44 items found
Alberti, B.
Über die Stammesgeschichtliche Gliederung der Zygaenidae nebst Revision einiger Gruppen (Insecta, Lepidoptera).
Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1954. 8vo (24.0 x 17.0 cm). 366 pp. [numbered 115-480]; 33 text illustrations, 62 plates (including one larger, folded). Original printed wrappers.
Read more[Ant, H.]
Manuscript based on Staudinger's printed list of Palaearctic Lepidoptera.
Not published, no date [but after 1936; probably ca. 1950]. Large 8vo (24.0 x 16.1 cm). 161 ruled pages with mounted strips with printed text. Mid-20th century black blind cloth over marbled boards.
Read more[Bates, H. W.]
The Zoologist. A popular miscellany of natural history conducted by Edward Newman, F.L.S., Z.S., &c. Volumes 1-11.
London, John van Voorst, 1843-1853. 11 volumes in 11. 8vo. (21.4 x 13.6 cm). 4156, cciv pp.; illustrations in the text. Contemporary uniform black half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt title, volume year, and decorative lines. Speckled edges.
Read moreButler, A. G. [AND] Owen, R.
The butterflies of Malacca. [AND] On Hypsiprymnodon, Ramsay, a genus indicative of a distinct family (Pleopodidae) in the diprodont section of the marsupialia.
London, The Linnean Society, 1879. 4to (30.3 x 24.0 cm). 36 pp.; two lithographed plates (one very nicely hand-coloured), table; [AND] ten pp.; two plates, including one hand-coloured, by Joseph Wolf. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreCulot, J.
Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe. Iconographie complète de toutes les espèces européennes. Première partie. Noctuelles. Volume I-II [AND] Deuxième partie. Géometres. III-IV. [Complete].
Genève, Villa les Iris, 1909-1913, 1917-1920. Four volumes in four. 8vo (24.7 x 16.3 cm). Four half-titles, four title pages; 899 pp. [I: 220; II: 243; III: 269; IV: 167]; 151 numbered chromolithographed plates [1-38; 39-81; 1-37; 38-70] and one uncoloured lithograph, titled Pl. A. Near uniform contemporary pebbled half morocco over gilt-bordered linen boards. Spines with five raised bands and gilt title. Top edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. Each volume with an original printed livraison wrapper bound in.
Read moreDelarue, [J.]
Musée des Lépidoptères. Collection de papillons de toutes les parties du monde.
Paris, Arnauld de Vresse, [ca. 1840]. Folio (42.0 x 30.1 cm). Gilt-lettered title page; 12 chromolithographed plates with captions, finished by hand, some heightened with silver and gum arabic. Original green cloth with large gilt-embossed decoration and title to front panel and blind-tooled borders.
Read moreDiderot, D. and J. d'Alembert (eds.)
Insects [from the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire des sciences, plates 75-83].
[Paris, Briasson, David, Le Breton, 1768]. Folio (39.2 x 25.1 cm, or wider). Nine plates with large engravings, each with fine, contemporary hand-colouring, gilt border and printed caption.
Read moreDistant, W. L.
Rhopalocera Malayana: A description of the butterflies of the Malay Peninsula.
London, West, Newman & Co. (for the author) [AND] Penang [George Town], D. Logan, 1882-1886. 12 parts in one. 4to (31.6 x 24.7 cm). xvi, 482, [iv] pp.; 129 woodcuts, 46 fine chromolithographed plates [numbered I-XLIV, XXVIIa, XXVIIb]. Contemporary olive, gilt-bordered morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed wrappers (12) bound in.
Read moreEimer, G. H. T.
Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. Eine systematische Darstellung der Abänderungen, Abarten und Arten der Segelfalter-ähnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio. [AND] Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. II. Theil. Eine systematische Darstellung der Abänderungen, Abarten und Arten der Schwalbenschwanz-ähnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio. Text.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1889-1895. Two Parts in one. 8vo (24.3 x 16.7 cm). Two title pages, 416 pp. [xii, 243; viii, 153]. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and two (red and green) labels with gilt title. Red edges.
Read moreEngramelle, M. and J. Ernst
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'apres nature par M. Ernst gravés et coloriés sous sa direction. [Unpublished supplement plates].
