Spermophyta - Flowering Plants
50 items found
Boehmer, G. R.
Spermatologiae vegetabilis. Pars I. De seminum existentia differentia et usu. Pars II. De seminum ortu foecundatione et incremento. Pars III. De seminum collectione duratione et conservatione. Pars IV. De seminum ad sementem praeparatione. Pars V. De seminum satione. Pars VI. De germinationis adminiculis. Pars VII et ultima. De germinatione. [Complete].
Vitembergae [Wittenberg], Carolus Christianus Dürrius, 1777-1784. Seven parts in one. 4to (20.0 x 17.0 cm). 218 pp.; several nice wood-engraved vignettes. Original boards. Spine with handwritten paper label.
Read moreBrown, R.
On Cyrtandreae. From Horsfield's Plantae Javanicae rariores. [Preprint or "preissue"].
London, R. and J. Taylor, 1839. Folio (38.0 x 27.6 cm). Title page, 22 pp. (numbered 1-3, [4 blank) 105-122]; two fine, tissue-guarded engraved plates. Contemporary quarter cloth over blind boards.
Read moreBrühl, P. and G. King
Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta Vol. V. Part II. A century of new and rare Indian plants. With ninety-nine plates [ sic].
Calcutta [Kolkata], Royal Botanic Gardens, 1896. Folio (35.5 x 28.0 cm). Title pages to the volume, to the part, and to the work itself, [ii], 71 pp. [numbered (70)-170]; 100 lithographed plates [numbered 102-200, 110a]. All loose, in original portfolio in half morocco over printed boards.
Read moreCamus, A. A. and E. G. Camus
Notes de Botanique Publiées de 1910 à 1927, de 1912 à 1928, 1927-1934, 1924 à 1936 [Spine titles].
France, various publishers, 1910-1936. 410 papers in four thick volumes (112; 117; 73; 108). 8vo (23.5 x 15.5 cm to 25.5 x 17.5 cm). Ca. 4000 pp. in all; numerous illustrations. Contemporary half calf or half linen over marbled boards. Spines with gilt titles.
Read moreClarke, C. B.
Commelynaceae et Cyrtandraceae Bengalenses (paucis aliis ex terris adjacentibus additis).
Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., Publishers to the Calcutta University, 1874. Large folio (52.4 x 34.3 cm). Half title, title page, 133, ii (index) pp.; 95 lithographed plates (plate I-XCIII, LXXXVII bis, LXXXIX bis). Somewhat later green half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreCurtis, W.
The Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden Displayed... To which are added, their names, class, order, generic and specific characters, according to the celebrated Linnaeus; their places of growth, and times of flowering: together with the most approved methods of culture. A work intended for the use of such ladies, gentlemen, and gardeners, as wish to become scientifically acquainted with the plants they cultivate. Volumes 1-53 and index.
London, for the author, [1787]-1793-1826. 4to (24.5 x 15.5 cm). With 2709 hand-coloured engraved plates (over 150 of these folding, and a few uncoloured). A complete set of the first and second series. Bound in contemporary, uniform green half calf with gilt lettering and marbled boards.
Read moreDescourtilz, M. E.
Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies Françaises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portugaises; Peinte d'après les dessins faits sur les lieux par M. J. Th. Descourtilz.
Paris, Privately published by Descourtilz (1827-1829, 1833). In eight volumes. 8vo (20.2 x 12.8 cm). Half-titles, title pages, 2810 pp.; 600 hand-coloured engraved plates. Beautiful contemporary style uniform black grained half calf with gilt ornaments and titles on spines.
Read moreEdwards, S.
The Botanical Register: or ornamental flower-garden and shrubbery. Volumes 1-33 [AND] the appendix by John Lindley being the systematic index and sketch of the vegetation of the Swan river colony in Australia. [All published].
London, J. Ridgway, 1815-1847. 34 volumes. Large 8vo (24.2 x 15.3 cm). Text and 2,707 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates and three plain engravings for a total of 2,710 plates, plus nine hand-coloured engraved plates in the appendix. Very nice half green morocco bindings by Bernard Middleton. Spines with five raised bands, gilt floral vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Top edges gilt.
Read moreEttingshausen, C., von
Die Fossile Flora des Tertiär-Beckens von Bilin. I Theil. (Enthaltend die Thallophyten, Kryptogamischen Gefässpflanzen; Monokotyledonen, Coniferen, Julifloren und Oleraceen).
Wien, Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1867. 4to (29.6 x 23.1 cm). 95 pp.; 30 tinted lithographed plates. Later boards, printed label mounted on front board.
