61 items found
Amaral, A. Do
Albinismo em "Cobra Coral" (1). [AND] Três subespecies novas de Micrurus corallinus (Wied): M. corallinus corallinus, M. corallinus riesei e M. corallinus dumerilii. (2) [AND] Da invalidez da especie colubrideo elapineo Miceurus ibiboboca (Merrem) e rediscripção de M. lemniscatus (L.) (3). [AND] Sobre a Lachesis muta Daudin, 1803, especie ovipara. (4) [AND] Da invalidez da especie de colubrideo dipsadinea Sibynomorpus peruanus (Boettger). (5) [AND] Da occurrencia de albinismo em cascavel. (6) [AND] Albinismo em "dorme-dorme", Sibynomorphus turgidus (Cope, 1869). (7) [AND] Ophidios sul-americanos do Museo Carnegie e especies novas de Griffin. (8) [AND] Sobre os nomes genericos de ophidios Liophis Wagler, 1830 e Leimadophis Fitzinger, 1843. (9) [AND] Da invalidez do nome generico de ophidios Erpetodryas ou Herpetodryas. [(10)*] [AND] Sobre a pholidose dorsal da especies de colubridea, Philodryas aestivus (Dm & Bibr., 1854) e sobre a invalidez de Philodryas campicola Jensen, 1900. (11) [AND] Variações das marcas doraes de Crotalus terrificusLaurenti, 1768. (12). [AND] Bicephalia em ophidios. (13) [AND] Esudo comparativo da evolução ontogenetica de Pseudoboa claelia (Daudin, 1803) e Ps. haasi (Boettger, 1906). (14).
São Paulo, Museo Paulista, 1927. 14 papers in one. 8vo (23.0 x 15.5 cm). 111 pp.; with several plates and text figures. Original printed wrappers.
Read more[Anonymous naturalist]
Naturhistorischer Atlas. Zu Kaisers sowie zu jeder anderen Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend: zahlreiche Abbildungen zum Gebrauche für den anschaulichen naturgeschichtlichen Unterricht in Land- und Bürgerschulen. Dritte Auflage.
Langensalza, Hermann Beyer, [N.D. but ca. 1875]. Oblong folio (42.0 x 34.0 cm). Printed front wrapper, and twelve chromolithographed plates. Contemporary blind, green, pebbled quarter cloth over marbled boards. Later paper label with gilt title mounted on the front board.
Read moreBell, T.
A history of British reptiles.
London, John van Voorst, 1839. 8vo (21.8 x 13.9 cm). xxiv, 142 pp.; numerous fine woodcuts. Contemporary polished calf. Spine rich gilt with five raised bands, floral vignettes and red morocco label with gilt title. Boards with triple-gilt borders and corner pices; gilt-lined edges and inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt.
Read moreDeraniyagala, P. E. P.
Some of Linné's reptiles and a mammal from Ceylon and elsewhere that are in Sweden. [AND] Some little-known characters of the two subspecies of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz).
Colombo, The National Museums of Ceylon, 1961. 4to (27.9 x 21.3 cm). 8 [1, 7] pp.; two plates, three (groups of) text figures. Disbound.
Read moreDufrenoy, [O. P. A.] and [J. B. A. L. L.] Élie de Beaumont
Explication de la carte géologique de la France. Volumes I-IV (text and atlas), and two maps. [Complete].
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, Imprimerie Nationale, 1841-1879. Four volumes in seven, and a large map in six folded sheets, each ca. 70 x 205 cm (including borders) with linen covers. Large 4to (four text volumes; ca. 27.5 x 21.0 cm); folio (two atlas volumes, 26.8 x 35.7 cm). Tome premier: Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1841. Large 4to. xxii, 825 pp., 71 text engravings (mainly profiles); Tome deuxième: Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1848. Large 4to. xii, 813 pp., 105 text engravings (mainly views and profiles), one large, folded chromolithographed geological map (finished by hand) of France (printed surface: 57 x 54 cm, and consisting of 15 smaller sections, mounted on linen and folded) bound in the rear; Tome troisième. Première partie (by Dufrénoy): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1873. Large 4to. viii, 231 pp., 18 text engravings (mainly profiles). Printed wrappers. Tome quatrième. Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1879. Large 4to. 185 pp. Printed wrappers; Tome quatrième. Atlas (in two volumes). Première partie. Fossiles principaux des terrains (by É. Bayle). Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1878. Folio. Title page, half title to first part. 86 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered I-LXXXVI; 90 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered LXXXVII-CLXXVI (the last 16 on plants), for a total of 176 plates. Volumes I, II, and IV plate volumes in near uniform contemporary dark-green pebbled morocco over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-stippled bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. The text volumes with top edge gilt, atlases with marbled top edges. Text volumes III and IV in original printed wrappers. The large chromolithographed map in six sheets (approximately 218 x 223 cm) is contained in a contemporary, book-like crimson box with gilt-lettered spine, with raised bands and patterned paper sides.