Paris, Unpublished (printed and coloured 1792-1793). 4to (30.5 x 24.0 cm). Being: Sup. Cl. Ire (supplement, classe I), beautifully hand-coloured engraving 1-5, 7-9 with 84 figures. numbered n, m: 172 a-d, f-i bis; 173e; 174 a-d bis; 178 i, k-l; 186 i, k (2x), l; 187 a-d bis and gg, hh, ii, kk; 194 i; 195 a-f bis; 201 k; 207 h; 208 c-f; 215 d; 217 h; 218 h-i; 228 c-e; 237 a-b bis; 242 a-d bis; 256 d; 245 i, k; 246 m; 258 a-c bis; 261 g; 262 a-d bis; 254 c-e; 257 bis; 263 a-b bis; 276 h-i; 278 a-c bis; 280 a-c bis; all engraved by A. Schmidt and painted by M. Hochecker. In new marbled portfolio.
Read moreFischer de Waldheim, [J.] G. and E. [von] Eversmann
Entomographie de la Russie. Tome V. Lepidoptères de la Russie. I. Nymphalides.
Moscow, Société Imperiale des Naturalistes, 1851. 4to (30.5 x 24.2 cm). Half title, title page, dedication page; ii, 151 pp.; 16 finely engraved plates, all hand-coloured and occasionally heightened with Gum Arabic. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreFreyer, C. F.
Die schädlichsten Schmetterlinge Deutschlands, für Forstmänner, Lehrer, Oekonomen, Gartenbesitzer und Volks-Schulen.
Augsburg, privately published, 1839. 8vo (20.0 x 12.0 cm). xii, 89 pp.; 12 hand-coloured folded engraved plates. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreHumphreys, H. N.
The butterfly vivarium. Or, insect home: being an account of a new method of observing the curious metamorphoses of some of the most beautiful of native insects. Comprising also a popular description of the habits and instincts of many of the insects of the various classes referred to; with suggestions for the successful study of entomology by means of an insect vivarium. Illustrated with coloured engravings.
London, William Lay, 1858. 8vo (18.2 x 13.2 cm). xi, 288, [iii] pp., eight hand-coloured steel-engraved plates. Original blue, blind-stamped cloth with gilt title on the spine and large gilt vignette on the front board. All edges gilt.
Read moreJung, C. C.
Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der bisher bekannten Schmetterlinge aus allen Welttheilen mit ihren Synonymen. [Band I-II] (Complete).
Marktbreit, Knenlein, 1791-1792. Two volumes in two. 8vo (16.6 x 10.2 cm). [viii], 338; [iv], 406 pp.; two nice woodcut vignettes in the text. Uniform contemporary half calf over greyish marbled boards; spines with five raised bands with gilt lines, two ornamental gilt-bordered labels with gilt titles. All edges red.
Read moreKayser, J. C.
Deutschlands Schmetterlinge mit Berücksichtigung sämmtlicher Europäischer Arten.
Leipzig, Ambr. Abel, [1852]-1859. Two parts (text, atlas) in two. 8vo (23.9 x 16.5 cm). Half title, title, 617 pp. (viii, 608; [i]); 153 engraved plates of which 152 originally hand-coloured, and one plain (and without a number), as intended. Uniform blind, pebbled half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreLaspeyres, J. H., J. Jördens and F. E. Esper
Sesiae Europae. Iconibus et descriptionibus illustratae [AND] Geschichte der kleinen Fichtenraupe oder der Larve von der Phalaena Monacha Linn., nebst einen Beitrag zur Berichtigung der Ausrottungsmittel dieser Waldverheererin und einer mit Farben erleuchteten Kupfertafel [AND] "Beobachtungen an einer neuentdeckten Zwitterphaläne des Bombyx Crataegi".
Berlin, Laspeyres, 1801; Hof, Gottfried Adolph Grau, 1798; Erlangen, Wolfgang Walthers, 1778. Three papers in one. 4to (24.5 x 19.1 cm). Laspeyres: Half-title, title with seven fine entomological engravings (each numbered), 32 pp.; one finely engraved and hand-coloured plate (tissue-guarded). Jördens: original green pictorial wrappers; title page, [i], 46, [ii] pp.; one finely engraved and hand-coloured plate. Esper: title page with engraved vignette, 20 pp.; one finely hand-coloured engraved plate. Fine contemporary full calf with elaborate gilt empire-style spine and board edges, and marbled wrappers.
