various authors
Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, för År 1750. Vol: XI.
Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1750. In four issues. 8vo (21.5 x 14.0 cm). vi, 328 pp.; one large, double-folded plate. Part original, part later blind wrappers.
The official journal of the Swedish Academy of Sciences for the year 1750, with three contributions (two ornithological, one botanical) by Linnaeus; viz., Sommar-guling, en fogel, beskrefven (pp. 127-132); Rön, om Slö-korn (pp. 179-185); and En Indianisk Sparf(pp. 278-280). With illustrations. Uncut, creating a mix of "normal", and very wide margins. Some of the widest wrapper edges a bit singed, otherwise a good set. Soulsby 1171, 1174, and 1178.