137 items found
Alberti, B.
Über die Stammesgeschichtliche Gliederung der Zygaenidae nebst Revision einiger Gruppen (Insecta, Lepidoptera).
Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1954. 8vo (24.0 x 17.0 cm). 366 pp. [numbered 115-480]; 33 text illustrations, 62 plates (including one larger, folded). Original printed wrappers.
Read more[Anonymous but probably J. Sturm]
Four proof plates for Monographiae Insectorum XVIII. In valle Plauensi delectorum. Verzeichnis der merkwürdigsten Insecten welche in Plauischen Grunde gefunden werden. In: W. G. Becker (1799). Der Plauische Grund bei Dresden, mit Hinsicht auf Naturgeschichte und schöne Gartenkunst.
[Nürnberg, Frauenholzische Kunsthandlung, 1799]. Four loose plates. Folio (24.3 x 18.5 cm or slighly larger). Each finely engraved and carefully hand-coloured.
Read more[Ant, H.]
Manuscript based on Staudinger's printed list of Palaearctic Lepidoptera.
Not published, no date [but after 1936; probably ca. 1950]. Large 8vo (24.0 x 16.1 cm). 161 ruled pages with mounted strips with printed text. Mid-20th century black blind cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreAttems, C. Graf
System der Polydesmiden. I Theil - II Theil. [Bound copies; complete].
Wien, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1897-1899. In two volumes. 4to (29.7 x 23.2 cm; 28.5 x 23.0 cm). 448 [1-262; 251-436] pp., 17 [11; 6] lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves. Near uniform contemporary and somewhat later black blind half cloth over black marbled boards.
Read moreBaehr, M.
Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 1. The previous genera Sphallomorpha Westwood and Silphomorpha Westwood. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae).
München, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, 1992. 8vo (24.0 x 16.9 cm). 440 pp.; full colour frontispiece, 553 text illustrations. Laminated pictorial softcover.
Read more[Bates, H. W.]
The Zoologist. A popular miscellany of natural history conducted by Edward Newman, F.L.S., Z.S., &c. Volumes 1-11.
London, John van Voorst, 1843-1853. 11 volumes in 11. 8vo. (21.4 x 13.6 cm). 4156, cciv pp.; illustrations in the text. Contemporary uniform black half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt title, volume year, and decorative lines. Speckled edges.
Read moreBerlese, A.
Complete acarological works. Acari Myriopoda and Scorpiones (1882-1903) in 12 volumes [AND] Collected acarological papers from "Redia" (1903-1923) in five volumes [AND] Complete acarological works. Varia (1881-1923) in two volumes. [Complete].
Firenze [REPRINT, The Hague, 1977-1982]. In 19 volumes. 8vo (18 parts: 23.1 x 15.6 cm), 4to (one part: 29.7 x 20.8 cm). Over 7000 pages and numerous plates (some folded). Uniform full dark brown cloth with gilt titles on front boards and spines.
Read moreBonvouloir, [V.] H. [A.] De
Monographie de la famille des eucnémides.
Paris, Société d'Entomologie de France, 1870 [1871]. Thick 8vo (21.0 x 13.2 cm). 907 pp.; 42 fine, engraved plates. Contemporary quarter morocco over marbled boards. Spine with four raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreBory de Saint-Vincent, [J. B. G. G. M.] et al. (eds).
Annales générales des sciences physiques. Volumes I-VIII. [All published].
Bruxelles, Weissenbuch, Père, 1819-1821. Eight volumes in eight. 8vo (23.0 x 14.3 cm). Numerous pages and plates, of which several with additional hand-colouring. Original uniform blue wrappers. Handwritten paper labels on the spines.
Read moreBox, H. E.
Typescripts, correspondence and papers.
Various places and publishers, 1923-1953. 4to and 8vo. Over 60 items of various size and shape. Many thousands of pages, numerous illustrations including some original photos. Preserved in two similar cardboard folders with punch holes.
Read moreBraun, J. H.
