärung der Geschichte der Vulkane. Nebst einer Abhandlung über eine Art von Luftvulkan, und einer andern über die Temperatur des Clima auf Maltha und die Verschiedenheit der wahren und fühlbaren Wärme.
Leipzig, Johann Gottfried Müller, 1783. 8vo (16.7 x 10.1 cm). 210, [ii] pp. Contemporary marbled boards, small leather label with gilt title on the spine. Edges yellow.
Read moreEinthoven, W.
Über einige Anwendungen des Saitengalvanometers. [AND] Über eine neue Methode zur Dämpfung oszillierender Galvanometerausschläge" [AND] Weiter Mitteilungen über das Saitengalvanometer. Analyse der saitengalvanometrischen Kurven. Masse und Spannung des Quarzfadens und Widerstand gegen die Fadenbewegung.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Berth, 1904-1906. Three papers in three. 8vo (22.5 x 14.5 cm). 11 pp.; one text figure ( Anwendungen) [AND] 12 pp.; two text figures, large, folded plate ( Dämpfung) [AND] 68 [32, 36] pp.; five text figures ( Weitere Mittleilungen). Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreFeynman, R. [Balian, R. and C. H. L. Smith (Eds.)]
Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions at High Energy [Gauge Theories]. Les Houches Session XXIX. 5 Juillet - 14 Août 1976.
Amsterdam, North-Holland [Elsevier Science Publishers], 1977. Thick 8vo (22.4 x 15.2 cm). xxv, 668 pp.; several photos, numerous text figures. Original blue printed cloth.
Read moreGreen, G.
On the laws of the reflexion and refraction of light at the common surface of two non-crystallized media. [AND] Supplement to a memoir on the reflexion and refraction of light. [AND] On the propagation of light in crystallized media.
Cambridge, The Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1842. Three papers in one. 4to (26.6 x 20.8 cm). 52 pp. [1-24; 113-120; 121-140]. Later polished half calf over marbled boards. Author's name on spine.
Read moreHahn, O. and L. Meitner and F. Strassmann
Twelve contributions to the fission of uranium including Über den Nachweis und das Verhalten der bei der Bestrahlung des Urans mittels Neutronen entstehenden Erdal-Kalimetalle (5 pp.); and Über die künstliche Umwandlung des Urans durch Neutronen (2 pp.); Künstliche Umwandlung des Thoriums durch Neutronen (1 p.); Weitere Bemerkungen über die künstlichen Umwandlungsprodukte beim Uran (2 pp.); Neues langlebiges Umwandlungsprodukt in den Trans-Uranreihen (1 p.); Die Entstehung von Radiumisotopen aus Uran durch Bestrahlen mit schnellen und verlangsamten Neutronen (2 pp.); Nachweis der Entstehung aktiver Bariumisotope aus Uran und Thorium durch Neutronenbestrahlung (7 pp.); Über die Bruchstücke beim Zerplatzen des Urans (2 pp.); Zur Frage nach der Existenz der Trans-Urane (3 pp.); Weitere Spaltprodukte... (6 pp.); Über einige Bruchstücke beim Zerplatzen des Thoriums (4 pp.).
Berlin, Springer, 1935-1939. 4to (24.5 x 18 cm). 37 pp. Later marbled wrappers.
Read moreHalley, E. [Newton, I.]
The true theory of the tides, extracted from that admired treatise of Mr. Isaac Newton, intituled, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica; being a discourse presented with that book to the late King James.
London, The Royal Society, 1697. 4to (22.3 x 16.2 cm). [2], 13 pp. (numbered 445-457); two engraved text illustrations. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read moreHamilton, W.
Account of the effects of a thunder-storm, on the 15th of March 1773, upon the house of Lord Tylney at Naples. In a letter from the Honourable Sir William Hamilton, Knight of the Bath, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Naples, and F. R. S. to Mathew Maty, M. D. Sec. R. S.
London, The Royal Society, 1773. 4to (22.7 x 17.3 cm). 9 pp.; one large, folded engraved plate. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read moreHerschel, [F.] W.
Astronomical observations on the rotations of the planets round their axes, made with a view to determine whether the Earth's diurnal motion is perfectly equable.
London, The Royal Society, 1781. 4to (24.5 x 19.5 cm). 24 pp. (numbered 115-138); two large, foldout plates. Spine with marbled paper cover.
Read moreLambert, J. H., D. Bernouilli, and others
Acta Helvetica, Physico-Mathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica, figuris aeneis illustrata & in usus publicos exarata. I-II.
Basel, J. R. Im-Hof, 1751-1755. Two volumes in one. 4to (19.6 x 16.0 cm). Title pages in red and black. 458 pp. [I (1751): vi, 104, 72; II (1755): iv, 272]; 18 [I: 6; II: 12] engraved plates, and one folded table. Near contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, compartments with black floral patterns and title. Speckled edges. In a transparent sleeve.
Read moreLeibniz, G. W. and others
Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. Ephemerides sive Observationum Medico-Physicarum a Celeberrimis viris. Centuria III & IV. Cum, Appendice.