Read moreMader, J.
Raupenkalender oder Verzeichnis aller Monate in welchen die von Rösel und Kleemann beschriebene und abgebildete Raupen nebst ihrem Futter zu finden sind.
Nürnberg, Raspe (C. J. C. Kleemann), 1785. 8vo (18.8 x 11.7 cm). 120 pp., including title. Contemporary tree calf. Spine with four raised bands; compartments with blind-tooled floral vignettes and red morocco label with title. Floral patterned pastedowns. Red edges.
Read moreMader, J. and C. F. C. Kleemann
Tyd-wyzer der rupsen, vervattende, van maand tot maand, den tyd der verschyning van de door Rösel en Kleemann, beschreeven en afgebeelde rupsen, benevens haar voedzel. Ten nutte en dienst der liefhebbers opgesteld. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Vermeerderd met eene naamlyst der planten, volgens het samenstel van Linnaeus.
Haarlem, C. H. Bohn, 1779. 8vo (22.0 x 14.4 cm). Title page, [vi], 161 pp. Contemporary mottled boards, no spine cover.
Read moreMedvedev, G. S. (ed.)
Opredelitel nasekomych Evropejskoj chasti SSSR [Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR). Tom IV, Chast 1: Cheshuyekrylyye [Lepidoptera].
Leningrad, Akademia Nauk SSSR, 1978. 4to (26.8 x 17.6) cm, 710, [ii] pp.; 585 (groups of) text figures. Publishers's embossed cloth with gilt title on front board and spine.
Read moreMeigen, J. W.
Systematische Beschreibung der europäischen Schmetterlinge mit Abbildungen auf Steintafeln.
Aachen and Leipzig, [J.] A. Mayer, 1829-1832. 670 pp. (I [1829]: vi, 170; 2 [1830]: iv, 212; 3 [1832]: [ii], 276]); 125 [I-XLII; XLIII-LXXX; LXXXI-CXXV] lithographed plates; a few figures accurately hand-coloured. Uniform later 19th-century green linen boards.
Read moreMillière, P.
Catalogue raisonné des lépidoptères des Alpes-Maritimes. Seconde Partie - Troisième et Dernière partie.
Cannes, Société des Sciences Naturelles, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Cannes et de l'Arrondissement de Grasse [for the author], 1873-1875. Two parts in one. 8vo (24.6 x 16.2 cm). Half title, two title pages, pp. 141-247, 251-455; two hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary quarter morocco over blind-stamped boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreMilliere, P.
Iconographie et description de chenilles et lépidoptères inédits. I - III. [Complete].
Lyon, F. Dumoulin (Vol. I, Parts 1-10), 1859-[1864]; Paris, F. Savy, 1864-1874 (Vol. II, Parts 11-22; Vol. III., Parts 23-35); Lyon H. Georg, (for the Société Linnéenne de Lyon), 1878. 36 parts in four. 4to (27.2 x 17.5 cm). 1430 pp. [424; 506; 488; 12]; 155 finely hand-coloured, lithographed and tissue-guarded plates [50; 50; 54; 1]. Three main volumes in uniform contemporary half morocco over double gilt-bordered marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments rich gilt with floral fields, gilt title and volume number. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Last part in original wrappers.
Read moreNissen, C.
Bestiaries of Five Centuries. Description and Introduction by the late Claus Nissen. Edited and Revised by Sandra Raphael. With an Introductory by S. Peter Dance.
Amsterdam, Antiquariaat Junk B. V. and Antiquariaat Schierenberg, 2024. Folio (29.8 x 21.3 cm). With sixty-one original prints, many hand-coloured, from famous zoological books published between 1491 and 1878; each mounted, matted, and numbered 1-28, 29a, 29b, 30-60, and one double-sized, unnumbered print, in full-colour facsimile; all in an original cloth dropbox (50.0 x 36.5 x 8.5 cm), together with an explanatory book (96 pp.; printed softcover).
Read moreNissen, C.
Bestiaries of Five Centuries. Description and Introduction by the late Claus Nissen. Edited and Revised by Sandra Raphael. With an Introductory by S. Peter Dance.