Read moreEdinger, L.
Untersuchungen über die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirnes. 3. Neue studien über das Vorderhirn der Reptilien. Mit IV Tafeln und XIV Textfiguren.
Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1896. Large 4to (29.8 x 23.1 cm). Two title pages, 75 pp.; 14 text engravings, four fine, chromolithographed plates. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreFritsch, A.
Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Böhmens. Band I-IV. [Complete].
Prag, Selbstverlag and F. Řivnáč, 1879-1899 [1901?]. Four volumes in four. Folio (34.0 x 25.5 cm). 459 pp.; lavishly illustrated with 167 mostly chromolithographed plates (several double-sized or larger, folded), and over 400 text engravings, of which some plate-sized. Volume I (1883): 182 pp., 48 plates (some larger, folded, a few plain), 160 text engravings; volume II (1889): 114 pp., 44 plates (several larger, folded; numbered 49-90, 80b, 81b), 79 text figures (numbered 117-188); vol. III (1895): 132 pp., 42 plates [several (much) larger; numbered 91-132], 122 text engravings (numbered 189-310); vol. IV (1901): 101 pp., full colour frontispiece, of a landscape with "Miriopoden"; 33 plates (numbered 133-165), 64 text engravings (numbered 311-394, and including phototypes of fossil animals and tracks, freshwater bivalves, and, e.g. the author at work). Original uniform brown cloth sumptuously embossed with black floral borders, and gilt vignettes depicting Permian amphibians, reptiles and fish. Marbled edges.
Read moreFritsch, A. [J.]
Die Reptilien und Fische der böhmischen Kreideformation.
Prag, Verlag des Verfassers (Fr. Řivnáč), 1878. Large 4to (33.5 x 25.1 cm). [ii], 44, [ii] pp.; 66 text engravings; ten lithographed plates of which nine tinted, and two larger, folded. Original blind quarter linen over printed boards.
Read moreGravenhorst, J. L. C. C.
Beiträge zur genauern Kenntniss einiger Eidechsengattungen.
Breslau and Bonn, Academia Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae, 1837. Large 4to (29.3 x 22.4 cm) title page, 72 pp. [pp. 713-784]; three finely engraved plates. Contemporary pebbled cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreGravenhorst, J. L. C. [C.]
Reptilia Musei zoologici Vratislaviensis. Recensita et descripta. Fasciculus primus. Continens Chelonios et Batrachia. [OR] Deliciae Musei zoologici Vratislaviensis. Fasciculus primus. Continens Chelonios et Batrachia.
Lipsiae [Leipzig], Leopold Voss, 1829. Folio (40.0 x 25.1 cm). Half title, double title page, 106 pp. including dedication page and second half title; 17 finely engraved plates of which 13 delicately hand-coloured. Contemporary style quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments with intricate gilt-rolled bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Original printed label mounted before half title.
Read moreGravenhorst, J. L. C. [C.]
Über die im zoologischen Museum der Universität Breslau befindlichen Wirtelschleichen (Pseudosaura), Krüppelfüssler (Brachypoda), und einige andere, denselben verwandte Reptilien aus den Zünften der Schleigen und Dickzüngler.
Breslau, Academia Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae, 1847. 4to (29.6 x 22.6 cm). Title page, 102 pp.; 19 engraved plates. Later blind green cloth boards, printed paper label on the spine.
Read moreJäger, G. [E.]