Norimbergae [Nuremberg], Wolfgang Michahelles, 1715. Small, thick 4to (20.3 x 16.4 cm). Engraved allegorical frontispiece, title, half title, 738 pp. ([xii], 484, [ii], 232, [viii]); 15 engraved plates (several larger, folded), three portraits. Contemporary full vellum. Title neatly written on the spine in an old (probably contemporary) hand. Edges speckled blue.
Read moreLinnaeus, C. [Nauclér, S.]
Hortus Upsaliensis, quem cum consensu ampliss. facult. medicae in regio ad salam lyceo, sub praesidio viri celeberrimi, d:ni doct. Caroli Linnaei, med. et botan. profess. reg. et ord. acad. imper. Regg. Monspel. Stoch. et Upsal. socio hujusque secretario. Speciminis academicvi loco, publicae disquisitioni subjicit Samuel Naucler.
Upsaliae [Uppsala], [the author], 1745. Small 4to (17.7 x 14.1 cm). [iii], 48 pp.; folded view, folded map, and two engraved plates. Early 19th-century half vellum over marbled boards. Edges speckled red.
Read moreLorentz, H. A.
De electrische stroom. Oude en nieuwe denkbeelden. In: Herdenking van het 150-jarige bestaan van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. 1769 - 17 augustus - 1919.
Rotterdam, Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam, 1919. 4to (26.0 x 22.0 cm). 25 [49] pp.; 12 text figures. Later quarter cloth over original printed wrappers (society's logo printed on rear wrapper).
Read moreLorentz, H. A.
Three important papers by Nobel Prize winner Lorentz [and one by Eugène Dubois].
Haarlem, Les héritiers Loosjes, 1912. 8vo (23.3 x 15.8 cm). xiii, 149 pp. Contemporary burgundy half cloth over marbled boards. Printed title on the spine. Original printed front wrapper with title bound in.
Read more[Niels Bohr] J. R. Nielsen and D. Favrholdt and others (eds.)
Niels Bohr. Collected works. Volumes. 1-10.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1972-1998. 4to (26.0 x 18.8 cm). 6,662 pp.; numerous figures, mathematical formulae, photographs and an index in each book. Uniform gilt-lettered black cloth.
Read morePauli, W. [E.]
Über den Zusammenhang des Abschlusses der Elektronengruppen im Atom mit der Komplexstruktur der Spektren.
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1925. 8vo (21.1 x 15.2 cm). pp. 765-783 [complete volume: vii, 952 pp.]. Contemporary full red buckram. Gilt title on the spine. Edges speckled red.
Read morePoggendorff, J. C. (ed.)
Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Sechse Reihe. Band I - X. [Complete].
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1874-1877. Ten volumes in ten. 8vo (21.1 x 13.0 cm). Over 4000 pp.; numerous plates (several larger, folded). Contemporary uniform quarter cloth over marbled boards. Spines with gilt bands and title.
Read moreRamsauer, C. [W.]
Über den Wirkungsquerschnitt der Gasmoleküle gegenüber langsamen Elektronen.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1921. 8vo (21.5 x 14.1 cm). 28 pp., six text illustrations. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with blind embossing, gilt title and vignettes. Floral endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreRöntgen, W.
On a new kind of rays.
London, Macmillan, 1895-1896. 4to (27.0 x 19.0 cm). 4 pp.; three text figures; Prof. Röntgen's discovery, X, 1½ pp. and one figure; the new actinic rays by A. Porter, a half page of text, and many more contributions such as: Medical applications of Röntgen's discovery. 3/4 pp., one figure, etc. Contemporary burgundy buckram binding. Gilt title on the spine. Patterned endpapers, sprinkled edges.
Read more[Röntgen,W.]
Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. [The first papers on the application of Röntgen or X rays in medicine].
Leipzig und Berlin, [Thieme], 1896. Folio (31.5 x 23.6 cm). Numerous pages and illustrations including original, mounted photos. Later half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreRosenstiehl, [D.]. A.
Traité de la couleur au point de vue physique, physiologique et esthétique.
Paris, H. Dunod & E. Pinat, 1913. Large 8vo (25.2 x 16.2 cm). xv, 277, [ii] pp.; 13 full colour plates including several in pochoir, mounted, and a 14th plate with 24 mounted strips of coloured fabric; several text engravings. 20th century burgundy buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreRouland, [U. F.]
Tableau historique des propriétés et des phénomènes de l'air, considéré dans ses différens états et sous divers rapports.
Paris, Gueffier, 1784. 8vo (19.5 x 12.3 cm). xvi, 637 pp. Contemporary tree-calf-resembling paper boards. Spine with gilt lines and red morocco label with gilt ornamental bands and title. Edges yellow.
Read moreSchrödinger, E. [R. J. A.]
Die gegenwärtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik. IN: Die Naturwissenschaften. Wochenschrift für die fortschritte der reinen und der angewandten Naturwissenschaften. Dreienzwanzigster Jahrgang 1935. [Volume 23].
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1935. Large 8vo (26.1 x 18.8 cm). pp. 807-812 (in Part 48); 823-828 (in Part 49); 844-849 (in Part 50) [whole volume: xix, 870 pp.]; many illustrations. Slightly later green half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands title.
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