16 items found
Adriani, N. and A. C. Kruyt
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes. [Complete, in four volumes].
Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. In four volumes. Text in three octavo volumes (26.5 x 18.0 cm) [AND] atlas in folio portfolio (37.0 x 26.5 cm). 1,636 pp.; 58 photographs on 26 sheets, 13 coloured plates of which seven partly in full colour, and four coloured folding maps (two showing adjacent regions). Original uniform quarter cloth over printed boards.
Read moreBrinkley, F.
Oriental Series. Japan [and] China. [the rare "Lotus"-edition].
Boston and Tokyo, J. B. Millet, 1901-1902. Twelve volumes in twelve. 8vo (23.1 x 15.7 cm). 3752 pp.; 255 plates, of which 115 monochrome and 114 in full colour - all with printed tissue guards, and 26 lithographed, captioned on the plates; three maps, of which two very large, multi-folded and in full colour. Uniform original full dark green morocco. Spines with three raised bands, gilt, pink-and-red inlay morocco lotus vignette and gilt title. Boards with gilt-lined borders and pink-and-red inlay morocco lotuses.
Read moreDorman, R. M.
The Origin of Primitive Superstitions. And their development into the worship of spirits and the doctrine of spiritual agency among the aborigines of America.
Philadelphia, PA, J. B. Lippincott, 1881. 8vo (23.0 x 15.1 cm). 398 pp.; 21 numbered text-engravings, five plates of which four originally hand-coloured, including a tissue-guarded frontispiece (= Plate I), Original dark brown buckram. Spine with red lines, gilt pictorial vignette and title; boards with red border; front board with pictorial gilt vignette. Dark green endpapers.
Read moreHardouin, E. and W. L. Ritter
Java. Tooneelen uit het leven. Karakterschetsen en kleederdragten van Java's bewoners in afbeeldingen naar de natuur geteekend door E. Hardouin met tekst van W. L. Ritter en een voorwoord van H. M. Lange, gepensionneerd Luitenant Kolonel van het O. I. leger. Benevens eene kaart van Java naar de nieuwste bronnen bewerkt.
Leiden, A. W. Sythoff, 1855. Large 4to (28.7 x 20.7 cm). Title page with finely engraved vignette; xv, 242 pp.; hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece and 25 other hand-coloured lithographed and tissue-guarded plates; large, triple-folded coloured double map of Java, Madoera and Bawean. Original green embossed cloth. Spine and front board rich gilt with floral patterns and ethnographical vignettes. Yellow endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreHla, M. T.
[Burma - Myanmar] A collection of two late nineteenth to early twentieth century Burmese costume studies.
Burma [Myanmar], ca. 1920. Two watercolour and gouache paintings on Whatman paper. 8vo-sized (images ca. 24.0 x 19.9 cm). Heightened with white body colour; each signed "M. T. Hla" in lower right corner, uniformly mounted. Mounts 30.5 x 24.6 cm.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read moreKükenthal, W.
Im Malayischen Archipel. Eine Forschungsreise. [OR] Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgeführt von Dr. Willy Kükenthal, Inhaber der Ritter-Professur für Phylogenie und a.-o. Professor an der Universität Jena.
Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1896. 4to (30.0 x 23.0 cm). xi, 321 pp.; 63 plates, including ten chromolithographed plates with printed, explanatory overlays; seven coloured maps (several large, folded), five text illustrations. Original black quarter cloth over pictorial boards.
Read moreMenzies, J. H.
Maori Patterns. Painted and Carved.
Christchurch, Smith and Antony, [1910]. Oblong folio (36.6 x 50.1 cm). Engraved title page in red and black; explanatory leaf; 28 plates. Original white linen boards with colour-printed title mounted. Preserved in protective clamshell box of blue half morocco over blue linen boards; "spine" with wavy giltlines and gilt title. Marbled inside.
Read moreNiebuhr, C.
Description de l'Arabie d'apres les observations et recherches faites dans le pays meme.
