First edition - by a prominent promulgator of Linnaean taxonomy

Laterrade, J. F.

Flore bordelaise, ou tableau des plantes qui croissent naturallement aux environs de Bordeaux, dans un cercle d'un myriamètre et demi de rayon, classées d'après le système de Linné, avec l'etymologie des noms géneriques, le site, l'époque de la floraison, etc. leurs usages dans les arts, l'économie rurale et la médecine; précédée de notions élémentaires sur la botanique. Dédiée à Monsieur Lynch, maire de la ville de Bordeaux, comte de l'empire.

Published 1811
Item ID 77813

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Bordeaux, Moreau, 1811. 16mo (16.1 x 10.0 cm). 300 pp. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and vignettes, and red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.

The seldom-seen first edition of which the 1821 second, and 1829 third edition are more common. Still later (1846) a fourth edition, and, in 1857, a supplement, were published. Written by the French botanist and founder of the Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, Jean-François Laterrade (1784-1858). Provenance: small red floral bookplate of J. & A. Raynal mounted on the half-title verso. Aline Marine Raynal-Roques (1937-2022) was a French botanist and professor at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, specialized in tropical floras, especially of Africa. Her husband, and colleague Jean Reynal (1933-1979) was a deputy director at the same institution. He died in a car accident in Niger. Some wear to the spine and board edges; otherwise an excellent, clean copy. Stafleu and Cowan, 4228.

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