Amsterdam, Antiquariaat Junk B. V. and Antiquariaat Schierenberg, 2024. Folio (29.8 x 21.3 cm). With sixty-one original prints, many hand-coloured, from famous zoological books published between 1491 and 1878; each mounted, matted, and numbered 1-28, 29a, 29b, 30-60, and one double-sized, unnumbered print, in full-colour facsimile; all in an original cloth dropbox (50.0 x 36.5 x 8.5 cm), together with an explanatory book (96 pp.; printed softcover).
Read moreOberthür, C.
Études de lépidopterologie comparée. Volume I.
Rennes, F. C. Oberthür, 1904. 8vo (24.4 x 15.8 cm). 77 pp.; plates I-V; all finely hand-coloured, one heightened with silver, one in double suite; an extra, handwritten plate explanation to plates I-IV bound in the rear. Later blind half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreOberthür, C.
Études d'entomologie. Faunes entomologiques. Descriptions d'insectes nouveaux ou peu connus. I. Étude sur la faune des lépidoptères de l'Algerie.
Rennes, Oberthür et fils, 1876. 4to (27.9 x 18.8 cm). 74 pp.; four nice hand-coloured engraved plates. Slightly later half cloth over marbled boards. Dark green morocco strip with gilt title mounted on spine. Original printed wrappers preserved.
Read moreRomanoff, N. M.
Mémoires sur les lépidoptères. Rédigés par N. M. Romanoff. Tome I-IX.
St.-Pétersbourg, Privately published, 1884-1897. Nine volumes in eight. 4to (25.5 x 18.1 cm). Titles, half-titles, 3492 pp.; 130 plates of which 76 finely hand-coloured, and one tinted; four maps. [I (1884) [i], 181 pp., 10 plates (I-IV finely hand-coloured), and colour-printed map; II (1885) [bound with I] [i], 262 pp., 16 plates (II-IV, VII, XIII-XVI finely hand-coloured); III (1887) [i], 419 pp., 17 plates (VI, XIII-XIV hand-coloured), two colour-printed maps (one on p. 241]; IV (1890) xvii, 577 pp., 22 plates (I-XXI, A; of which III-V, XI-XIII finely hand-coloured and A tinted), one rose-tinted table on p. 146, and a rose-tinted map on p. 196. In rear pocket a large, folded map (which is usually lacking!); V (1889) [i], 248 pp., 12 plates (V, VIII-XII finely hand-coloured; VI (1892) 701 pp., 16 plates (I-IV, VI-XVI finely hand-coloured); VII (1893) lvi, 658 pp., 23 plates (20 hand-coloured [I-III are always plain]); VIII (1901) [i], xiv, 602 pp., 34 full colour plates [numbered XXIV-LVII] [in modern reprint, as always]; IX (1897) [i], 367 pp., 14 finely hand-coloured plates]. Later uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with four raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt author's name and Volume number.
Read moreSand, M.
Manuscript of: Catalogue raisonné des lépidoptères du Berry & de l'Auvergne ( Cher, Indre, Creuse, Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal) ( France centrale) Deuxième Partie - Microlepidoptera.
Paris, E. Deyrolle [published edition], 1871-[shortly before] 1879. 4to (22.1 x 14.6 cm). [179] pp., followed by ca. 100 blanks. Original green half sheep over marbled boards. Printed label on front board. [AND] 12 pages of manuscript text pertaining to this work and in particular the preface. In a contemporary envelope [AND]. A signed letter (draft?) 92 pp. (folded), by the author on paper with his blind-stamp, directed to one of his correspondents.
Read moreSchott, J. J.
Schmetterlingskalender, oder systematisches Verzeichniss alle Schmetterlinge, welche in Deutschland bekannt sind.
Frankfurt am Main, P. H. Guilhauman, 1830. (21.0 x 13.1 cm). 558 pp. [vi, 500, 52]; seven originally hand-coloured engraved plates. 19th-century polished half calf over marbled boards. Spine with ornamental gilt bands and black morocco label with gilt title. Edges yellow.
Read moreSeitz, [F. J.] A.
Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Abteilung I. Die Groß-Schmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes. Band I-IV. [Complete original edition].
