Krauss, H. A. and J. Vosseler
Beiträge zur Orthopterenfauna Orans (West-Algerien).
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1896. 8vo (22.5 x 14.8 cm). 42 pp. [515-556]; one chromolithographed plate, double-sized. Contemporary grained half cloth over marbled boards. Original printed front wrapper mounted. Speckled edges.
A fine offprint of a work first published in the Zoologische Jahrbücher, Neunter Band. The plate is excellent. Written by the German entomologists Hermann August Krauss (1848-1937), and Julius Vosseler (1861-1933), who later became Director of the Hamburg Zoo. Definitely rare, especially when bound, such as this copy. With a small stamp of the German zoologist (principally entomologist) Prof. Dr. Kurt Lampert (1859-1918) above the first drophead title, and a cancelled Third Reich stamp on the front pastedown; otherwise, a very good, clean copy. Horn-Schenkling II(2), p. 540.