Low Countries
110 items found
Adriani, N. and A. C. Kruyt
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes. [Complete, in four volumes].
Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. In four volumes. Text in three octavo volumes (26.5 x 18.0 cm) [AND] atlas in folio portfolio (37.0 x 26.5 cm). 1,636 pp.; 58 photographs on 26 sheets, 13 coloured plates of which seven partly in full colour, and four coloured folding maps (two showing adjacent regions). Original uniform quarter cloth over printed boards.
Read moreBeaumont, S. van
Placaet, op het visschen in de rivieren, meeren en binne-wateren.
's Gravenhage, Jacobus en Paulus Scheltus [for the Staten van Hollandt en West-Vrieslandt], 1708. 4to (21.2 x 17.1 cm). Drophead title with large engraved vignette and initial letter, 10 pp.; seven text engravings, three of which forming a plate.
Read more[Book binding]
Extracten uit de Resolutien van de edele mogende Heeren Raaden van Staate der Vereenigde Nederlanden.
Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé [for the Raadt van Staate der Vereenigde Nederlanden], [1578] 1778. Folio (32.5 x 22.0 cm) [33.0 x 22.6 cm]. [vi], [66], [i] pp. Contemporary, probably original mottled burgundy morocco. Spine with six raised, gilt-rolled bands; compartments with gilt floral corner pices and central vignette. Boards with intricate gilt floral borders, gilt dentelles and gilt vignette of the Dutch lion. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreBroeck, [J.] E. van den [vanden Broeck]
Esquisse géologique et paléontologique des dépôts pliocènes des environs d'Anvers. [Author's copy - interleaved, with handwritten additions and emendations].
Bruxelles, G. Mayolez, 1876-[1878]. 8vo (25.0 x16.3 cm). 296 pp. (printed), 296 pp. (ruled, partly annotated); folded and coloured topographical map of Antwerp and surroundings and one folding table. Original printed boards.
Read moreBrown, E.
[Wunderkammer - Giant Library] Durch Niederland, Teutschland, Hungarn, Serbien, Bulgarien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Oesterreich, Steirmarck, Kärnthen, Carniolen, Friaul, &c. gethane ganz sonderbare Reisen...
Nürnberg, Johann Ziegler, 1685. 4to (20.3 x 16.5 cm). Engraved title, letterpress title in black and red; [viii], 334, [xii] pp.; 18 engraved plates, of which several larger, folding. Later blind vellum.
Read moreBylandt, H. A. Graaf van [Bijlandt]
Rashonden album.
Deventer, A. Kluwer, [1904]. Oblong folio (23.9 x 32.0 cm). Title page, [ii] pp., 250 photographic or engraved plates. Original pictorial full colour cloth with bevelled edges. Spine with title in gilt, red, green and gilt bands. Gilt floral endpapers.
Read moreBylandt, H. A. Graaf van [Bijlandt]
Raspunten-boek van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Liefhebbers en Fokkers van Rashonden "Cynophilia" [OR] Raspuntenboek van de meest bekende hondenrassen.
Maarssen, Cynophilia, [1894]. 4to (29.2 x 22.3 cm). 437 [404, 26, 7] pp.; over 400 illustrations. Contemporary red grained morocco over cushioned boards. Presentation copy with gilt title and initials on the front board. Gilt floral endpapers, gilt inner dentelles. All edges gilt. Original pictorial wrappers bound in.
Read more[Carriages]
Two fine, original drawings of carriages.
No place, no publisher, 1906-1907. Two oblong drawings: one in thin ink lines with fine gouache colouring, over 15.0 x 23.0 cm, in oblong cardboard frame (30.5 x 23.5 cm); the other in sharp pencil, and with an overlaying, smaller board with the carriage top (over 16.2 x 24.7 cm) in oblong cardboard frame (32.1 x 43.4 cm).
Read more[Cue Sports]
Het biljartspel. Eene volledige handleiding voor liefhebbers, biljarthouders, marquers enz. samengesteld na eene veeljarige beoefening in de voornaamste steden van Europa.
Deventer, A. ter Gunne, 1855. Small 8vo (16.6 x 10.0 cm). 48 pp.; ten engraved text illustrations. Original printed, pictorial blue wrappers.
Read moreDriessen, A. [Jan Sluyters]
Bonbondoos. [Candy Box].
[Rotterdam], A. Driessen, ca. 1910. Cardboard box with lid (27.8 x 20.5 x 4.5 cm). Gilt edges, marbled sides; original chromolithograph after a gouache and colour crayon drawing mounted on front (top) board. Round, gilt vignette pasted on rear (bottom) board.
Read moreEscher, M. C.
M. C. Escher 16 facsimile prints. With an introduction by J. L. Locher, former Director of the Gemeentemuseum, The Hague.
