71 items found
Abendanon, E. C.
Expédition de la Célèbes Centrale. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale (1909-1910). Volumes I-III (text), atlas. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1916. Three text volumes in three. 8vo (27.3 x 19.1 cm). 1615 pp. [xxviii, xvi, xxii,1549]; 183 plates and maps, 140 text figures. [AND] atlas folio (55.0 x 38.0 cm). Text with eight photogravures, 138 photographs, maps, numerous figures [AND] atlas with title page (double, French/Dutch) one coloured explanatory chart (36 different colours) and 17 mostly coloured folded geological maps and/or profiles (numbered 1, II, 3-11, 12a, 12b, 13-16). Original uniform black and gilt printed olive cloth (text), original printed portfolio (atlas).
Read more[Acupuncture]
Juko Jushikei Hakki.
Juko Jushikei Hakki. Three parts in one volume. Kyoto (?), Enami Jinbee, Genroku 8 (= 1685). 4to size (27.0 x 19.0 cm). Xylographically printed on 69 double leaves folded in an accordion, or oriental, style, with 16 full-page woodcut plates. Original blue paper wrappers with xylographic text vignette on front. Contained in a modern blue cloth box made in Japanese style.
Read moreAgassiz, A.
The coral reefs of the Maldives.
Cambridge, MA, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1903. Two volumes (text and atlas) in one. 4to (29.1 x 23.8 cm). Text: xxv, 168 pp.; numerous text illustrations; Atlas: 6 pp.; 82 maps, as follows: eight folded maps [numbered 1-8], three profiles [numbered 8a-c] and 71 photographic plates [numbered 9-79]. Later green buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original printed front wrappers bound in.
Read moreAlbers, J. C. [AND] Castello de Paiva, A.
Malacographia maderensis sive enumeratio molluscorum quae in insulis Maderae et Portus Sancti aut viva extant aut fossilia reperiuntur [AND] Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium Insularium Maderensium.
Berolini [Berlin], Georg Reimer, 1854 [AND] Olisipone [Lisbon], Academicis, 1867. Two works in one. 4to (26.9 x 21.3 cm). 94 pp.; 17 lithographed plates (all but one finely hand-coloured). [AND] 170 pp.; two finely hand-coloured lithographed plates, heightened with gum arabic. [AND] Four "letters" loosely inserted. Later blue buckram with gilt titles on the spine.
Read moreAudebert, J. B.
Histoire naturelle des singes, peints d'après nature. [AND] Histoire naturelle [des singes et] des makis. [Complete].
Paris, l'Auteur, [AND] H. J. Jansen, 1797-[An 8 = 1799]. Two volumes in one. Folio (49.2 x 31.8 cm). Three half-titles, two title pages; 178 pp. [24, 4, 4, 10, 4, 8, 10, 24, 14, 8, 10, 8, 44, iv, 2]; 63 engraved plates of which 61 finely colour-printed, with additional original hand-colouring, and two plain, as intended. Contemporary, empire style, full calf. Boards with triple gilt borders and embossed floral vignettes, central vignette of a lyre. Spine with seven raised bands, gilt vignettes (vases) and morocco label with gilt title. Later marbled endpapers.
Read moreBaker, J. G.
Contributions to the Flora of Madagascar. Part I. Polypetalae. Part II. Monopetalae. Part III. Incompletae, Monocotyledones, and Filices.
London, Longman, Green, Reader and Dyer [for the Linnean Society of London], 1883. Three parts in three. 8vo (22.2 x 14.1 cm). 218 pp. [numbered: 87-158; 159-236; 237-304]; six lithographed plates [numbered: 22-23; 24-27; none in the third part]. Original, uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreBarrois, T. [C.]
Catalogue des crustacés marins, recueillis aux Açores durant les mois d'Août et Septembre 1887.