Read moreExell, A. W.
Catalogue of the vascular plants of S. Tomé (with Principe and Annobon). [AND] Supplement Catalogue of the vascular plants of S. Tomé (with Principe and Annobon). [AND] Corrected proof of the Supplement.
London, The Trustees of the British Museum, 1944-1956. Two papers in three. 8vo (24.6 x 18.8 cm) 551 pp. [xi, 428; 58; 54]; three maps; 32 [26; 3; 3] large text illustrations. Original green buckram with gilt title on the spine (main work); green printed wrappers (Supplement), and plain brown wrappers (proof copy).
Read moreFauché, B.
Histoire naturelle, botanique.
[France, unpublished, ca. 1850]. Folio (39.8 x 28.8 cm). Title page with polychrome title and vignette, heightened with gold; 15 tissue-guarded plates with watercolour images of fungi (1) and flowering plants with explanatory text leaves in fine calligraphy. Original full embossed and pebbled black calf; gilt-stippled board edges and fine gilt inner dentelles. Iridescent endpapers. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title; front board with gilt initials "B. F." (= Berthe Fauché); rear board with gilt vignette "Maison des Oiseaux". All edges gilt.
Read moreGray, A. and I. Sprague
Genera florae Americae Boreali-Orientalis illustrata. The genera of the plants of the United States, illustrated by figures and analyses from nature, by Isaac Sprague. Superintended, and with descriptions, &c. by Asa Gray. Vol. I. Plates 1-100, Vol. II. Plates 101-186. (Complete).
Boston, MA, James Munroe, New York, NY, George P. Putnam, 1848-1849. Two volumes in two. 8vo (23.5 x 15.1 cm). 460 (230; 230) pp.; 186 (100; 86) engraved plates. Original uniform black blind-stamped cloth. Gilt title on the spines. Yellow endpapers.
Read moreJordan, [C. T.] A.
Observations sur plusieurs plantes nouvelles rares ou critiques de la France. Premier fragment - Quatrième fragment.
Paris, Maison; Leipzig, T. O. Weigel, 1846. Four parts in one. Tall 8vo (25.7 x 16.0 cm). 375 pp.; 22 engraved plates of which several partly hand-coloured [1: 47 pp.; five plates (four larger, folded; one partly hand-coloured); 2: 39 pp.; two large, folding, partly hand-coloured plates); 3: half-title, title page, 254 pp.; 13 large, folded plates (numbered 1-12, 1bis) of which one partly coloured; 4: 37 pp.; two large, folded plates]. Contemporary dark green half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt floral ornaments and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read more[La Chesnée-Monstereul, C. de]
Traité des tulipes. Avec la maniere de les bien cultiver, leurs noms, leurs couleurs, & leur beauté.
Paris, Charles de Sercy, 1678. 12mo (15.5 x 9.0 cm) [board size 16.1 x 9.3 m]. Title page, 3-117, [i] pp. Contemporary blind vellum. Ink script title in an old hand on the spine.
Read moreLashkarev, A. Y.
Illustrirovannaya klassifikashya glavnishikh sortov Lugovikh Trav. S kratkim opisaniem kazhdoi travy v otdel`nosti. [Illustrated classification of the main cultivated grasses in Russia. With a short description of each herb separately].
St. Petersburg, Department of State Papers, 1898. Folio (33.8 x 25.5 cm). half title and title page in red and black; [iii], xi pp.; 108 coloured chromolithographed plates, each accompanied by one or more explanatory text leaves. Contemporary diced Russia over lined boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read more[Linnean Society of London]
The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Second series. Botany. Volume I - VI.
London, The Linnean Society of London, 1875-1905. Six volumes in six. Large 4to (29.1 x 23.3 cm). Text; numerous plates. Volume I in contemporary polished half calf over marbled boards. Gilt ornamental lines and black morocco label with gilt title on the spine; Volumes II-VI: uniform later (i.e., contemporary with the last volume) blue buckram with gilt title on the spines. Speckled edges.
Read moreMartius, [C. F. P.] Von
Beitrag zur Kenntniss der natürlichen Familie der Amarantaceen.
Halle, Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, 1825. 4to (28.2 x 21.6 cm). 114 pp.; two folded tinted engraved maps, "Amarantacearum per Orbem distributio". Contemporary marbled, faux tree-calf boards. Label with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreMiquel, F. A. W.
Illustrationes piperacearum. Cum tabulis XCII.
