43 items found
Abendanon, E. C.
Expédition de la Célèbes Centrale. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale (1909-1910). Volumes I-III (text), atlas. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1916. Three text volumes in three. 8vo (27.3 x 19.1 cm). 1615 pp. [xxviii, xvi, xxii,1549]; 183 plates and maps, 140 text figures. [AND] atlas folio (55.0 x 38.0 cm). Text with eight photogravures, 138 photographs, maps, numerous figures [AND] atlas with title page (double, French/Dutch) one coloured explanatory chart (36 different colours) and 17 mostly coloured folded geological maps and/or profiles (numbered 1, II, 3-11, 12a, 12b, 13-16). Original uniform black and gilt printed olive cloth (text), original printed portfolio (atlas).
Read moreAgassiz, A.
The coral reefs of the Maldives.
Cambridge, MA, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1903. Two volumes (text and atlas) in one. 4to (29.1 x 23.8 cm). Text: xxv, 168 pp.; numerous text illustrations; Atlas: 6 pp.; 82 maps, as follows: eight folded maps [numbered 1-8], three profiles [numbered 8a-c] and 71 photographic plates [numbered 9-79]. Later green buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original printed front wrappers bound in.
Read moreAllemann, F.
Geologische Karte Fürstentum Liechtenstein.
[Vaduz], Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, 1953. Large (102.0 x 67.0 cm), folded map, consisting of 25 rectangular sheets in full colour, mounted on linen. Handwritten and stamped label on the front-facing part of the linen map verso.
Read moreAnville, [J. B. B.] d'
Carte de l'Inde. Dressée pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orléans. Paris, Novembre 1752.
Paris, Compagnie des Indes, 1752. Oblong broadsheet (97.2 x 111.5 cm), printed engraving with additional, contemporary hand-colouring (printed surface 87.8 x 104.5 cm).
Read moreArnold, F.
Halenza's neuestes Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln. Einziges, durch die Berliner und Frankfurter Künstler gefässtes Urtheil, anerkanntes Kustwerk. Panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusq'à Cologne. Panorama of the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne. [Complete with the rare text volume].
Mainz, J. Halenza, [1880]. Two parts in two. 8vo (text: 26.4 x 16.2 cm). Title page, 24 pp. (in English). Panorama: One folding lithographed view by F. Foltz (27 x 230 cm). Contained in original printed boards with the German title on one board, and the French/English titles on the other.
Read moreBelanger, L. and P. Vanlerberghe and S. Malgo
View of the torrent of the Lutschinen, and of the glaciers where it takes its source – Vue du torrent de la Lutschinen en Suisse, et des glaciers ou il prend sa source.
London, G. & W. Nicoll, 1800. Broadsheet (71.0 x 56.0 cm). Aquatint, finished by hand.
Read moreClairaut, J. B., a.o.
Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum ex scriptis Societati Regiae Scientiarum exhibitis. Edita, continuatio III, sive Tomus IV. Cum figuris et indice materiarum.
Berolini, Johann Andreas Rüdiger, 1734. Small 4to (20.5 x 16.0 cm). vi, 405 pp.; 11 mostly folded engraved plates. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt, red morocco label with gilt title. Edges speckled red.
Read moreCuvier, G. and A. [T.] Brongniart
Essai sur la géographie minéralogique des environs de Paris. Proof copy of the introductions, with corrections by Brogniart.
Paris, Institut Impériale de France, [1809 or 1810]. 4to (25.0 x 20.0 cm). 33 pp. Not bound. In a 20th century blue hardcover paper drop-box (26.8 x 22.0 cm) with printed label on the top board.
Read moreDolomieu, D. [G. S. T.], De
Reise nach den liparischen Insuln oder Nachricht von den äolischen Insuln zur nähern Aufklärung der Geschichte der Vulkane. Nebst einer Abhandlung über eine Art von Luftvulkan, und einer andern über die Temperatur des Clima auf Maltha und die Verschiedenheit der wahren und fühlbaren Wärme.
