Bryophyta - Cryptogams
14 items found
Necker, N. J. De
Physiologia muscorum, per examen analyticum de corporibus variis naturalibus inter se collatis continuitatem proximamue animalis cum vegetabili concatenationem indicantibus.
Mannheim ["Manhemii"], C. F. Schwan, 1774. 8vo (18.6 x 11.3 cm). [vi], 343 pp., one folded engraved plate, copper-engraved title vignette, head and tail with woodcut vignettes. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with gilt lines and small vignettes; dark red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled enbdpapers. Edges speckled dark blue.
Read moreMarsigli, L. F. Comte de (Marsilli, L. Graave van)
Natuurkundige Beschryving der Zeeën.
's Gravenhage, De Compagnie, 1786. Folio (41.6 x 26.0 cm). Half-title, a nice hand-coloured engraved allegorical frontispiece, title page with woodcut vignette. [ii], xxvi, 216 pp.; seven mostly folded engravings, five hand-coloured engraved maps and profiles, and 40 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates (for a total of 52 plates and maps), woodcut endpieces and capitals. Contemporary half calf over speckled boards. Spine with six raised bands, compartments with gilt floral vignettes and burgundy morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreMorren, C. (ed.)
l'Horticulteur Belge, Journal des Jardiniers et Amateurs. Volumes 1-5. [All published].
Bruxelles, Bureau du Journal and Établissement Encyclographique, 1833-1837. Five volumes in five. 4to (24.2 x 15.5 cm). Numerous text engravings and 119 nicely hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards, spines with four raised, gilt-ornamented bands, gilt pattered spine feet, compartments with blind-tooled vignettes and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreEttingshausen, C. and A. Pokorny
Physiotypia Plantarum Austriacarum. Der Naturselbstdruck in seiner Anwendung auf die Gefässpflanzen des Österreichischen Kaiserstaates, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nervation in den Flächenorganen der Pflanzen. Plate 23. Aspidium rigidum.
Wien, Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei [1855-1856]. Folio nature-printed plate (58.1 x 40.4 cm; 45.4 x 29.0 cm for printed area). Unbound and uncut with full margins.
Read more[after T. H. Ekart]
Synopsis Hepaticarum. Descriptiones Jungermanniarum. [Original Manuscript].
France, no place, no date [ca. 1860-1880]. Small folio (24.7 x 20.0 cm). Manuscript of 46 pp. with 31 original, fine, mounted, ink drawings of liverworts, most with handwritten descriptions at the foot or on loose leaflets. Patterned quarter linen over burgundy grained linen. Marbled endpapers
Read moreColmeiro (y Penido), M.
Enumeracion de las criptógamas de España y Portugal. Parte primera. Acrogenas: helechos, equisetáceas, rizocarpeas, licopodiaceas, musgos, hepáticas. [AND] Parte segunda. Talogenas: hongos, líquenes, collemaceas, algas. [Complete].
Madrid, Eusebio Aguado, 1867. 8vo (20.2 x 14.3 cm). 379 [119; 260] pp. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine with gilt ornaments, title gilt. Marbled endpapers. Edges sprinkled red.
Read moreEttingshausen, C., von
Die Fossile Flora des Tertiär-Beckens von Bilin. I Theil. (Enthaltend die Thallophyten, Kryptogamischen Gefässpflanzen; Monokotyledonen, Coniferen, Julifloren und Oleraceen).
Wien, Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1867. 4to (29.6 x 23.1 cm). 95 pp.; 30 tinted lithographed plates. Later boards, printed label mounted on front board.
Read moreCranwell, T.
New Zealand ferns. Prepared and mounted by T. Cranwell.
Auckland (Parnell), T. Cranwell, no date [before 1877]. Small folio (27.8 x 22.3 cm). 30 sheets with mounted ferns, each with a small, mounted label with the Latin name. Original green leather spine and carved rimu wood-panels. Marbled endpapers. Contained in recent clamshell box (30.6 x 24.7 x 4.9 cm) of black cloth with black morocco label with gilt ornamental bands and title on the 'spine'.
Read moreFoslie, M. [H.]
The Norwegian forms of Lithothamnion [AND] New or critical Lithothamnia.
Trondhjem, Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs, 1894. Two papers in one. 8vo (22.2 x 14.2 cm). 190 [180; 10] pp.; 24 [23; 1] attractive photographed plates. Contemporary pebbled half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands, gilt title and vignettes. Marbled endpapers, top edge gilt. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreCoupin, H. [E. V.]
Album général des cryptogames. Avec la collaboration de M[ademois]elle Fernande Coupin. Algae. [Complete].
Paris, E. Orlhac, [1911-1912]. 4to (27.5 x 18.6 cm). 394 plates with explanatory text leaves, title pages and indexes. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreToni, J. de [= G. de Toni]
Diagnoses algarum novarum. Post sylloges editionem descriptarum. I (Centuriae I-XI) [AND] II (Centuria I). [All published].
Brixia [Brescia], privately published by the author (and heirs?), 1937-1955. 12 parts in 12 (17.7 x 13.6 cm). 1200 pages. (Near) contemporary uniform brown cloth with gilt title on the spines.
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