[BINDING]. Exercitatio academica ex antiquitatibus Germanicis et Francicis de Butigulariis, praecipue iis qui Norimbergae olim floruerunt quam sub praesidio Christiani Gotlib. Schwarzii com. palat. caes. et prof. publ. a.d. viii decembr a.r.s. mdccxxiii in academico disputantium circulo as disquirendum proponit a. et r. Iohannes Hieronymus Braun. Norimbergensis.
Altorfii Noricorum (Nürnberg), Iod. G. Kohlesius, 1723. Small 4to (19.0 x 16.2 cm). Title page, [ii], 100 pp.; one engraved map of the Nürenberg area and one peculiar engraving showing a crossbowman on a beehive with two coats-of-arms: one of Crenan, Leidlarius, Eschanson and Butigul, and one engraved initial letter. Wonderful medieval-style contemporary parchment binding decorated with blind-tooled roller stamp decoration of hunting scenes including deer, birds and lions. Edges red.
Read moreBuc'hoz, [P. J.] [Buchoz]
Histoire des insectes utiles a l'homme, aux animaux, et aux arts; l'abeille, le ver a soie, le kermès, la cochinelle, l'ecrevisse, les cloportes, les cantharides, les sangsues, &c. Avec les moyens qu'on peut employer pour les multiplier, & pour en tirer avantage. A laquelle on a joint un supplément sur la destruction des insectes nuisibles.
Paris, Guillot, 1785. 12mo (16.1 x 9.6 cm). vi, 351 pp. Contemporary half morocco over mottled boards. Spine with five raised bands. Rich gilt compartments. Red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreButler, A. G. [AND] Owen, R.
The butterflies of Malacca. [AND] On Hypsiprymnodon, Ramsay, a genus indicative of a distinct family (Pleopodidae) in the diprodont section of the marsupialia.
London, The Linnean Society, 1879. 4to (30.3 x 24.0 cm). 36 pp.; two lithographed plates (one very nicely hand-coloured), table; [AND] ten pp.; two plates, including one hand-coloured, by Joseph Wolf. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreCarus, J. V.
Icones zootomicae. Mit Originalbeiträgen der Herrn G. J. Allman, C. Gegenbauer, Th. H. Huxley, Aln. Kölliker, H. Müller, M. S. Schultze, C. Th. E. von Siebold und F. Stein. Erste Hälfte oder Tafel I-XXIII: Die wirbellose Thiere. [All published]
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1857. Folio (34.1 x 44.0 cm). [ii], iv pp., 23 finely engraved plates, partly in chromolithography with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary half cloth over plain boards. Original paper label with script title on the spine.
Read moreConstantineanu, M. I.
Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne. Insecta volumul IX Fascicula 4. Familia Ichneumonidae. Subfamiliile Ichneumoninae. Tribui Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae. [AND] Fascicula 5. Familia Ichneumonidae. Subfamiliile Phaeogeninae si Alomyinae.
Bucuresti, Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne, 1959-1965. Two volumes in two (thick) 8vo. 1753 pp. (1248; 503, [ii]); 1005 (584; 421) (groups of) text figures. Publisher's uniform black, blindstamped cloth with silver titles on front boards and spines, and black wrappers with title in white on front wrappers and spine covers.
Read moreCosta, A.
Cimicum Regni Neapolitani Centuriae. Centuria [prima], Centuria secunda, Centuria tertia et quartae fragmentum. Cum tabulis I - VIII. [AND] Additamenta ad Centurias Cimicum Regni Neapolitani. [Complete].
Napoli, for the author, 1838-1860. Five parts in three, 4to (ca. 25 x 20 cm). [iv], 266 pp. [74, 41, 41, 71, 39]; eleven finely engraved plates of which six originally hand-coloured, and five in stipple-engraved colour printing. Bound in three, rather similar contemporary bindings, viz. pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title. Speckled edges; and uniform green quarter paper over marbled boards with script titles.
Read moreCulot, J.
Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe. Iconographie complète de toutes les espèces européennes. Première partie. Noctuelles. Volume I-II [AND] Deuxième partie. Géometres. III-IV. [Complete].