Copenhague [Copenhagen], Nicolas Möller, 1773. Large, thick 4to (27.8 x 21.0 cm). Title page with engraved vignette; xlvi (including dedication leaf, dated 1772, with engraved vignette), 372; 25 engraved plates and maps, of which several larger, folded; the very large map of Arabia, and two other plates with original, additional hand-colouring; one large, folded table. Contemporary mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral corner-pieces and central vignette, and burgundy morocco label with gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled decorative border. Patterned endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read morePollen, F. P. L. and D. C. Van Dam
Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses Dépendances, d'apres les découvertes de François P. L. et D. C. Van Dam. I. Relation de voyage.
Leyde [Leiden], J. K. Steenhoff, 1868-1877. 4to (29.0 x 21.5 cm). 240, [2] pp.; several text engravings; 55 plates or maps, including two lithographed portraits, 48 mostly coloured and tinted lithographed plates (views), two tinted lithographed maps (one very large, multi-folded) one hand-written letter in facsimile (double-sized). Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands with gilt chains; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreRees, W. A. Van
De Bandjermasinsche Krijg van 1859-1863. Nader toegelicht.
Arnhem, D. A. Thieme, 1867. 8vo (21.9 x 13.5 cm). Very large, triple-folded chromolithographed plate (as frontispiece); engraved, folded map; and very large, quadruple-folded engraved plate of a Kotta Mara (wooden warship), Title page, 139 pp. Contemporary pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt bands and number.
Read moreReinburg, [M. J. G.] P.
Mission officielle commanditée par le Ministère de l'Instruction Publique pour un voyage d'étude en Amérique latine (1909-1913).
Paris, unpublished, 1909-1913. 266 framed glass positives (including colour positives), 9.9 x 8.5 cm with handwritten descriptive labels (positive size 7.0 x 7.0 cm); preserved in one wooden box (28.5 x 11.0 x 11.1 cm) and 25 contemporary cardboard boxes, mostly with pictorial printed labels.
Read moreRouffaer, G. P. and H. H. Juynboll
Die Batik-Kunst in Niederländisch-Indien und ihre Geschichte bearbeitet auf Grund von dem im Reichs Museum für Volkerkunde und öffentlichen wie privaten Sammlungen in den Niederlanden befindlichen, reichhaltigen Material. De batik-kunst in Nederlandsch-Indië en haar geschiedenis. Op grond van materiaal aanwezig in 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum en andere openbare en particuliere verzamelingen in Nederland.
Haarlem, H. Kleinmann & Co.; Utrecht, A. Oosthoek, 1899-1914. Two volumes in two (text, atlas). Large 4to (33.5 x 25.8 cm). Double title pages (in German and Dutch), 646 pp. (15, [iii], xxx, 534, xxix, xxxi-lxv); several text illustrations (1914 text volume); ix pp.; 100 plates (many double-sized, and/or in colour), one very large, double folded map (in red and black) of Java and Madura (1899 atlas volume), a second map, of "Voor India" (i.e., India proper) in red and black, double folded, tipped in between plates 80 and 81. Uniform full batik cloth. Patterned endpapers.
Read moreSiebold, P. F. von
Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutzländeren. Jezo mit den südlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Kooraï und den Liukiu-Inseln, nach japanischen und europäischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen. Atlas.
Leiden, privately published by the author, [1832]-1835. Seven parts in three. Folio (54.8 x 35.4 cm [loose plates]; 58 x 39 cm [bound volumes]). Allegorical frontispiece (much larger and far more finely engraved than the similar one in the quarto edition), 2 pp. "Erklärung des Titelbildes"; 296 (of 365) plates and maps, of which 45 hand-coloured (including a few partially coloured). Captions in Dutch and German, partly in Japanese. Uniform contemporary style polished half calf over marbled boards. Spines rich gilt with arabesque patterns, and two red morocco labels with gilt title.
Read moreTemminck, C. J. (ed.)
Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige commissie in Indië en andere schrijvers. Uitgegeven op last van de Koning.
Leiden, S. Luchtmans and J. Luchtmans, 1839-1844. Three volumes in five, including a matching drop box. Folio (42.6 x 29.1 cm). 1379 pp.; 258 plates on 257 sheets (and one double, not counted), of which all but 81 finely hand-coloured, and four maps, of which one double-sized, and all but one partly hand-coloured. Uniform contemporary dark green half morocco over grained boards. Spines with five raised bands; gilt ornaments at head and foot, and gilt title. Speckled edges.
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