Lille, Le Bigot, 1888. 8vo (23.6 x 15.8 cm). 110 pp.; four lithgraphed plates (three sepia, one in chromolithography). Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreBleeker, P. and F. P. L. Pollen
Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses Dépendances, d'apres les découvertes de Fr. P. C. Pollen et D. van Dam. 4me Partie. Poissons de Madagascar et de l'Ile de la Réunion des collections de MM. Pollen et Van Dam. [AND] Les pêches a Madagascar et es dépendances.
Leyde (Leiden), E. J. Brill, 1875. 4to (29.2 x 21.2 cm). Half-title and title to Bleeker and Pollen, title to Pollen; 195 pp. (104, [ii], 89); 27 fine, hand-coloured lithographed plates, including one map (of Mayotte), one portrait (of Antoine Rétout "Le grand Amateur-Pêcheur Créole à l'île de la Réunion"), and four plates showing fisheries and fishing techniques (from the Relation de voyage). Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands with gilt chains; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreBond, J.
Birds of the West Indies. An account with full descriptions of all the birds known to occur or have occurred on the West Indian Islands. [The rare true first edition].
Philadelphia, PA, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1936. 8vo (19.0 x 13.0 cm). xxv, 456 pp.; full colour frontispiece, numerous fine engravings. Original grey buckram with gilt title on the front board and spine. Map on front endpapers.
Read moreButler, A. G.
Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Order Passeres, complete in two volumes.
London, Caxton, [1907-1908]. Two volumes in two. Large 4to (28.7 x 22.9 cm). Title pages, 434 pp. [I: (iv), 210; II: (iv), 216]; 115 [60; 55] tissue-guarded chromolithographed plates, of which eight with eggs. Original uniform green, gilt-bordered half morocco over green linen boards. Spines with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edges gilt.
Read moreCarpeau du Saussay (ed.)
Voyage de Madagascar, connu aussi sous le nom de l'isle de St Laurent. Par M. de De V.... Commissaire provincial de l'artillerie de France. Dedié à S. A. S. M. Le Prince de Contry.
Paris, Jean-Luc Nyon, 1722. 12mo (15.4 x 9.1 cm). Engraved title " Nouveau Voiage de Madagascard", letterpress title, [xviii], 304 pp.; six engraved plates; large, multi-folding map. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine rich gilt, with five gilt-rolled raised bands; compartments with gilt floral borders and crowned shield with a lion; boards with triple gilt borders and large gilt vignettes, showing a Celtic warrior waving a banner, "Brithan" and captioned "Foy de Brehan". Gilt-lined board edges and inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Edges red.
Read moreCotton, J.
The song birds of Great Britain; containing delineations of thirty-three birds, of the natural size, (incl. the genus Sylvia of Latham,) coloured principally from living specimens, with some account of their habits, and occasional direction for their treatment in confinement.
London, privately published, [1835-]1836. Title-page, [xi] pp. [prefaces]; 33 beautiful, originally hand-coloured engraved plates with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary dark green grained full morocco. Boards with double rich gilt borders with floral corner pieces; gilt lines on the edges, and inner gilt lines. Spine with ornamental gilt rectangles and title. All edges gilt.
Read moreCranwell, T.
New Zealand ferns. Prepared and mounted by T. Cranwell.
Auckland (Parnell), T. Cranwell, no date [before 1877]. Small folio (27.8 x 22.3 cm). 30 sheets with mounted ferns, each with a small, mounted label with the Latin name. Original green leather spine and carved rimu wood-panels. Marbled endpapers. Contained in recent clamshell box (30.6 x 24.7 x 4.9 cm) of black cloth with black morocco label with gilt ornamental bands and title on the 'spine'.
Read moreCrosse, J. C. H. and P. H. Fischer
Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, published by Grandidier: Mollusques. Plate 13, Helix ( Eurycratera) ibaraoensis.
Paris, Grandidier, [no date, but 1889]. 4to-sized (32.0 x 24.5 cm). Well preserved hand-painted engraving of shells.
Read moreDeraniyagala, P. E. P.
Some of Linné's reptiles and a mammal from Ceylon and elsewhere that are in Sweden. [AND] Some little-known characters of the two subspecies of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz).