Über eine neue Species von Ichthyosauren ( Ichthyosaurus longirostris Owen & Jäger), nebst Bemerkungen über die übrigen in de Liasformation Würtembergs aufgefundenen Reptilien.
Breslau und Bonn, Eduard Weber, 1855. Folio (29.6 x 22.5 cm). Title page, 30 pp. (including errata page); one large, folded, lithographed plate. Contemporary blue pebbled cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read moreKlein, J. T.
Tentamen methodi ostracologicae sive dispositio naturalis cochlidum et concharum in suas classes, genera et species. [AND] Lucubratiuncula de formatione, cremento et coloribus testarum, quae sunt cochlidum et concharum, [AND] Commentariolum in locum Plinii Hist. Natur. Libr. IX. Cap. XXXIII. [AND] Sciagraphia methodi ad genus Serpentium ordinate digerendum.
Leiden, G. J. Wishoff, 1753. Three works in one volume. 4to (24.7 x 19.6 cm). [3], [5], 177, [5]. [18], [4]; [6], 44; 16, (2) pp.; 12 engraved plates (to first work), and one engraved plate in the text (in second work), a few text vignettes. Contemporary mottled half calf over speckled boards, spine with five raised bands, gilt linings and gilt and black lettered morocco and vellum labels. Edges marbled.
Read moreLacépède, B. G. É. De
Histoire naturelle de Lacépède, comprenant les cétacés, les quadrupèdes ovipares, les serpents et les poissons. Nouvelle édition précédée de l'éloge de Lacépède par Cuvier avec des notes et la nouvelle classification de M. A.-G. Desmarest.
Paris, Furne et Cie., 1855. Two parts in two. Large 8vo (25.8 x 16.7 cm). xii, 668, 647 pp.; 36 nicely hand-coloured steel-engravings, tissue-guarded, all after Edouard Travies. Uniform contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt lines and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreLier, J. van
Verhandeling over de slangen en adders die in het Landschap Drenthe gevonden worden. Met byvoeging van eenige aanmerkingen en byzonderheden, tot deze en andere slangsoorten betrekkelyk. Traité des serpens et des vipères qu'on trouve dans le pays de Drenthe, au quel on a ajouté quelques remarques et quelques particularités relatives a ces espèces de serpens et a d'autres.
Amsterdam, Groningen, Erven Houttuin and L. Huisingh, 1781. 4to (26.5 x 20.4 cm). Title page explanation, engraved title, printed title, dedication page, 372 pp.; three originally hand-coloured plates. Later olive boards. Gilt lines and title on the spine.
Read moreMartini, [F. H. W.] (ed.)
Beschäftigungen der Berliner Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. Zweeter Band.
Berlin, Joachim Pauli, 1776. 8vo (19.2 x 11.2 cm). Title page with finely engraved vignette; xl, 607 pp.; 14 folded, engraved plates of which ten in original hand-colouring (plates numbered I-XIII, IXA). Original speckled paper covered boards with paper label on the spine. Speckled edges.
Read moreMertens, R.
[Original manuscript on the variability of the striped kukri snake, Oligodon octolineatus (Schneider)].
[Frankfurt am Main, 1969]. Handwritten in ink on rectos of 23 uniform, loose, ruled leaves (20.8 x 14.8 cm), a photocopy of a single leaf of G. A. Boulenger's Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum, volume II (1894) with a few annotations by Mertens; and another 14 leaves of several sizes, a few with printed text.
Read moreMeyer, C. E. H. von
Ueber den Nager von Waltsch in Böhmen [AND] Physichthys Höninghausi aus dem Uebergangkalke der Eifel [AND] Schildkröte und Vogel aus dem Fischschiefer von Glarus [AND] Helochelys Danubia, aus dem Grünsande von Kelheim in Bayern [AND] Trachyteuthis ensiformisaus dem lithographischen Schiefer in Bayern.
Cassel [Kassel], Palaeontographica, 1855. Six papers in one. 4to (31.0 x 23.2 cm). 35 [5; 4; 12; 10; 4] pp.; six engraved plates [1; 1; 2 (one shared); 2 (one shared); 1], the two turtle and one cephalopod plate double-sized. Contemporary wrappers with the title added in script.
