22 items found
Amaral, A. Do
Albinismo em "Cobra Coral" (1). [AND] Três subespecies novas de Micrurus corallinus (Wied): M. corallinus corallinus, M. corallinus riesei e M. corallinus dumerilii. (2) [AND] Da invalidez da especie colubrideo elapineo Miceurus ibiboboca (Merrem) e rediscripção de M. lemniscatus (L.) (3). [AND] Sobre a Lachesis muta Daudin, 1803, especie ovipara. (4) [AND] Da invalidez da especie de colubrideo dipsadinea Sibynomorpus peruanus (Boettger). (5) [AND] Da occurrencia de albinismo em cascavel. (6) [AND] Albinismo em "dorme-dorme", Sibynomorphus turgidus (Cope, 1869). (7) [AND] Ophidios sul-americanos do Museo Carnegie e especies novas de Griffin. (8) [AND] Sobre os nomes genericos de ophidios Liophis Wagler, 1830 e Leimadophis Fitzinger, 1843. (9) [AND] Da invalidez do nome generico de ophidios Erpetodryas ou Herpetodryas. [(10)*] [AND] Sobre a pholidose dorsal da especies de colubridea, Philodryas aestivus (Dm & Bibr., 1854) e sobre a invalidez de Philodryas campicola Jensen, 1900. (11) [AND] Variações das marcas doraes de Crotalus terrificusLaurenti, 1768. (12). [AND] Bicephalia em ophidios. (13) [AND] Esudo comparativo da evolução ontogenetica de Pseudoboa claelia (Daudin, 1803) e Ps. haasi (Boettger, 1906). (14).
São Paulo, Museo Paulista, 1927. 14 papers in one. 8vo (23.0 x 15.5 cm). 111 pp.; with several plates and text figures. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreBarboza du Bocage, J. V.
Herpétologie d'Angola et du Congo. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices du Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies.
Lisbonne, Imprimerie Nationale, 1895. Very large 8vo (27.0 x 17.6 cm). xx, 203 pp.; 20 plates (numbered I-XIX, X.A). Contemporary rich gilt Iberian-style quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands; compartments rich gilt-patterned or with gilt fleur de lis vignette, and with gilt title. Patterned endpapers.
Read moreKlein, J. T.
Tentamen methodi ostracologicae sive dispositio naturalis cochlidum et concharum in suas classes, genera et species. [AND] Lucubratiuncula de formatione, cremento et coloribus testarum, quae sunt cochlidum et concharum, [AND] Commentariolum in locum Plinii Hist. Natur. Libr. IX. Cap. XXXIII. [AND] Sciagraphia methodi ad genus Serpentium ordinate digerendum.
Leiden, G. J. Wishoff, 1753. Three works in one volume. 4to (24.7 x 19.6 cm). [3], [5], 177, [5]. [18], [4]; [6], 44; 16, (2) pp.; 12 engraved plates (to first work), and one engraved plate in the text (in second work), a few text vignettes. Contemporary mottled half calf over speckled boards, spine with five raised bands, gilt linings and gilt and black lettered morocco and vellum labels. Edges marbled.
Read moreKofod, B. P.
Om slanger i almindelighed og om de forgivtige Slanger, bibelen berører, tilligemed nogle antiqvariske tilloeg.
Kjøbenhavn, Boas & Brünnich, 1799. 8vo (17.3 x 10.5 cm). Title page, [vi], 294, [ii] pp.; one large, folded, engraved plate. Contemporary full tree calf. Spine with gilt bands and vignettes, and red morocco label with gilt title. Boards with gilt dentelles; marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreLier, J. van
Verhandeling over de slangen en adders die in het Landschap Drenthe gevonden worden. Met byvoeging van eenige aanmerkingen en byzonderheden, tot deze en andere slangsoorten betrekkelyk. Traité des serpens et des vipères qu'on trouve dans le pays de Drenthe, au quel on a ajouté quelques remarques et quelques particularités relatives a ces espèces de serpens et a d'autres.
Amsterdam, Groningen, Erven Houttuin and L. Huisingh, 1781. 4to (26.5 x 20.4 cm). Title page explanation, engraved title, printed title, dedication page, 372 pp.; three originally hand-coloured plates. Later olive boards. Gilt lines and title on the spine.
Read moreMertens, R.
[Original manuscript on the variability of the striped kukri snake, Oligodon octolineatus (Schneider)].
[Frankfurt am Main, 1969]. Handwritten in ink on rectos of 23 uniform, loose, ruled leaves (20.8 x 14.8 cm), a photocopy of a single leaf of G. A. Boulenger's Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum, volume II (1894) with a few annotations by Mertens; and another 14 leaves of several sizes, a few with printed text.
Read moreNikolski, A. M. [Nikolsky, Nikolskii]
Presmykaiushchisi i zemnovodnyia Kavkaza (Herpetologia caucasica).
Tiflis [Tbilisi], Tipografiia kantseliarii Namiestrika E.I.V. na Kavkazie, 1913. 8vo (23.1 x 16.0 cm). 272 pp.; four (groups of) text figures, three lithographed plates of which one in chromolithography. Near contemporary blind half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreNikolsky, A. M. [Nikolski, Nikolskii]
Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collections du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Reptiles (Reptilia). Volumes I-II. [Complete].
Petrograd, Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd, 1915-1916. Two volumes in two. 8vo (25.0 x 16.6 cm). 884 [534; 350] pp.; 133 [69; 64] text engravings, 17 [9; 8] plates. Uniform original printed wrappers.
Read moreStrauch, A. [A.]
Synopsis der Viperiden, nebst Bemerkungen über die geographische Verbreitung dieser Giftschlangen-Familie.
St.-Petersbourg, Académie Impériale des Sciences, 1869. Folio (30.9 x 23.9 cm). Title page, 144 pp.; two finely engraved plates. Near-contemporary burgundy half buckram over reptile-skin boards. Black leather label with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreTidswell, F.
Researches on Australian Venoms. Snake-Bite, Snake-Venom and Antivenine. The Poison of the Platypus. The Poison of the Red-Spotted Spider.
Sydney, Department of Public Health, New South Wales, 1906. 8vo (21.7x 14.0 cm). vii, 79 pp.; several tables. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreWall, F.
Chart to tell whether an Indian snake is poisonous or harmless.
Bombay [Mumbai], The Bombay Natural History Society, [1917]. Leporello binding (17.6 x 10.6 cm) with text and nine illustrations (in red and black) on a five-folded (concertina) linen-backed paper leaf (16.5 x 49.1 cm). Brown linen boards with black title.
Read moreWyder, J. F.
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des serpens de la Suisse.
Genève, Barbezat et Delarue; Paris, Naudin, 1826. 8vo (20.7 x 13.0 cm). Engraved title page, iv, 7-90 pp.; two large, folded, finely engraved and contemporary hand-coloured plates. 20th-century half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five gilt-bordered, raised bands. Original wrappers, with neatly handwritten title in an old hand, bound in the rear.
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