Colombo, The National Museums of Ceylon, 1961. 4to (27.9 x 21.3 cm). 8 [1, 7] pp.; two plates, three (groups of) text figures. Disbound.
Read moreDunker, G. [= W. (B. R. H.)]
Index molluscorum maris japonici. Conscriptus et tabulis iconum xvi illustratus.
Casselis Cattorum [Kassel], Theodor Fischer, 1882. 4to (27.3 x 22.1 cm). vii, 301 pp.; 16 exquise lithographed plates of which 13 superbly hand-coloured. Near contemporary grained blue half cloth over grained burgundy cloth. Script title on the spine.
Read moreDuppa, R.
Travels on the continent, Sicily and the Lipari Islands. Second edition.
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co., 1829. Large 8vo (26.8 x 17.2 cm). x, 494, [ii] pp.; 21 fine engraved plates, and 34 text engravings. Contemporary grained half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, stipple-gilted bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and a brown morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreForbes, F. B. and W. B. Hemsley
Enumeration of all the plants known from China proper, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago, and the island of Hongkong, together with their distribution and synonymy.
London, The Linnean Society, Longmans, Green and Co., Williams and Norgate, 1886-1905. Twenty issues in 20, forming three parts. 8vo (22.2 x 14.4 cm). 1812 pp. ([ii], 521; 592; 686, xi); 24 lithographed plates [14; 10; 0], the first being a large, folded, duotone map. Original, uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreHamilton, W.
Voyage à la cote septentrionale du Comté d'Antrim en Irlande, et à l'ile de Raghery, contenant l'histoire naturelle de ses productions volcaniques & plusieurs observations sur les antiquités & moeurs de ce pays... auquel on a ajouté l'essai sur l'oryctographie du Derbyshire par M. Ferber, traduit de l'Allemand.
Paris, Cuchet, 1790. 8vo (19.6 x 12.5 cm). viii, 239 pp.; engraved folding plate showing several geological layers of Derbyshire. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine rich gilt with floral vignettes, small red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers, red edges.
Read moreHamilton-Temple-Blackwood, F. T. [Lord Dufferin]
A yacht voyage. Letters from high latitudes; being some account of a voyage, in 1856, in the schooner yacht "Foam" to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, by Lord Dufferin, Governor General of the Dominion of Canada.
Toronto, Adam, Stevensen, 1873. 8vo (18.1 x 12.0 cm). 281 pp., engraved frontispiece, tissue-guarded portrait of the author, nine engraved plates including one of a skeleton in a coffin captioned: "Et ego in arctis", several wood engravings in the text. Original decorated cloth with bevelled edges and gilt title on the spine, and gilt title and large vignette on the front board.
Read moreHamond, W.
A paradox: prooving, that the inhabitants of the isle called Madagascar, or St. Laurence, (in temporall things) are the happiest people in the World. Whereunto is prefixed, a briefe and true description of that island: the nature of the climate, and condition of the inhabitants, and their speciall affection to the English above other nations. With most probable arguments of a hopefull and fit plantation of a colony there, in respect of the fruitfulnesse of the soyle, the benignity of the ayre, and the relieving of our English ships, both to and from the East-Indies.
London, Nathaniell Butter, 1640. 4to (18.7 x 14.4 cm). Original second blank; title page, half title, half-title (placed after 12th text page) [xii, xxi] pp., Mid-19th century brown crushed morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments rich gilt with floral patterns and gilt title; boards with triple gilt borders and rosettes; gilt-lined edges and elaborate gilt inner dentelles.
Read moreHartlaub, G.
Die Vögel Madagascars und der benachbarten Inselgruppen. Ein Beitrag zur Zoologie der äthiopischen Region. Mit einer kürzlich entdeckten Original-Abbildung der Dronte von R. Savry.
Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1877. 8vo (23.0 x 14.5 cm). Wood-engraved frontispiece (dodo); xlii, 425 pp. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreHerrera, A. [AND] R. Harcourt [AND] C. Leigh
Aankomst van Jean d'Ezquebel ter bevolking van Jamaica, door den Ammiraal Diego Kolumbus, van Hispaniola derwaards gezonden, in 't jaar 1510. Verhaalende 't misnoegen der Kroon Portugaal; benevens veel zeldzaame avondturen, rampspoeden en gevaaren aan Alonzo d'Ojega, Diego de Nicueza, Vasco Nunez, Lopez d'Alano en andere overgekomen; beneffens de togten naar land van Darien en bevolking van Cuba door Diego Velasques gedaan in 't jaar 1511. Uit d'oorspronkelyke berigten en koninglyk bevel in 't Spaans beschreeven door Antonius Herrera, nu aller-eerst in 't Neederduyts vertaald en met printverbeeldingen en noodig register voorzien. [AND] Scheeps-togt van Robert Harcourt na Gujana, gedaan in het jaar 1608. Aanwijsende de gelegentheeden en hoedanigheeden deses landschaps, des selfs eylanden, rivieren, grens-palen, verscheydenheyd der volkeren en talen, jaar-getijden, tijd-rekeningen, dood-malen, spijse en drank: als mede veelerley soort van dieren, vogelen, vissen, fruyten, suyker-riet, katoen, verw-stoffen, kostelijke gommen, balsem, droogeryen, tabak &c. Door den reysiger selfs in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkomen register verrijkt [AND] Zee-togt van Kapiteyn Charles Leig, gedaan na Gujana, en des selfs volk-plantinge aldaar begonnen, mitsgaders de ongelukkige reyse van het schip de Olijf-bloesem, tot des selfs onderstand derwaards gesonden. In het jaar 1604. Door een der reysigers, die desen togt heeft by-gewoont, en de handen der wilde gelukkig is ontkoomen, in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkoomen register en konst-print verrijkt.
Leyden, van der Aa, 1705-1706. Small 8vo (17.3 x 11.3 cm). 144 pp.; six larger, folded, engraved plates. Bound with two other rare works published by van der Aa: Scheeps-togt na Gujana, 44 pp. with a foldout map of Guyana [AND] Zee-Togt van kapitein Charles Leigh, gedaan na Gujana. 40 pp., also with a map of Guyana and adjacent areas, and a large, folded, engraved plate of an attack by local tribes. Both with their own title pages with engraved vignette and index. Bound in later, very fine half morocco over cloth boards. Spine with five raised gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt borders and gilt titles. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreHochstetter, [C. G.] F. [Ritter] von
Reise der oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Geologischer Theil. Erster Band: Erste Abtheilung, Geologie von Neu-Seeland [AND] Zweite Abtheilung, Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland.
Wien, Karl Gerold's Sohn, 1864-1865. In two volumes. 4to (31.0 x 24.2 cm). Volume 1 (1864): Half-title and title page; tissue-guarded frontispiece; xlvii, 274 pp.; two unnumbered chromolithographed plates (tissue-guarded); six large, folded, full-colour tissue-guarded maps [Tafeln 1-6]; five plates with engraved or tinted views [Tafeln 7-11]; numerous text engravings; volume 2 (1865): half-title and title page, sectional titles; pp. v-vii, 1-318; 26 lithographed plates [numbered I-XXVI], of which several tinted, and each with explanatory text leaves. Original uniform, printed wrappers.
Read moreHochstetter, F. von and A. Petermann.
The geology of New Zealand: in explanation of the geographical and topographical atlas of New Zealand by Dr. F. Von Hochstetter and Dr. A. Petermann, from the Scientific Publications of the Novara Expedition. Translated by C. F. Fischer. Also, lectures by Dr. F. Hochstetter delivered in New Zealand.
Auckland, T. Delattre, 1864. 8vo (21.0 x 13.6 cm). Title page, 113 pp. Original grained red cloth with gilt title on the front board.
Read moreHoeven, J. van der
Bijdragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae of Prosimii. [Titled Bydragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae on front board].