Leipzig, Johann Gottfried Müller, 1783. 8vo (16.7 x 10.1 cm). 210, [ii] pp. Contemporary marbled boards, small leather label with gilt title on the spine. Edges yellow.
Read moreEnouy, J.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, with the adjacent parts of the Continent, from Amsterdam to Paris and Brest, compiled from a variety of the most authentic materials.
London, Samuel Leigh, 1818. Large, folded, coloured map (62.7 x 75.3 cm) of Great Britain and Ireland, and the continental coasts of the Channel and North Sea. In original reddish paper-covered boards, with printed label mounted.
Read moreFuchs, W.
Die Venetianer Alpen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hochgebirgte, met einen geognostischen Karte und Gebirgteprofilen in achtzehn Tafeln.
Solothurn, Jent & Gassmann, 1844. Oblong folio (29.8 x 35.5 cm), [4], 60 pp.; 18 mostly hand-coloured engraved maps and plates. Text pages bordered with putti and goddesses. 19th century iridescent blue blind cloth.
Read more[Geological map]
Geognostische Karte von Württemberg [AND] Begleitworte zur geognostischen Specialkarte von Württemberg.
Stuttgart, Das Königliches Statistisch-topographisches Bureau, Kohlhammer, Kleeblatt, 1863-1892. With 54 chromolithographed folded geological maps, all mounted on linen, numbered 1-48, 50-55, in two original, uniform burgundy boxes with gilt title on the lid. [AND] the "Begleitworte" 34 parts in one. Large 8vo (25.7 x 19.5 cm). Stuttgart, Königlich Statistischen Landesambt, (1865-1892). ca. 1,000 pp., and five hand-coloured wood-engraved or lithographed maps or geological profiles, and four wood-engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title, ornaments, and the Württemberg coat-of-arms; patterned endpapers, and marbled edges.
Read moreGranö, J. G.
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eiszeit in der Nordwestlichen Mongolei und einigen ihrer südsibirischen Grenzgebirge. Geomorphologische Studien aus den Jahren 1905, 1906, 1907 und 1909.
Helsingfors, J. Simelii [for the Geographical Society of Finland], 1910. Large 8vo (24.9 x 16.5 cm). iv, 230 pp.; seven large, folded coloured maps, 19 photographic plates. Later quarter calf over pictorial boards.
Read moreHarris, W. H.
Louisiana products, resources and attractions, with a sketch of the parishes. A hand book of reliable information concerning the State.
New Orleans, LA, W. M. Harris [for the State], 1881. 8vo (23.4 x 14.9 cm). 248 pp., one large, folded coloured map, one lithographed frontispiece portrait. Original pictorial wrappers. In protective transparent cover.
Read moreHochstetter, F. von and A. Petermann.
The geology of New Zealand: in explanation of the geographical and topographical atlas of New Zealand by Dr. F. Von Hochstetter and Dr. A. Petermann, from the Scientific Publications of the Novara Expedition. Translated by C. F. Fischer. Also, lectures by Dr. F. Hochstetter delivered in New Zealand.
Auckland, T. Delattre, 1864. 8vo (21.0 x 13.6 cm). Title page, 113 pp. Original grained red cloth with gilt title on the front board.
Read more["JAM" (R. de Bouillé, Comte)]
[Original watercolour sketches of French landscapes]
[France], no place, no publisher, ca. 1863-1890. 13 oblong sheets (22.3 x 29.2 cm), all with fine watercolour paintings, either full-sized, or smaller, in a drawn rectangular frame. And one drawing on slightly smaller paper, more sketchy, in pencil.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read moreKan, C. M. and N. W. Posthumus (eds.)
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, gevestigd te Amsterdam. Eerste Deel [Journal of the Geographical Society in Amsterdam, Volume 1].
