35 items found
Basilewsky, S.
Ichthyographia Chinae borealis scripta a Doctore Medicinae Stephano Basilewsky.
Moscou, Université Imperiale, [1852]-1855. 4to (28.2 x 22.5 cm). Title page to the work, 45 pp. [numbered 218-263]; eighth finely engraved and hand-coloured plates, where appropriate heightened with silver. Later green cloth with the original green, printed front wrapper mounted.
Read moreBrinkley, F.
Oriental Series. Japan [and] China. [the rare "Lotus"-edition].
Boston and Tokyo, J. B. Millet, 1901-1902. Twelve volumes in twelve. 8vo (23.1 x 15.7 cm). 3752 pp.; 255 plates, of which 115 monochrome and 114 in full colour - all with printed tissue guards, and 26 lithographed, captioned on the plates; three maps, of which two very large, multi-folded and in full colour. Uniform original full dark green morocco. Spines with three raised bands, gilt, pink-and-red inlay morocco lotus vignette and gilt title. Boards with gilt-lined borders and pink-and-red inlay morocco lotuses.
Read moreBuc'hoz [P. J.]
Herbier ou collection des plantes medicinales de la Chine d'après un manuscrit peint et unique qui se trouve dans la Bibliotheque de l'Empereur de la Chine, pour servir de suitte a la collection des fleurs qui se cultivent dans les Jardins de la Chine et de l'Europe. [AND] Collection précieuse et enluminée des fleurs plus belles et les plus curieuses qui se cultivent tant dans les jardins de la Chine, que dans ceux d'Europe, dirigée par le soince et sous la conduittes de Mr. Buc'hoz. Ouvrage egalement utile aux naturalistes, aux fleuristes, aux peintres, aux dessinateurs, aux directeurs des manufactures en porcelaine, en fayance et en etoffes de soye, de laine, de coton et autres artistes. Pour servir de Suite à l'Histoire naturelle et Oeconomique des 3. regnes de la nature. Partie II. Plantes les plus belles qui se cultivent dans les jardins de l'Europe.
Paris, Lacombe, [AND] Chez l'Auteur, [1776]-1781. Two works in one. Folio (49.0 x 30.0 cm). Title pages (first in sepia, second in black); [ii] pp. (explanatory leaves); 201 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Fabulous period-style full red morocco binding. Spine with five gilt-ornamented raised bands; compartments rich gilt with floral vignettes and borders, and gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled floral borders and corner-pieces; gilt inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreConway, W. M.
Ascensions et explorations a sept mille mètres dans l'Himalaya.
Paris, Hachette, 1898. 8vo (17.9 x 11.4 cm). Title page with pictorial vignette, v, 242 pp.; frontispiece and 47 illustrations, mostly after photographs, and a map. Later black cloth with gilt title on the spine. Original pictorial front wrapper bound in.
Read moreCui, R. (ed.)
Tibetan Forest.
Beijing, Science Publishing (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 1985. Large 8vo (26.0 x 18.6 cm). ix, 375 pp.; 38 plates showing trees, scenery, wood samples, and tree pests, including fungi and beetles. Large, full-colour map in rear pocket. Original green quarter buckram over pictorial boards. Spine with gilt title.
Read moreDebeaux, [J.] O.
Contribution à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines récoltées en China et les florules de Shang-Hai, Tché-Fou et Tien-Tsin.
Paris, F. Savy, [1875]-1879. Four parts in one. 8vo (25.0 x 16.5 cm). 361 pp. [3-21; 3-78; 3-191; 3-79]; six lithographed plates [1;0;3;2], and two original drawings in pen, ink and pencil. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt floral bands and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreForbes, F. B. and W. B. Hemsley
Enumeration of all the plants known from China proper, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago, and the island of Hongkong, together with their distribution and synonymy.
London, The Linnean Society, Longmans, Green and Co., Williams and Norgate, 1886-1905. Twenty issues in 20, forming three parts. 8vo (22.2 x 14.4 cm). 1812 pp. ([ii], 521; 592; 686, xi); 24 lithographed plates [14; 10; 0], the first being a large, folded, duotone map. Original, uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreGranö, J. G.
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eiszeit in der Nordwestlichen Mongolei und einigen ihrer südsibirischen Grenzgebirge. Geomorphologische Studien aus den Jahren 1905, 1906, 1907 und 1909.
Helsingfors, J. Simelii [for the Geographical Society of Finland], 1910. Large 8vo (24.9 x 16.5 cm). iv, 230 pp.; seven large, folded coloured maps, 19 photographic plates. Later quarter calf over pictorial boards.
Read moreHedin, S. and F. Bergman
History of the Expedition in Asia 1927-1935. Part II. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North Western Provinces of China Under the Leadership of Dr Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publication 24.
Stockholm, Elander, 1943. 4to (28.3 x 22.7 cm). xv, 215 pp.; 60 photographic plates. Contemporary full beige cloth with gilt leather labels on spine. Original buff, printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreHemmingsen, A. M. [AND J. A. Guildal]
Observations on birds in North Eastern China, especially the migration at Pei-Tai-Ho Beach. I. General Part [AND] II. Special Part. [AND] Supplementary additions and corrections [AND] Foreword. [Complete].
Kobenhavn [Copenhagen], Hos E. Munksgaard, 1951-1968. Two parts in two. 8vo (27.9 x 17.6 and 25.0 x 17.0 cm). 553 pp. (227; 326); 57 (31; 26) (groups of) figures; one large, multi-folded table. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreHu, H. H. and W. Y. Chun
Icones Plantarum Sinicarum. Fascicle 3, 4 and 5 [of 5].
