391 items found
Agassiz, [J.] L. [R.] and [A. C.] C. Vogt
Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe Centrale [AND] Embryologie des Salmones. [The complete Atlas].
Neuchatel, Nicolet et Petitpierre et chez l'auteur, 1839-1842. Oblong Folio (31.0 x 45.3 cm). Title page to the whole work, dedication leaf, half-title and title to Embryologie (by Vogt), explanatory leaf in three languages; all 55 fine lithographed, mostly tissue-guarded plates (that of plate D a printed overlay - effectively a 56th plate), of which 20 finely hand-coloured and seven partly hand-coloured [numbered 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 3a, 3b, 4, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 7a, 8, 9, 10, 10a, 11, 12, 13, 13a, 14, 15, 15a, 16, 17, 17bis; 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4, 4a, 5, 5a, 6, 6a, 7, 7[a]; A-H, J-O]. Later brown half morocco over contemporary marbled boards; spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt and black linings and gilt title. Edges sprinkled brown.
Read moreAgassiz, L.
Iconographie des coquilles Tertiaires, réputées identiques avec les espèces vivantes ou dans différens terrains de l'époque Tertiaire, accompagnée de la description des espèces nouvelles.
Neuchatel, Henri Wolfrath (for the Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles), 1845. Large 4to (32.4 x 25.0 cm). 64 pp.; 15 lithographed plates (numbered 1-14, A). Later quarter cloth over plain blue boards. Spine with paper label with printed title. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreAgassiz, L. et al.
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Tome I. Avec planches.
Neuchatel, Société des Sciences naturelles de Neuchatel [Petitpierre et Prince], 1853. Large 4to. 199, 40 pp.; 18 fine lithographed and engraved plates of which ten hand-coloured; severaltables incuding one larger, double-folded. Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards; front board with printed title mounted.
Read moreAllemann, F.
Geologische Karte Fürstentum Liechtenstein.
[Vaduz], Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, 1953. Large (102.0 x 67.0 cm), folded map, consisting of 25 rectangular sheets in full colour, mounted on linen. Handwritten and stamped label on the front-facing part of the linen map verso.
Read more[Anonymous]
Die elegante Stickerin oder Pracht-Muster im neuesten Modegeschmack zum Sticken und Weissnähen nebst dem vollständigen Alphabet in lateinischer und gothischer Schrift, und einer Anweisung, wie eine Stickerin, ohne zeichnen zu können, sich selbst jedes Muster ab - und aufzeichnen und fortführen kann. Ein Geschenk für das schöne Geschlecht.
Meissen, F. W. Goedsche, no date, but circa 1820. 8vo. 4 pp. instruction leaf; 13 leaves with floral patterns (four double-sized). In original marbled paper covered slipcase (22.2 x 13.2 cm) with mounted pictorial title leaf.
Read more[Anonymous naturalist]
Naturhistorischer Atlas. Zu Kaisers sowie zu jeder anderen Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend: zahlreiche Abbildungen zum Gebrauche für den anschaulichen naturgeschichtlichen Unterricht in Land- und Bürgerschulen. Dritte Auflage.
Langensalza, Hermann Beyer, [N.D. but ca. 1875]. Oblong folio (42.0 x 34.0 cm). Printed front wrapper, and twelve chromolithographed plates. Contemporary blind, green, pebbled quarter cloth over marbled boards. Later paper label with gilt title mounted on the front board.
Read moreArthaber, G. Von
Lethaea geognostica. Handbuch der Erdgeschichte. Mit Abbildung der fur die Formationen bezeichendsten Versteinerungen. Mesozoikum. Band 1. Trias. Lieferung 3. Die alpine Trias des Mediterrangebietes.
Stuttgart, 1905. Large 8vo (25.6 x 18.0 cm). 249 pp.; 67 text figures, 27 lithographed and photographic plates. Contemporary blue pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreAuer, A.
Faust. Poligrafisch illustrirte Zeitschrift für Kunst, Wissenschaft, Industrie, und geselliges Leben, begleitet von Kunst-Beilagen aus mehr als 30 Druckfächern. [All photographic plates. Original prints, mounted, as issued].