Amsterdam, C. F. Stemler, 1876. 4to (28.2 x 24.0 cm). xl, 405 pp.; 11 maps, including several (very) large and/or coloured. Original brown pebbled cloth, richly embossed in gilt and black.
Read moreLe Goux de Flaix, A. [Legoux]
Historisch-geographisch politischer Versuch über Ostindien nebst der Schilderung von dessen Handel nach Le Goux de Flaix. Mit Noten, Anmerkungen und einer Vorrede von E. A. W. v. Z[immermann].
Leipzig, Heinrich Gräff, 1810. Two volumes in two. 8vo (17.5 x 10.7 cm). 892 [I: viii, 444; II: iv, 436] pp.; one folded engraving of the Jagannath temple. Contemporary uniform tree calf resembling paper boards with ruled borders, olive and brown gilt-lettered morocco labels on spines.
Read moreLecoq, H.
[Auvergne] Itinéraire de Clermont au Puy de Dome, ou description de cette montagne et de la Vallée de Royat et Fontanat; seconde edition. [AND] Two other papers on the geology of Auvergne, by A. C. P. F. Von Lasaulx, and by J. B. Bouillet, bound in.
Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1836. 8vo (21.2 x 13.3 cm). vi, 102 pp. Early 20th century half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreLesseps, [J. B. B.] de
Herrn von Lesseps Gefährten des Grafen de la Perouse Reise durch Kamtschatka und Sibirien nach Frankreich. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Mit Anmerkungen von Johann Reinhold Forster.
Berlin, Voss, 1791. 8vo (22.4 x 14.5 cm). xxviii, 302 [303-544] pp.; two engraved, folded maps, one folded table. Original blind boards.
Read moreLovassy, A.
Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees. Mit Unterstützung der hohen Kön. Ung. Ministerien für Ackerbau und für Cultus und Unterricht. Zweiter Band. Die Biologie des Balatonsees und seiner Umgebung. Zweiter Theil. Die Flora. II. Sektion. Die Pflanzengeographischen Verhältnisse der Balatonsee-Gegend. Anhang. Die trophischen Nymphaeen des Hévizsees bei Keszthely.
Wien, Ed. Hölzel, 1909. Large 4to (29.3 x 21.2 cm). 91 pp.; four plates of which three in chromolithography. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreMalte-Brun, [C.]
Précis de la géographie universelle, ou description de toutes les partes du monde, sur un plan nouveau d'après les grandes divisions naturelles du globe. Précédée de l'histoire de la géographie chez les peuples anciens et modernes, et d'une théorie générale de la géographie mathématique, physique et politique. Collection de cartes géographiques. [AND] Atlas supplémentaire du Précis de la géographie universelle de M. Malte-Brun; dressé conformément au texte de cet ouvrage et sous les yeax de l'auteur, par M. Lapie, capitaine ingénieur géographie. [Atlases].
Paris, François Buisson, 1810-1812. Two parts in one. Folio (34.0 x 25.8 cm). Title pages, 14 pp. [ii; 12]; 75 [24; 51] engraved and hand-coloured maps. 19th-century black quarter calf over black pebbled boards. Spine with four slightly raised, gilt-lined bands; compartments with triple-gilt borders and title. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreMaupertuis, P.L. Moreau de
Sur la Figure de la Terre déterminée par Messieurs de l'Académie royale des Sciences, qui ont mesuré le degré du méridien au Cercle Polaire.
Paris, l'Imprimérie Royale, 1740. 4to (25.8 x 20.2 cm). pp. 90-96; 389-469 In: Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences Année MDCCCXXXVII. Engraved allegorical frontispiece; title page; [vi], 120, 492 pp.; engraved map of Lapponia; five engraved, folded plates. Contemporary full polished calf. Boards with double gilt borders; spine with five raised bands, gilt floral patterns and two red morocco labels with gilt title. Gilt floral inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Mottled edges.
Read morePhillip, A.
Arthur Phillips Reise nach der Botany-Bay, nebst Auszügen aus den Tagebüchern der neuesten Brittischen Entdecker in der Südsee.