Shanghai, Commercial Press, 1933-1937. Folio (44.7 x 31.1 cm). Each fascicle with 50 pp. of text and 50 fine plates (i.e., 150 pp. and 150 plates in total). All in original, uniform printed wrappers with European and Chinese lettering.
Read moreKaeuffer, J. E. R.
Geschichte von Ost-Asien für freunde der Geschichte der Menschheit dargestellt.
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1858-1860. In three volumes. 8vo (21.5 x 13.2 cm). 2046 pp. [xxiv, 465; viii, 814; viii, 727]. Uniform later 19th- or early 20th-century marbled boards. Tiny paper label with script number on lower spines.
Read moreLicent, É.
Vingt deux années d'exploration dans le Nord de la Chine, en Manchourie, en Mongolie et au Bas-Tibet. (1914-1935).
Tientsin [Tianjin], Musée Hoang ho Pai ho, [1936]. Folio (30.9 x 23.0 cm). 42 pp.; numerous illustrations; one very large, double-folded map in two colours showing the itineraries of Licent's expeditions. Original pictorial wrappers.
Read moreMonzen, K. and others
Saito Ho-On Kai. (The Saito Gratitude Foundation) Monographs 1 - 5. [AND] Reprints.
Sendai, The General Department of Scientific research Saito Ho-On Kai, 1927-1931. Two volumes in two. 4to (25.3 x 18.5 cm). Numerous pages and illustrations. Uniform blue grained half linen over marbled boards. Spines with gilt titles.
Read moreOsbeck, P.
Dagbok öfwer en Ostindisk Resa, Åren 1750. 1751. 1752. Med anmärkringar uti Naturkunnigheten, främmande Folkslags Sprak, Seder, Hushallning, m.m.
Stockholm, L. L. Grefing, 1757. 8vo (11.8 x 19.6 cm). [vi], 376, [xvi] pp.; 12 engraved plates. Near contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands, blind-tooled floral patterns and vellum label with title. Speckled edges.
Read more[Przewalski] Von Prschewalskij, N.
Reisen in der Mongolei, im Gebiet der Tanguten und den Wüsten Nordtibets in den Jahren 1870 bis 1873.
Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1877. Large 8vo (21.9 x 14.1 cm). xl, 538 pp.; one coloured lithographed folding map and ten engraved plates and several text engravings. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with red, gilt-bordered label, title in gilt.
Read moreSchrenck, [P.] L. [I.] von
Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande 1854-1856. Volume 2, Heft 3. Mollusken des Amur-Landes und des Nordjapanischen Meeres.
Saint Petersburg, 1859-1867. Folio (33.0 x 23.2 cm). Half-title. 718 pp. [numbered (259)-976]; 17 finely lithographed plates and two large, folding maps [numbered consecutively, XII-XXX]. Navy cloth. Spine with black label with gilt title.
Read moreSchröck, L.
Historia Moschi, ad normam Academiae Naturae Curiosorum.
Augsburg, Theophil Göbel, 1682. 4to (19.7 x 15.8 cm). Engraved allegorical title, letterpress title page, [x], 124, [v] pp.; three engraved plates (one folded), large wood-engraved vignette. Contemporary blue paper boards. Spine with small dark red morocco label with gilt border and title. Edges red.
Read moreStresemann, E., W. Meise and M. Schönwetter
Aves Beickianae. Beiträge zur Ornithologie von Nordwest-Kansu nach den Forschungen von Walter Beick (†) in den Jahren 1926-1933. Teil 1 [AND] Schluss. [Complete].
Berlin, Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft. 1937-1938. Two parts in one. 8vo (22.0 x 15.4 cm). 253 pp. [202; 51]; portrait and facsimile autograph of Beick (text illustrations). Original printed wrappers bound in. Near contemporary dark blue buckram with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreTokunaga, S. et al.
Report of the First Scientific Expedition to Manchoukuo. Under the leadership of Shigeyasu Tokunaka. June - October 1933. Section II [Geology]. Part I-IV. [Complete].
Tokyo, Asahi, 1934-1939. Four volumes in four. 4to (26.0 x 19.0 cm). Ca. 700 pp. with 124 plates and three folding coloured maps. Original uniform printed stiff wrappers.
Read moreWade, H. T.
With boat and gun in the Yangtze Valley (second edition) by Henling Thomas Wade (with special chapters by valued contributors).
Shanghai, Shanghai Mercury, 1910. 4to (27.8 x 21.8 cm). vi, 284 pp.; eight maps and plates, numerous text figures. Original full cloth with printed text on the front board. Purple endpapers.
Read moreWillis, B. (ed.)
Research in China. In three volumes and atlas. 1(1). Descriptive topography and geology; 1(2). Petrography and zoology; 2. Systematic geology; 3. The Cambrian faunas of China. A report on Ordovician fossils collected in eastern Asia in 1903-04. A report on Upper Paleozoic fossils collected in China 1903-04; [4.] Geographical and geological maps. [Complete].
Washington, DC, The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1907-1913. In five parts (four text and plate volumes, one atlas). 4to (29.8 x 24.0 cm). Text; 101 plates, including six chromolithographs of birds, and geological maps; folio atlas (52.7 x 45.0 cm) with 42 mostly coloured geological and topographical maps (some with explanatory text or figures). Original printed wrappers.
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