10 items found
Bond, J.
Birds of the West Indies. An account with full descriptions of all the birds known to occur or have occurred on the West Indian Islands. [The rare true first edition].
Philadelphia, PA, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1936. 8vo (19.0 x 13.0 cm). xxv, 456 pp.; full colour frontispiece, numerous fine engravings. Original grey buckram with gilt title on the front board and spine. Map on front endpapers.
Read moreBox, H. E.
Typescripts, correspondence and papers.
Various places and publishers, 1923-1953. 4to and 8vo. Over 60 items of various size and shape. Many thousands of pages, numerous illustrations including some original photos. Preserved in two similar cardboard folders with punch holes.
Read moreDescourtilz, M. E.
Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies Françaises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portugaises; Peinte d'après les dessins faits sur les lieux par M. J. Th. Descourtilz.
Paris, Privately published by Descourtilz (1827-1829, 1833). In eight volumes. 8vo (20.2 x 12.8 cm). Half-titles, title pages, 2810 pp.; 600 hand-coloured engraved plates. Beautiful contemporary style uniform black grained half calf with gilt ornaments and titles on spines.
Read moreGodman, F. D.
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Zoology, Botany, and Archaeology. Edited by Frederick DuCane Godman, D.C.L., F.R.S., and Osbert Salvin, M.A., F.R.S. Introductory Volume.
London, The author, 1915. Large 4to (30.4 x 25.2 cm). Title page, viii, 149 pp.; photogravure portrait of the author, and his printed signature; photogravure of Osbert Salvin, with his signature, printed; eight double-sized maps, of which seven printed in colour. Publisher's dark blue buckram with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreHerrera, A. [AND] R. Harcourt [AND] C. Leigh
Aankomst van Jean d'Ezquebel ter bevolking van Jamaica, door den Ammiraal Diego Kolumbus, van Hispaniola derwaards gezonden, in 't jaar 1510. Verhaalende 't misnoegen der Kroon Portugaal; benevens veel zeldzaame avondturen, rampspoeden en gevaaren aan Alonzo d'Ojega, Diego de Nicueza, Vasco Nunez, Lopez d'Alano en andere overgekomen; beneffens de togten naar land van Darien en bevolking van Cuba door Diego Velasques gedaan in 't jaar 1511. Uit d'oorspronkelyke berigten en koninglyk bevel in 't Spaans beschreeven door Antonius Herrera, nu aller-eerst in 't Neederduyts vertaald en met printverbeeldingen en noodig register voorzien. [AND] Scheeps-togt van Robert Harcourt na Gujana, gedaan in het jaar 1608. Aanwijsende de gelegentheeden en hoedanigheeden deses landschaps, des selfs eylanden, rivieren, grens-palen, verscheydenheyd der volkeren en talen, jaar-getijden, tijd-rekeningen, dood-malen, spijse en drank: als mede veelerley soort van dieren, vogelen, vissen, fruyten, suyker-riet, katoen, verw-stoffen, kostelijke gommen, balsem, droogeryen, tabak &c. Door den reysiger selfs in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkomen register verrijkt [AND] Zee-togt van Kapiteyn Charles Leig, gedaan na Gujana, en des selfs volk-plantinge aldaar begonnen, mitsgaders de ongelukkige reyse van het schip de Olijf-bloesem, tot des selfs onderstand derwaards gesonden. In het jaar 1604. Door een der reysigers, die desen togt heeft by-gewoont, en de handen der wilde gelukkig is ontkoomen, in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkoomen register en konst-print verrijkt.
Leyden, van der Aa, 1705-1706. Small 8vo (17.3 x 11.3 cm). 144 pp.; six larger, folded, engraved plates. Bound with two other rare works published by van der Aa: Scheeps-togt na Gujana, 44 pp. with a foldout map of Guyana [AND] Zee-Togt van kapitein Charles Leigh, gedaan na Gujana. 40 pp., also with a map of Guyana and adjacent areas, and a large, folded, engraved plate of an attack by local tribes. Both with their own title pages with engraved vignette and index. Bound in later, very fine half morocco over cloth boards. Spine with five raised gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt borders and gilt titles. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreKükenthal, W. and R. Hartmeyer
Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Westindien.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1908-1916. Four parts (of six) in one. 8vo (23.3 x 15.9 cm). 586 pp.; one map, 28 plates and 207 text figures. Near contemporary black pebbled cloth. Gilt title on the spine. Original printed wrappers bound in rear.
Read moreRathbun, M. J. and J. E. Benedict a.o. [B. W. Evermann (ed.)]
Investigations of the aquatic resources and fisheries of Porto Rico. Second Part.
Washington, DC, United States Fish Commission, 1902. 4to (26.8 x 18.7 cm). viii, 431 pp., 72 plates (heliotypes, photographs, two fine chromolithographs of crabs), numerous text figures. Contemporary red pebbled half calf over red pebbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Red marbled endpapers, red marbled edges.
Read moreSagra, R. de la
Album d'oiseaux de Cuba réunis pendant le voyage de M. Ramon De La Sagra. Dédié à S. M. la Reine Isabelle II. Album de Aves Cubanas, reunidas durante el viage de D. Ramon De La Sagra. Dedicado a S. M. Doña Isabel II.
Paris, Maulde et/y Renou, 1842-1843. Folio (38.8 x 26.6 cm). French half-title, title page (dated 1843) with engraved vignette, pp. 5-16; idem in Spanish (title dated 1842), pp. 5-15. 33 fine hand-coloured engraved plates (I-XXXII, XIXbis). Twentieth-century half calf over cloth boards, five raised bands, gilt ornaments and title on spine.
Read moreSaussure, H. [L. F.] De
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle de Mexique, des Antilles et des États-Unis. Ire livraison. Mémoire sur divers crustacés nouveaux du Mexique et des Antilles.
Geneve, J. Kessmann, 1858-1861. 4to (29.0 x 22.2 cm). 82 pp., six lithographed plates. Original printed wrappers (protected by transparent paper).
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