Wien, Auer, [1853]-1855. Folio (34.4 x 25.6 cm). Three original albumen prints, mounted on printed boards.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. II. Classe des mollusques, ordre des céphalopodes. Texte et 544 planches.
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1867-1877. 11 parts in 11. Large 4to and folio (32.5 x 25.5). 3,583 pp.; 545 lithographed plates (including 240bis) with explanatory text leaves. Original near uniform blind-tooled cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. VI. Classe des mollusques, ordre des acéphales. Texte et 361 planches. [Bivalvia].
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1881. Four parts in four. Large 4to (32.8 x 26.0 cm). xxiv, 342 pp.; 361 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves. Original uniform blind-tooled black cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBarruel, P. [L. E. A.]
Roitelet à triple bandeau, Regulus ignicapilla. [Original watercolour].
[Unpublished], [ca. 1970]. Single, oblong sheet (17.5 x 24.2 cm). Original watercolour drawing with pencilled caption, and ink signature. Mounted on a larger sheet of greyish-brown paper (25.0 x 32.5 cm).
Read more[Bates, H. W.]
The Zoologist. A popular miscellany of natural history conducted by Edward Newman, F.L.S., Z.S., &c. Volumes 1-11.
London, John van Voorst, 1843-1853. 11 volumes in 11. 8vo. (21.4 x 13.6 cm). 4156, cciv pp.; illustrations in the text. Contemporary uniform black half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt title, volume year, and decorative lines. Speckled edges.
Read moreBeaumont, S. van
Placaet, op het visschen in de rivieren, meeren en binne-wateren.
's Gravenhage, Jacobus en Paulus Scheltus [for the Staten van Hollandt en West-Vrieslandt], 1708. 4to (21.2 x 17.1 cm). Drophead title with large engraved vignette and initial letter, 10 pp.; seven text engravings, three of which forming a plate.
Read moreBeche, H. [T.] De la
A selection of the Geological Memoirs, contained in the Annales des Mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations and Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocks. Translated with notes by H. T. de la Beche, Esq.
London, William Phillips, 1824. 8vo (21.1 x 13.3 cm). xxii, 335 pp.; one hand-coloured folded geological map of France and the Netherlands including a great part of Germany, the Alps and northern Italy, by J. d'Omalius d'Halloy (numbered plate 11 [not II]) and two further hand-coloured geological maps or profiles (numbered I-II), eight folded lithographed plates (numbered III-X), including a very fine view of the coalmine at Treuil near St. Etienne, and another showing fossil gastropods and bivalves, one folding table. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt lines and title. Edges speckled red.
Read moreBecquerel, H.
Collection of six early papers on radioactivity, from "comptes rendus... de l'academie des sciences", 1896-1901.
Paris, Académie des Sciences, 1896-1901. Six papers in one. 4to (26.6 x 20.3 cm). 30 pp. Old style blue stiff paper boards. Two title pages of the Comptes Rendus (for 1896 and 1899) bound in.
Read moreBel, J.
Les champignons supérieur du Tarn. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des Sciences de Toulouse (Medaillon d'or).
Paris, J. B. Baillière et fils, 1889. 8vo (21.5 x 14.5 cm). 198 [i] pp.; 32 chromolithographed plates. Later half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreBelanger, L. and P. Vanlerberghe and S. Malgo
View of the torrent of the Lutschinen, and of the glaciers where it takes its source – Vue du torrent de la Lutschinen en Suisse, et des glaciers ou il prend sa source.
London, G. & W. Nicoll, 1800. Broadsheet (71.0 x 56.0 cm). Aquatint, finished by hand.
Read moreBelgrand, [M. F.] E.
Histoire générale de Paris. La Seine. I. Le bassin Parisien aux âges antéhistoriques.
Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1869. In three parts (Texte, Atlas de Paléontologie, and Planches de Géologie et de Conchyliologie). Large 4to and folio (33.8 x 23.9 cm). Texte: cvi, 289 pp., four double-sized coloured maps, 36 engraved text figures, five tissue-guarded plates (four profiles and one with stone age axes); Atlas: 82 [46, a-d] pp.; seven text engravings, 86 plates [1-79, 29bis, 48bis, 53bis, 59bis, 59ter, 62bis, 62ter, 78bis) being tissue guarded heliogravures of mammalian bones, including human skulls, etc., and stone age tools. Géologie and Conchyliologie, 32 pp. Three lithographed plates of shells, three very large folded, coloured geological profiles (numbered 5-7, being a suite to the maps in the text part). All in original green, printed boards or wrappers. Not in Nissen, ZBI.
Read moreBernard, G. E.
Champignons observés dans le département de la Charente-Inférieure. Planches. [Atlas].
La Rochelle, Académie de La Rochelle, Société des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-Inférieure, 1882. 8vo (25.2 x 16.0 cm). 4 pp.; 56 fine lithographed plates of which 12 hand-coloured. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreBianchi, G. P. S. [J. Plancus]
De conchis minus notis liber cui accessit specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini.
Venetiis (Venice), J. Baptista Pasqual, 1739. 4to (28.1 x 20.1 cm). 88 pp.; wood-engraved title vignette and five folded engraved plates. Period style half calf over marbled boards, later endpapers.
Read more[Binding]
18th-century Italian 'Notebook' with blank pages.
Italy, ca. 1780. Small folio (22.7 x 15.9 cm). 24 blank leaves of laid paper. Full burgundy calf; boards rich gilt with floral ornaments in a late Louis XV style. Patterned pastedowns. All edges gilt with floral patterns. preserved pink buckram clamshell box (23.6 x 17.1 x 2.2 cm) with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreBoehm, G.
Palaeontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des Koenigliche Bayerische Staates. Zweiter Band, vierte Abtheilung. Die Bivalven der Stramberger Schichten.
Cassel [Kassel], Gustav Fischer, 1883. Folio (44.2 x 31.5 cm), Title page; 18 fine, lithographed plates. In original green portfolio with printed title page mounted.
Read moreBoehmer, G. R.
Spermatologiae vegetabilis. Pars I. De seminum existentia differentia et usu. Pars II. De seminum ortu foecundatione et incremento. Pars III. De seminum collectione duratione et conservatione. Pars IV. De seminum ad sementem praeparatione. Pars V. De seminum satione. Pars VI. De germinationis adminiculis. Pars VII et ultima. De germinatione. [Complete].
Vitembergae [Wittenberg], Carolus Christianus Dürrius, 1777-1784. Seven parts in one. 4to (20.0 x 17.0 cm). 218 pp.; several nice wood-engraved vignettes. Original boards. Spine with handwritten paper label.
Read more[Book simulant]
[Minibar - Five books, a bottle, and two glasses].
France, ca. 1900. A leather covered box (18 x 12 x 13 cm) consisting of five original 19th-century books, containing a bottle and two glasses. Internally decorated with leather-resembling paper. Spines with gilt bands, morocco labels and gilt titles, ‘top’ board with gilt armorial vignette.
Read moreBourrit, M. T.
Description des Alpes, Pennines et Rhetiennes; dédiée a.s.m. très-chrétienne Louis XVI, roi de France et de Navarre. Tome premier - second. [Complete].
Genève, J. P. Bonnant, 1781. In two volumes. 8vo (21.5 x 13.8 cm). xix, 247 pp.; [ii], 285 pp.; eight engraved plates, mainly of glaciers, and one folded engraved map of the Alps, several wood engraved vignettes in the text. Original uniform blind publishers' wrappers. Spines renewed with later printed labels. Contained in a later blue cloth slipcase (23.2 x 15.8 x 6.9 cm) with black morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreBraun, J. H.
[BINDING]. Exercitatio academica ex antiquitatibus Germanicis et Francicis de Butigulariis, praecipue iis qui Norimbergae olim floruerunt quam sub praesidio Christiani Gotlib. Schwarzii com. palat. caes. et prof. publ. a.d. viii decembr a.r.s. mdccxxiii in academico disputantium circulo as disquirendum proponit a. et r. Iohannes Hieronymus Braun. Norimbergensis.