Hamburg, Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann, 1791. 8vo (20.4 x 11.1 cm). [xiv], viii, [9]-264 pp.; one engraved portrait as a frontispiece, one engraved title vignette, eight engraved plates and one hand-coloured folded map. Contemporary mottled half calf over marbled boards. Green morocco label with gilt title on the spine. Blue endpapers.
Read more[Przewalski] Von Prschewalskij, N.
Reisen in der Mongolei, im Gebiet der Tanguten und den Wüsten Nordtibets in den Jahren 1870 bis 1873.
Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1877. Large 8vo (21.9 x 14.1 cm). xl, 538 pp.; one coloured lithographed folding map and ten engraved plates and several text engravings. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with red, gilt-bordered label, title in gilt.
Read moreRadermacher, J. C. M. (ed.)
Bataviaasch Genootschap der Kunsten en Wetenschappen: Verhandelingen. Volume 1.
Batavia, Ter Lands Drukkerij, 1820. 8vo (18.6 x 12.5 cm) 266 pp., 59 pp. Voorbericht [foreword], 23 pp. Nabericht [afterword] and Bladwijzer [index]. Contemporary half calf with mottled paper over boards.
Read moreRothpletz, A.
Ein geologischer Querschnitt durch die Ost-Alpen nebst Anhang über die sog. Glarner Doppelfalte.
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), 1894. 8vo (22.4 x 15.4 cm). iv, 208 pp.; two full colour folded profiles of which one measuring 22.5 x 352.0 cm (!), 115 text illustrations. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt lines and two red morocco labels with gilt title on the spine. Edges speckled.
Read moreSaulcy, [L.] F. [J. C.] de
Voyage autour de la Mer Morte et dans les terres bibliques exécuté de décembre 1850 à avril 1851. Relation de voyage; atlas. [Complete].
Paris, Gide et J. Baudry, 1852-1853. In two text volumes and one atlas volume. 8vo (24.5 x 16.0 cm [text]). 1054 pp. [399; 655]). Folio/large 4to (31.0 x 23.7 cm [atlas]). 172 pp. [4, vii, 20, i-iv, 5-19; xxvi, 96]; 15 maps on 14 sheets (one double-sized); 61 (LVII; 4) lithographed plates (several tinted). Text in near contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt bands and title; Atlas in contemporary half morocco over grained, cloth with gilt title on the front board and spine. Marbled endpapers. Original printed wrappers of the text volumes bound in.
Read moreSonnini, C. S.
Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, par Leclerc de Buffon; nouvelle edition accompagnée de notes, et dans laquelle les supplémens sont insérés dans le premier texte, à la place qui leur convient. Ouvrage formant un cours complet d'histoire naturelle; redige par C. S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes. Tomes Mineraux 1-16. [Théorie de la terre 1-3; Epoques de la nature; Introduction a l'histoire des minéraux 1-3; Mineraux 1-9].
Paris, Dufart, An VIII (1798) - X (1800). 16 parts in 16. 8vo (19.5 x 12.2 cm). Engraved frontispiece, 7156 pp.; nine engraved plates, four folded maps. Contemporary uniform full tree calf. Boards with gilt ornamented borders and gilt dentelles. Rich gilt spines, gilt titles on two (red and black) morocco labels, marbled flyleaves, all edges speckled red on yellow.
Read moreSouvenir of Cape of Good Hope
Souvenir of Cape of Good Hope.
Cape Town [?], "G. B. & Co.", ca. 1900. Oblong, large folio (22.0 x 57.0 cm). 71 photos in heliogravure, including 11 wide panoramas, and 15 groups of four smaller photos. Original pebbled cloth in grey and red, with gilt title on the front board. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreTissot, C. [J.]
Recherches sur la géographie comparée de la Maurétanie tingitane.
Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1877. 4to (27.8 x 22.1 cm). 184 pp. [numbered 139-322]; six maps and plates, including a very large, multifolded map of Morocco and adjacent areas. Original blue wrappers with printed label on the spine.