Leiden, S. Luchtmans and J. Luchtmans. Tall folio (45.2 x 29.4 cm). Title page, [i], 18 pp.; three lithographed plates of which two finely hand-coloured. Contemporary full bright red grained calf. Boards with intricate blind-tooled and gilt-ornamental borders, floral corner pieces and title. Pink floral endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreHoltedahl, O. (ed.)
Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemblya 1921.
Kristiania [Oslo], Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania (The Society of Arts and Sciences of Kristiania), 1922-1930. 45 parts in three. Large 8vo (27.2 x 18.0 cm). Over 1500 pp.; 160 plates and maps. Indexes to the three volumes. Uniform near contemporary full buckram with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreHoogerwerf, A.
De avifauna van Tjibodas en omgeving, inclusief het natuurmonument Tjibodas-Gn. Gede (West Java). [AND] De avifauna van de Plantentuin te Buitenzorg (Java).
[The Netherlands], Limosa, 1950. 8vo (23.2 x 15.6 cm). Title page, 280 pp., 21 full colour plates. Contemporary black grained leatherette over marbled boards. Spine with gilt bands and title
Read moreHumbert, [J.] H.
La destruction d'une flore insulaire par le feu. Principaux aspects de la végétation à Madagascar. Documents photographiques et notices.
Tananarive, Académie Malgache, 1927. 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). 80 pp.; 41 plates, of which 40 with fine photographs by the author. Original printed portfolio.
Read more[Jacob, N. H.]
Storia naturale delle scimie e dei maki, disposta con ordine da P. Hugues, dietro le scoperte dei più rinomati naturalisti; arrichita di schiarimenti relativi ai costumi, astuzie, nutrimenti, e climi abitati da questi Quadrumani; con la maniera di dar loro la caccia, e d'un idea sull' uso e la proprietà dello loro carne in medicina. Dedicata a S. A. il Principe Eugenio di Beauharnais.
Milano, P. Hugues, 1822. Two volumes in one. Large folio (45.0 x 32.5 cm). First volume with engraved title page in sepia, engraved plate " Confronti di alcuni tratti di decrescente analogia nel profilo e nelle fisica constituzione del cranio dell' uomo e delle scimie", [vi, preface and systematics]; 73 (numbered III-V, and I-LXX) fine stipple engraved plates of apes and monkeys, each with descriptive captions in Italian. Several additional half-titles; the second volume on makis is titled " Dei lemuriani ossia maki propriamente detti", and has three introductory pages numbered ii-iv, a first half-title; ten plates, a second half-title (to the loris), a one-page introduction; three plates; a third half title (to the makis), an unnumbered text leaf; another two plates, a fourth half-title (to the genus Galago), another one-page introduction; and the final two plates, for a total of 15 plates, and an index page numbered xvi, and a GRAND TOTAL - for both volumes combined - of 88 plates. Contemporary blind half vellum over plain boards.
Read moreJeffreys, J. G.
A synopsis of the testaceous pneumonobranchous Mollusca of Great Britain. In a letter addressed to L. W. Dillwyn. [AND] A supplement to the 'Synopsis of testaceous pneumonobranchous Mollusca of Great Britain'.
London, The Linnean Society, [1830-] 1833. 4to (25.8 x 20.2 cm). 89 pp. [numbered 323-392; 505-523]. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt ornaments and title. Red edges.
Read moreLegrand, W.
Collections for a monograph of Tasmanian land shells.
Hobart Town, Tasmania, [the author], 1871. 8vo (22.4 x 14.4 cm). iii, [36] pp.; two tissue-guarded lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves; two printed additional slips. Later black half linen over patterned boards. Gilt title on the spine. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreMartens, [K.] E. von
Beiträge zur Meeresfauna der Insel Mauritius und der Seychellen. Mollusken. [Including] Anhang. Anatomie einiger Landschnecken.
[Berlin, Gutmann], 1880. 4to (30.3 x 25.3 cm). Title page, 172 pp. (numbered [181]-352); four lithographed and finely hand-coloured plates [numbered 19-22]. Later green, pebbled cloth with gilt title on the spine.
Read more