Altorfii Noricorum (Nürnberg), Iod. G. Kohlesius, 1723. Small 4to (19.0 x 16.2 cm). Title page, [ii], 100 pp.; one engraved map of the Nürenberg area and one peculiar engraving showing a crossbowman on a beehive with two coats-of-arms: one of Crenan, Leidlarius, Eschanson and Butigul, and one engraved initial letter. Wonderful medieval-style contemporary parchment binding decorated with blind-tooled roller stamp decoration of hunting scenes including deer, birds and lions. Edges red.
Read moreBresadola, G.
I funghi mangerecci e velenosi dell'Europa media con speciale riguardo a quelli che crescono nel Trentino nell'aila Italia. II edizione.
Trento, Giovanni Zippel, 1907. 8vo. 142 pp.; 121 plates [120 chromolithographed plates (I-CXII, XXIa, XXVIIIa, LIII[a], LIIIb, LVa, XCIXa, CIVa, CIXa), one photographed plate (XCVIIbis)]. Contemporary black half calf over marbled boards, spine with gilt lines and title.
Read more[British Artist]
19th-Century Flower Paintings.
Great Britain, unpublished, ca. 1833-1840. Folio (28.6 x 23.2 cm). "Title page" with elaborate gilt border; 83 leaves (all versos blank, and many either of coloured paper, with blind-stamped and/or colour-printed floral borders), of which 32 with original pochoirs, with watercolour and gouache, framed. Embossed full burgundy calf. Spine with gilt borders; boards with double gilt borders; gilt-bordered rectangular panel with gilt red and orange corner-pieces. Iridescent pink endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreBrown, E.
[Wunderkammer - Giant Library] Durch Niederland, Teutschland, Hungarn, Serbien, Bulgarien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Oesterreich, Steirmarck, Kärnthen, Carniolen, Friaul, &c. gethane ganz sonderbare Reisen...
Nürnberg, Johann Ziegler, 1685. 4to (20.3 x 16.5 cm). Engraved title, letterpress title in black and red; [viii], 334, [xii] pp.; 18 engraved plates, of which several larger, folding. Later blind vellum.
Read more[Brunet, J. C.]
Catalogue des livres rares et précieux composant la bibliothèque de feu M. Jacques-Charles Brunet. Première Partie. Livres rares et précieux. Belles reliures anciennes et modernes. [AND] Deuxième partie. Ouvrages de divers genres. Histoire littéraire. Bibliografie. [Complete].
Paris, Potier, Labitte; London, T. and W. Boone, 1868. Two volumes in two, 8vo (24.4 x 15.6 cm). Volume I: Engraved frontispiece portrait by G. Staal, xlvi, [(5)-16], 139; [(119-130; (199-208, (141)-143], 16 pp.; five tissue-guarded plates, showing bindings. Volume II: xiii, 232 pp. Uniform burgundy half morocco over marbled boards, spines with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers, top edges gilt.
Read moreBuch, L. de
Voyage en Norvège et en Laponie, fait dans les années 1806, 1807 et 1808. Traduit de l`Allemand par J. B. B. Eyriés. Précédé d`une introduction de M. A. de Humboldt. Suivi d`un mémoire de M. de Buch, sur la limite des neiges perpétuelles dans le Nord, et enrichi de cartes et de coupes de terrein.
Paris, Gide fils, 1816. Two volumes in two. 8vo (19.9 x 12.6 cm). 953 pp. [xxiv, 472; 457]; three engraved maps, of which two large, folded. Uniform red calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt ornamental bands, vignettes, and title. Sprinkled edges.
Read moreBuc'hoz, P. P.
Étrennes du printemps, aux habitants de la Campagne et aux herboristes, ou pharmacie champêtre, végétale & indigène, à l'usage des pauvres & des habitants de la Campagne.
Paris, Lamy, 1781. 12mo (14.0 x 9.0 cm; some leaves smaller). viii, 185 pp., two wood-engraved title vignettes. Original patterned boards.
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