Baarn, The Escher Foundation, 2008. 16 prints, matching the original prints in shape, enlarged by 10%, all on separate sheets measuring 55.0 x 65.0 cm) and an introduction of 16 pp., and 4 pp. review (both 34.0 x 45.0 cm). In original full cloth dropbox (67.0 x 57.0 x 3.0 cm) with printed label on the front board and printed title on the spine.
Read moreGroen, J. van der and P. Nylandt
Het vermakelyk land-leven. I. Deel. Den Nederlantsen hovenier, zijnde het I. Deel van het Vermakelijk Land-leven. Beschrijvende allerhande prinçelike en heerlijke lust-hoven en hof-steden, en hoe men deselve, met veelderley uytnemende boomen, bloemen en kruyden, kan beplanten, bezaeijen, en verçieren. ... Desen laetsten druk is doorgaens verbetert. [AND] De verstandige hovenier. Over de twaelf maenden van 't jaer. Zijnde het II. deel van het vermakelyk lant-leven. [AND] De medicyn-winkel, of ervaren huys-houder: zijnde het III. deel van het vermakelyk landleven.
Amsterdam, Weduwe Gijsbert De Groot, [1696-]1711-1721. Three parts in one. 4to (20.1 x 15.3 cm cm). Engraved title (or frontispiece, with "consent en privilegie" printed on verso), dated 1696; letterpress title page with wood-engraved vignette (dated 1721); [xxvii], 103, [iii] pp., including 69 full-page engraved plates (mainly garden designs, pergolas, etc.), and a few text engravings [AND] Engraved frontispiece, letterpress title page with engraved vignette (dated 1711), [v], 84, [iv] pp., including one engraved plate. [AND] Title page with large copper engraving (dated 1711), pp. [2]-38; half-title Den naerstigen byen-houder, with large copper engraving (verso blank), pp. 41-53, [54-56]; half-title De verstandige kok (dated 1711) with large copper engraving and "Privilegie" on verso, pp. [59-60], 61-88. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, and morocco label with gilt ornamental borders and title.
Read moreHardouin, E. and W. L. Ritter
Java. Tooneelen uit het leven. Karakterschetsen en kleederdragten van Java's bewoners in afbeeldingen naar de natuur geteekend door E. Hardouin met tekst van W. L. Ritter en een voorwoord van H. M. Lange, gepensionneerd Luitenant Kolonel van het O. I. leger. Benevens eene kaart van Java naar de nieuwste bronnen bewerkt.
Leiden, A. W. Sythoff, 1855. Large 4to (28.7 x 20.7 cm). Title page with finely engraved vignette; xv, 242 pp.; hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece and 25 other hand-coloured lithographed and tissue-guarded plates; large, triple-folded coloured double map of Java, Madoera and Bawean. Original green embossed cloth. Spine and front board rich gilt with floral patterns and ethnographical vignettes. Yellow endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreHeetman, A. J. A. [and] F. Heetman
Heetman Collection of stained glass designs.
Rotterdam, Heetman, 1919-ca. 1971. Various material and sizes; predominantly original designs in pencil and watercolour, or white drawing ink. Also some framed drawings, numerous photos and photo negatives of original artwork and examples obtained by Heetman from other sources, as well as printed matter containing Heetman designs. In all many hundreds of items.
Read moreHeynsius, A.
Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium der Leidsche Hoogeschool. Parts I-III.
Leiden, S. C. Van Doesburgh, 1869-1874. 8vo (22.3 x 14.7 cm). 629 [(v), 175; (ii), 227; (ii), 218] pp.; three nice lithographed title vignettes (tissue guarded) showing the Leiden laboratory and six lithographed plates. Contemporary pebbled cloth over marbled boards. Gilt lines and title on the spine. Patterned endpapers.
Read moreHoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. [Complete with all titles and plates].
"Frankfurt am Main, J. Hoefnagel, 1592" [But Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, shortly after 1638]. Oblong folio (extremely wide-margined copy, 29.5 x 37.0 cm). Engraved titles to the four parts. 48 engraved plates. Pars Prima, Plates 1-12; Pars Secunda, Plates 1-12; Pars Tertia, Plates 1-12, Pars Quatra, Plates 1-12. [Complete]. Period style full burgundy morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt with floral borders and floral vignettes; red morocco label with gilt title; boards with broad, gilt-rolled borders, gilt corner-pieces; tripple gilt-lined inner borders and floral corner-pieces. Gilt-rolled edges and inner dentelles.
Read moreHoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. Plate 3.1.
Frankfurt am Main, 1592. Small oblong folio (18.0 x 27.0 cm). Single plate, finely and beautifully hand-coloured.
Read moreHoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. Plate 4.1.
Frankfurt am Main, 1592. Small oblong folio (18.0 x 27.0 cm). Single plate, finely and beautifully hand-coloured.
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