Stuttgart, A. Kernen, 1906-1913. Four volumes in seven (text and atlases). Large 4to (31.4 x 24.0 cm). Text volumes with title pages to the volumes and to the parts; 1869 pp. (I: 379, [vi]; II: vii, 479; III: iii, 511; IV: v, 479]. Atlases with plate indexes, and 245 chromolithographed plates [I: 89; II: 56; III-IV: 75; 25]. Contemporary uniform quarter calf over pebbled boards. Spines with four slightly raised, gilt-bordered bands, gilt vignettes and head- and tailpieces; front boards with gilt ornamental title. Bluish or brownish-green endpapers. Marbled edges.
Read moreSeitz, [F. J.] A.
Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine systematische Bearbeitung der Gross-Schmetterlinge der ganzen Welt. [Complete as published].
Stuttgart, Kernen Verlag, 1909-1954. 20 volumes in 34. 4to (31.3 x 24.8 cm). Text and 1458 chromolithographed plates in 10-14 colours. Publisher's uniform half calf, spines rich gilt with vignettes and gilt morocco labels (25 parts). The other parts are unbound in recent portfolios (9 parts).
Read moreSeitz, [F. J.] A.
The Macrolepidoptera of the World. [A complete, fully bound set]
Stuttgart, Kernen Verlag, 1909-1954. 20 volumes in 29. 4to (31.5 x 25.0 cm). Text and 1,458 chromolithographed plates. Uniform publisher's - and later, matching half calf. Spines with gilt ornamental bands, gilt lepidopterological vignettes, and coloured shield with gilt titles.
Read moreSepp, J. C. [S. C. Snellen Van Vollenhoven]
Proof prints from: Nederlandsche insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden, beschreven en afgebeeld door Jan Christiaan Sepp. Tweede Serie. Eerste - Tweede deel.
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp & Zoon, 1860-1870. 79 folio sheets (26.5 x 21.3 cm), numbered V-L (first part), and I-XXXIII (second part).
Read moreStainton, H. T.
A Manual of British Butterflies and Moths. Volumes I-II. [Complete].
London, John van Voorst, 1857-1859. Two volumes in two. 8vo (17.7 x 10.5 cm). I (1857): xii, [v; on five leaves], 2, 338 pp.; II (1859): xi 480 pp., [xviii; on 18 leaves], numerous woodcuts. Uniform contemporary half calf over marbled boards, blind-tooled spine with five raised, gilt-bordered and stippled bands, red morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreSterzl, A. (ed.)
Zeitschrift des Vereines der Naturbeobachter und Sammler. Volumes 1-9. [Last Published].
Wien, Verein der Naturbeobachter und Sammler, 1926-1934. 8vo (22.3 x 15.0 cm). Eight title pages, 271 pp.; 19 plates [1-18, 13(bis)] of which 17 in colour. In slightly later grey blind half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreSuckow, F. W. L.
Anatomisch-Physiologische Untersuchungen der Insekten und Krustenthiere. Ersten Bandes erstes Heft. [All published].
Heidelberg, Engelmann, 1818. 4to (27.5 x 22.1 cm). 90 pp.; 11 copper-engraved plates including one hand-coloured. Contemporary quarter grained calf over marbled boards. Gilt title on spine, green morocco label with gilt title on front board. Original printed wrapper pasted on front pastedown.
Read moreUngemach, H.
Contribution a l'étude des lépidoptères d'Abyssinie. 1re partie. Rhopalocères.
Rabat, Institut Scientifique Chérifien, 1932. 8vo (25.2 x 16.3 cm). Half-title, title page, 122 pp.; two plates with explanatory text leaves, including one in full colour. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreWilde, [W.] O.
Die Pflanzen und Raupen Deutschlands. Versuch einer lepidopterologischen Botanik. Erster Theil. Systematische Beschreibung der Pflanzen, unter Angabe der an denselben lebenden Raupen. Mit einem Vorworte von A. Speyer. Zweiter Theil. Systematische Beschreibung der Raupen unter Angabe ihrer Lebensweise und Entwicklungszeiten.
Berlin, E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1860-1861. Two volumes in one. 8vo (19.2 x 12.4 cm). xiii, 223; vii, 494 pp.; ten engraved plates. Contemporary half vellum over paper covered boards, spine with red morocco label with gilt title.
Read more