Read moreTorre, G. M. Della
Histoire et phénomènes du Vésuve. Exposés par le Pere Dom Jean-Marie Della-Torre, clerc régulier sommasque, garde bde la bibliothéque & du cabinet du roi des Deux-Siciles, & correspondant de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Traduction de l'Italien par M. l'abbé Péton.
Paris, Jean-Thomas Hérissant, 1760. 12mo (16.3 x 9.2 cm). xxiv, 399 pp., one large folded map of Mount Vesuvius, the Bay of Naples and surroundings, and five folded plates with panoramas and other views of the volcano, caldera, etc. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands. Compartments with gilt floral vignettes and small red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers, marbled edges.
Read moreTravelling writer's kit
Travelling writer's kit with stationery and miniature globe.
Paris, ca. 1915-1925. Portable red cardboard box (28.0 x 16.9 x 14.3 cm) embossed with maroon reptile-skin patterned paper with gilt title "Papeterie" and vignette, and simple brass lock. Inside covered with decorative green-with-black-cobweb patterned paper.
Read moreUnger, F.
Ueber den Einfluss des Bodens auf die Vertheilung der Gewächse nachgewissen in der Vegetation des nordöstlichen Tirols.
Wien, Rohrmann und Schweigerd, 1836. 8vo (21.4 x 13.5 cm). xxiv, 367 pp.; one hand-coloured engraved plate of Kitzbühl, one large, folded, hand-coloured geological-geographical map, one large, folded hand-coloured sheet with geological profile, five folded charts with meteorological observations (four) and botanical observations (one), many tables in the text. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt lines, vignettes, and title. Marbled endpapers; speckled edges.
Read more[Various authors]
Annales des Mines. Series III-VI. Atlases.
Paris, Ecole de Mines, 1832-1866. Two series in four. Oblong folio (40.5 x 22.0 cm) with 758 (of 759? see below) engraved and lithographed plates and maps, of which 29 are hand-coloured geological maps or profiles. Contemporary uniform red cloth. Gilt titles on the spines and front boards. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreVincendon-Dumoulin, [C. A.] and C. [L. F.] Desgraz
Iles Taïti. Esquisse historique et géographique précédée de considérations générales sur la colonisation française dans l'Océanie. Première Partie - Deuxième Partie. [Complete].
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1844. In two parts. 8vo (21.5 x 14.1 cm). Half-titles, title pages, 1056 pp. (pagination continuous); two large, engraved maps. Original uniform, printed wrappers.
Read moreWillis, B. (ed.)
Research in China. In three volumes and atlas. 1(1). Descriptive topography and geology; 1(2). Petrography and zoology; 2. Systematic geology; 3. The Cambrian faunas of China. A report on Ordovician fossils collected in eastern Asia in 1903-04. A report on Upper Paleozoic fossils collected in China 1903-04; [4.] Geographical and geological maps. [Complete].
Washington, DC, The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1907-1913. In five parts (four text and plate volumes, one atlas). 4to (29.8 x 24.0 cm). Text; 101 plates, including six chromolithographs of birds, and geological maps; folio atlas (52.7 x 45.0 cm) with 42 mostly coloured geological and topographical maps (some with explanatory text or figures). Original printed wrappers.
Read moreZannoni, R.
Atlas historique de la France ancienne et moderne contenant tous les lieux illustrés par les événements les plus mémorables de notre histoire; ... depuis Pharamond jusqu'a Louis XV....
Paris, S. Desnos, 1782. Large 4to (28.8 x 22.2 cm). Beautifully engraved double-sized title page; similar folding dedication page (by Desnos and Zannoni), 16 pp.; 59 hand-coloured engraved maps (56 double-sized with ornamental borders; two much larger, of which one dated 1774, and the other 1776). Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral patterns and red morocco label with gilt title. Edges red.
Read more