Genève, Villa les Iris, 1909-1913, 1917-1920. Four volumes in four. 8vo (24.7 x 16.3 cm). Four half-titles, four title pages; 899 pp. [I: 220; II: 243; III: 269; IV: 167]; 151 numbered chromolithographed plates [1-38; 39-81; 1-37; 38-70] and one uncoloured lithograph, titled Pl. A. Near uniform contemporary pebbled half morocco over gilt-bordered linen boards. Spines with five raised bands and gilt title. Top edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. Each volume with an original printed livraison wrapper bound in.
Read moreDelarue, [J.]
Musée des Lépidoptères. Collection de papillons de toutes les parties du monde.
Paris, Arnauld de Vresse, [ca. 1840]. Folio (42.0 x 30.1 cm). Gilt-lettered title page; 12 chromolithographed plates with captions, finished by hand, some heightened with silver and gum arabic. Original green cloth with large gilt-embossed decoration and title to front panel and blind-tooled borders.
Read moreDeyrolle, É. (ed.)
Le Naturaliste. Journal des échanges et des nouvelles. Volume I-III [nos. 1-66].
Paris, Émile Deyrolle, 1879-1881. Three volumes in one. Folio (31.5 x 23.8 cm). 532 pp. Numerous illustrations. Contemporary quarter pebbled cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt bands and title.
Read moreDiderot, D. and J. d'Alembert (eds.)
Giant flea [from the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire des sciences, plate 85].
[Paris, Briasson, David, Le Breton, 1768]. Oblong folio (39.2 x 45.9 cm). Broadsheet plate with a fine, large engraving with fine, contemporary hand-colouring, gilt border and printed caption.
Read moreDiderot, D. and J. d'Alembert (eds.)
Giant louse [from the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire des Sciences, plate 84].
[Paris, Briasson, David, Le Breton, 1768]. Oblong folio (39.7 x 67.6 cm). Broadsheet plate with a fine, large engraving with fine, contemporary hand-colouring, gilt border and printed caption.
Read moreDiderot, D. and J. d'Alembert (eds.)
Insects [from the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire des sciences, plates 75-83].
[Paris, Briasson, David, Le Breton, 1768]. Folio (39.2 x 25.1 cm, or wider). Nine plates with large engravings, each with fine, contemporary hand-colouring, gilt border and printed caption.
Read moreDistant, W. L.
Rhopalocera Malayana: A description of the butterflies of the Malay Peninsula.
London, West, Newman & Co. (for the author) [AND] Penang [George Town], D. Logan, 1882-1886. 12 parts in one. 4to (31.6 x 24.7 cm). xvi, 482, [iv] pp.; 129 woodcuts, 46 fine chromolithographed plates [numbered I-XLIV, XXVIIa, XXVIIb]. Contemporary olive, gilt-bordered morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original printed wrappers (12) bound in.
Read moreDoria, G. and R. Gestro (eds.)
Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii del Società Geografica Italiana. - Resultati zoologici.
Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 1895. 8vo (25.5 x 17.0 cm). xviii, 558 pp.; five lithographed plates; one very large, folded map of the Horn of Africa. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreDuméril, A. M. C.
Considérations générales sur la classe des insectes. Ouvrage orné de soixante planches en taille-douce reprentant plus de trois cent cinquante genres d'insectes.
Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1823. 8vo (23.5 x 14.5 cm). xii, 272 pp.; 60 engraved plates. Publisher's printed boards. In transparent sleeve.
Read moreEimer, G. H. T.
Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. Eine systematische Darstellung der Abänderungen, Abarten und Arten der Segelfalter-ähnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio. [AND] Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. II. Theil. Eine systematische Darstellung der Abänderungen, Abarten und Arten der Schwalbenschwanz-ähnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio. Text.
Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1889-1895. Two Parts in one. 8vo (24.3 x 16.7 cm). Two title pages, 416 pp. [xii, 243; viii, 153]. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and two (red and green) labels with gilt title. Red edges.
Read moreEngramelle, M. and J. Ernst
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'apres nature par M. Ernst gravés et coloriés sous sa direction. [Unpublished supplement plates].