Breslau and Bonn, Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher, 1846. 4to (29.7 x 22.4 cm). Two titles (German and Latin), 87 pp.; 92 lithographed plates (several larger, folded). Near contemporary dark blue pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreMoris, J. and J. de Notaris
Florula Caprariae sive enumertio plantarum in insula Capraria vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatum latius excultarum.
Torino, Reale Accademia delle Scienza di Torino, 1840. Large 4to (28.8 x 22.0 cm). 246 pp.; six elegantly lithographed plates. Marbled wrappers.
Read moreMorren, C. (ed.)
l'Horticulteur Belge, Journal des Jardiniers et Amateurs. Volumes 1-5. [All published].
Bruxelles, Bureau du Journal and Établissement Encyclographique, 1833-1837. Five volumes in five. 4to (24.2 x 15.5 cm). Numerous text engravings and 119 nicely hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards, spines with four raised, gilt-ornamented bands, gilt pattered spine feet, compartments with blind-tooled vignettes and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreMunting, A.
Naauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen, waar in de veelerley aart en bijzondere eigenschappen der boomen, heesters, kruyden, bloemen, met haare vrugten, zaden, wortelen en bollen, neevens derzelver waare voort-teeling, gelukkige aanwinning, en heylzaame genees-krachten, na een veel-jarige oeffening en eigen ondervinding, in drie onderscheide boeken, naauwkeuriglijk beschreeven worden; foor den heer Abraham Munting, In zijn leeven, hoogleraar der genees- en kruydkunde in de vermaarde Akademie te Groeningen. Nu eerst nieuwelijks uitgegeeven, en met meer dan 250 afbeeldingen, all naer 't leeven geteekend en konstiglijk in 't koper gesneeden, vercierd. Met nodige registers verrijkt. [Nauwkeurige beschryving der aard-gewassen].
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, and Utrecht, François Halma, 1696. Folio (39.5 x 25.4 cm). Half title [ Aardgewassen], engraved frontispiece title [ Aard-Gewassen] with full page allegorical engraving Rerum Magistra by Goeree and engraved by I. Baptist; second title page with full title in red and black, and engraved vignette Cultior his vita est, half title to second part; 563 pp. [(xxxiv), 465 (with 930 numbered columns), (lxiv)]; 245 engraved plates (on 243 sheets). Chapters with beautiful large, engraved allegorical head and tail pieces. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. Spine with seven raised bands and burgundy morocco label with intrinsic gilt borders and gilt title. Front and rear with blind-ruled borders and center arabesque.
Read morePaxton, J.
Die Cultur der Georginen (Dahlien). Nach dem Englischen mit Zuziehung des Herrn Hofgärtner Fischer in Weimar und mehrerer anderer Georginenfreunde bearbeitet von Heinr. Gauss. Mit 2 der Französischen Ueberzetsung beigefügten Briefen der Herren A. v. Humboldt und A. de Jussieu.
Weimar, Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, 1839. Small 8vo (18.0 x 11.1 cm). xiv, 102, [iv] pp. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePrain, D.
The Species of Dalbergia of South-Eastern Asia.
Calcutta [Kolkata], Bengal Secretariat Press [for the Royal Botanical Garden, Calcutta], 1904. Folio (37.0 x 29.0 cm). 120 pp.; 91 lithographed plates. Original portfolio with black half cloth over printed boards. Handwritten label on the spine.
Read morePursh, F.
Journal of a Botanical Excursion in the Northeastern parts of the states of Pennsylvania and New York during the year 1807.
Philadelphia, PA, Brinckloe and Marot, [1807] 1869. 8vo (18.1 x 12.3 cm) 87 pp. Contemporary (original?) limp pebbled cloth. Spine with later, elongate morocco label with gilt title.
Read morePuydt, E. de
Les orchidées. Histoire iconographique. Organographie, classification, géographie, collections, commerce, emploi, culture. Avec une revue descriptive des espèces cultivées en Europe. Ouvrage orné de 244 vignettes et de 50 chromolithographies dessinées d'après nature.
Paris, Rothschild, 1880. Royal 8vo (27.6 x 18.0 cm). viii, 348 pp.; 50 fine chromolithographed plates, finished by hand, and 244 figures in the text. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreRedouté, J. P. and others
Annales de la Société d'Horticulture de Paris, et Journal Spécial de l'État et des Progrès du Jardinage.
Paris, Société d'Horticulture de Paris, 1827-1829. Five volumes in five. 1924 pp. [I (1827) 256 pp.; II (1828) 416 pp.; III (1828) 384 pp.; IV (1829) 440 pp.; V(1829) 428 pp.]; 12 engraved plates, of which many double-sized, two partially coloured and one finely hand-coloured. Contemporary uniform marbled boards. Spines with gilt ornamental lines and black morocco label with gilt title. Speckled edges.