Read moreMeyer, H. von
Ueber den Archegosaurus der Steinkohlenformation [AND] Fische, Echinodermen und andere Versteinerungen aus dem Muschelkalk Oberschlesiens [AND] Sphyraenodus aus dem Tertiärsande von Flonheim.
Cassel, Palaeontographica, 1849. 4to (29.2 x 23.0 cm). 76 [5; 68; 3] pp.; four engraved plates. Contemporary wrappers with the titles added in a neat old hand.
Read moreMichaelsen, W. and R. Hartmeyer (eds.)
Die Fauna südwest-Australiens. Ergebnisse der Hamburger südwest-Australischer Forschungsreise 1905.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1907-1914. Four (of five) parts in four. 4to (26.5 x 19.0 cm). 2,143 pp.; one map, 42 plates (some coloured). Contemporary uniform half calf with gilt titles on spines. Marbled endpapers. Top edges gilt. All original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreNikolski, A. M. [Nikolsky, Nikolskii]
Presmykaiushchisi i zemnovodnyia Kavkaza (Herpetologia caucasica).
Tiflis [Tbilisi], Tipografiia kantseliarii Namiestrika E.I.V. na Kavkazie, 1913. 8vo (23.1 x 16.0 cm). 272 pp.; four (groups of) text figures, three lithographed plates of which one in chromolithography. Near contemporary blind half cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreNikolsky, A. M. [Nikolski, Nikolskii]
Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collections du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Reptiles (Reptilia). Volumes I-II. [Complete].
Petrograd, Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd, 1915-1916. Two volumes in two. 8vo (25.0 x 16.6 cm). 884 [534; 350] pp.; 133 [69; 64] text engravings, 17 [9; 8] plates. Uniform original printed wrappers.
Read moreOwen, R.
Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil Reptilia of South Africa in the collection of the British Museum.
London, The Trustees of the British Museum, 1876. Folio (32.5 x 25.2 cm). xii, 88 pp.; 70 fine lithographed plates, several larger, and folded. Original green pebbled and blind-tooled cloth. Gilt title on the spine.
Read morePictet, F.
Traité de Paléontologie où histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. [Text and atlas, complete].
Paris, Baillière, 1853-1857. Five parts in five. 8vo (four text parts; 20.7 x 12.7 cm) and 4to (atlas; 30.7 x 23.5 cm). 2742 pp. [I: xiv, 584; II: 727; III: 654; IV: xvi, 768; Atlas; 77]; 110 fine lithographed plates. contemporary uniform pebbled half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with gilt-bordered bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read more[Prévost d'Exiles, A. F.]
Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection des toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusq'à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connus: ... Tome dix-septième. Histoire générale des voyages, depuis le commencement du XVme siècle, dix-septième partie. Livre septième. Vies des gouverneurs généraux, avec l'abregé de l'histoire des etablissemens Hollandois aux Indes Orientales [AND] Histoire naturelle des Indes Orientales.
La Haye [Den Haag, The Hague], Pierre de Hondt, 1763. 4to (25.1 x 20.4 cm). [ii], 266, 300, 48 pp.; 56 plates (of fish, etc.). Contemporary half calf over speckled boards. Spine with five raised bands. Gilt title.
Read moreReinach, A. von
Schildkrötenreste im Maizer Tertiärbecken und benachbarten, ungefähr gleichalterigen Ablagerungen. Mit XXXXIV Tafeln.
Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1900. Large 4to (29.8 x 23.1 cm). Title page, 135 pp., 44, mostly tinted, lithographed plates. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreSchreiber, E.
Herpetologia Europaea. Eine systematische Bearbeitung der Amphibien und Reptilien welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind.
Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1875. 8vo (21.2 x 13.0 cm). xvii, 639 pp.; 188 text figures. Later half calf over marbled boards, spine with five raised bands, green morocco label with gilt title. Speckled edges.
Read moreSeba, A.
Giant snake [Plate 101 of Seba's Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio Volume II].
Amsterdam, Jansson-Waesberg, J. Wetsteen and William Smith, 1735. Very large oblong folio (51.2 x 63.2 cm). Double-sized engraved plate in fine, natural, contemporary hand-colouring
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