Read moreRohweder, J.
Blütendiagramme nebst Längsschnittbildern von ausgewählten einheimischen Blütenpflanzen, als Vertretern der Hauptabteilungen des natürlichen und des Linnéschen Pflanzensystems zur Einführung in das Verständnis des Blütenbaues und als Muster für das Diagramm-Zeichnen.
Gotha, E. F. Thienemann, 1893. Two parts in three. 4to (24.8 x 21.3 cm). Brochure of 16 pp.; second brochure, with 24 chromolithographed plates of flowers. Both contained in pictorial cloth portfolio. Inner boards and flaps with floral pattern.
Read moreRousseau, J. J. [A. Deville (ed.)]
Letters on the elements of botany, addressed to a Lady by J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus by Thomas Martyn, B.D.F.R. & L.SS, Regius professor of botany in the University of Cambridge. The eighth edition, corrected. [AND] Thirty-eight plates with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnaeus's system of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the letters on the Elements of Botany.
London, White, Cochrane, and Co., Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; B. Crosby and Co.; and Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, 1815. Two works in one. 8vo (21.0 x 13.1 cm). Half title, title, xx, 434 pp., folding table. [AND] London, J. White, 1799. vi, 72 pp.; 38 hand-coloured, tissue-guarded engraved plates by F. Nodder. Full contemporay polished calf, spine with four raised, flat-topped bands with gilt ornaments; compartments with rich gilt vignettes and title; boards with elaborate double gilt borders, blind-tooled, gilt, and black ornamental lines; gilt inner and outer dentelles; marbled edges.
Read moreSavulesco, T. (ed.)
Flora Republicii Populare Romine. I - IV.
Bucaresti, Academiae Reipublicae Popularis Romanicae, 1952-1956. Four volumes in four. Large 8vo (23.5 x 17.0 cm). Eight title pages (two in each volume); 3029 pp. [(1952): xlviii, 659; II(1953): 702; III(1955): 662; IV(1956): 958]; and 472 plates [96;108;104;164]. Uniform blind-stamped blue cloth with silver title on the spines and front boards.
Read more[Société Dendrologique de France]
Bulletin de la Société Dendrologique de France. Volumes 1-6. [= parts 1-22].
Paris, Société Dendrologique de France, 1906-1911. 22 parts (six volumes) in two. 8vo (24.2 x 15.7 cm). Six title pages; 1351 pp. [112; 237; 255; 287; 180; 280]; numerous text figures, several plates; one folded coloured map. Uniform near contemporary red half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the pines. Marbled endpapers; speckled edges.
Read more[Société royale de Botanique de Belgique]
Bulletins de la Société royale de Botanique de Belgique. Volumes 1 - 25. [Bulletin].
Bruxelles, M. Hayez [later: the Société itself], 1862-1881. 25 volumes in 25. 8vo (21.2 x 13.6 cm). Over 10,000 pp.; numerous plates of which several tinted or coloured. Uniform late 19th-century pebbled cloth; spines with black morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreSturm, J.
Kupfersammlung zu Schuberts und jeder andern Naturgeschichte brauchbar. In 12 Blättern, nach der Natur gezeichnet, gestochen und gemahlt.
Nürnberg, privately published, (n.d., but circa 1825). 8vo (20.1 x 12.0 cm). pp. v-viii; 12 hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary blind grey/black mottled paper covered boards. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreSuter, J. R.
Helvetiens Flora, worinn alle in Hallerischen Werke enthaltenen und seither neuentdeckten schweizer Pflanzen nach Linné's Methode aufgestellt sind.
Zürich, Orell, Fuessli, 1802. Two volumes in two. 12mo (14.2 x 8.8 cm). lxiii, 345, [xviii]; 416 pp. Uniform, later vellum. Spines with contemporary red morocco label with gilt title. All edges gilt and embossed with floral pattern.
Read moreWeihe, [C. E.] A. and C. G. [D.] Nees von Esenbeck
Die Deutschen Brombeersträuche. Rubi Germanici, descripti et figuris illustrati.
Elberfeld, Schön, [1821]-1822-1827. Folio (39.1 x 24.9 cm). Two half-titles, two title pages (Latin and German), [vi] (dedication leaf; list of subscribers, preface), 116, [iv], 130, [iv] (index) pp.; 53 engraved and partially hand-coloured plates [numbered I-XLIX, III.B, XLV.B, XLVI.B, XLVI.C]. Original printed boards.
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