Paris, Unpublished (printed and coloured 1792-1793). 4to (30.5 x 24.0 cm). Being: Sup. Cl. Ire (supplement, classe I), beautifully hand-coloured engraving 1-5, 7-9 with 84 figures. numbered n, m: 172 a-d, f-i bis; 173e; 174 a-d bis; 178 i, k-l; 186 i, k (2x), l; 187 a-d bis and gg, hh, ii, kk; 194 i; 195 a-f bis; 201 k; 207 h; 208 c-f; 215 d; 217 h; 218 h-i; 228 c-e; 237 a-b bis; 242 a-d bis; 256 d; 245 i, k; 246 m; 258 a-c bis; 261 g; 262 a-d bis; 254 c-e; 257 bis; 263 a-b bis; 276 h-i; 278 a-c bis; 280 a-c bis; all engraved by A. Schmidt and painted by M. Hochecker. In new marbled portfolio.
Read moreFieber, F. X.
Entomologische Monographien von Franz Xav. Fieber. Sieben Abhandlungen mit zehn Tafeln in Steinstich.
Prag [Prague], Gottlieb Haase Söhne, 1843 [1844]. Seven works in one. 4to (26.1 x 20.6 cm). Title page, 138 pp. (numbered [279]-416); ten engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards with green paper spine cover with script title. Speckled edges.
Read moreFieber, F. X.
Genera Hydrocoridum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita. Cum tabulis quator. [AND] Species generis Corisa monographice dispositae cum tabulis duabus. [AND] Rhynchotographieen. Drei monograpische [sic] Abhandlungen. [AND] a handwritten letter to a colleague.
Prag [Prague], Gottlieb Haase Söhne, 1851. Three works in one. 4to (26.1 x 20.6 cm). 143 pp. [31; 48; 64], including three title pages; six engraved plates [4; 2; 0]. Contemporary marbled boards with green paper spine cover with script title. Speckled edges.
Read moreFilippova, N. A.
Fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. Arachnoidea. Volum IV, issue 5. Ixodid ticks of subfamily Amblyomminae.
St. Petersburg, NAUKA, 1997. Large 8vo. 436 pp.; 245 text illustrations, 44 plates. Original black leatherette with gilt title on the front board and spine.
Read moreFischer de Waldheim, [J.] G. and E. [von] Eversmann
Entomographie de la Russie. Tome V. Lepidoptères de la Russie. I. Nymphalides.
Moscow, Société Imperiale des Naturalistes, 1851. 4to (30.5 x 24.2 cm). Half title, title page, dedication page; ii, 151 pp.; 16 finely engraved plates, all hand-coloured and occasionally heightened with Gum Arabic. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreFreyer, C. F.
Die schädlichsten Schmetterlinge Deutschlands, für Forstmänner, Lehrer, Oekonomen, Gartenbesitzer und Volks-Schulen.
Augsburg, privately published, 1839. 8vo (20.0 x 12.0 cm). xii, 89 pp.; 12 hand-coloured folded engraved plates. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreFreyer, C. F.
Die schädlichsten Schmetterlinge Deutschlands, für Forstmänner, Lehrer, Oekonomen, Gartenbesitzer und Volks-Schulen.
Augsburg, privately published, 1839. 8vo (20.0 x 12.0 cm). xii, 89 pp.; 12 finely engraved plates. Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards. Label with script title in an old hand on the spine.
Read moreFritsch, A.
Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Böhmens. Band I-IV. [Complete].
Prag, Selbstverlag and F. Řivnáč, 1879-1899 [1901?]. Four volumes in four. Folio (34.0 x 25.5 cm). 459 pp.; lavishly illustrated with 167 mostly chromolithographed plates (several double-sized or larger, folded), and over 400 text engravings, of which some plate-sized. Volume I (1883): 182 pp., 48 plates (some larger, folded, a few plain), 160 text engravings; volume II (1889): 114 pp., 44 plates (several larger, folded; numbered 49-90, 80b, 81b), 79 text figures (numbered 117-188); vol. III (1895): 132 pp., 42 plates [several (much) larger; numbered 91-132], 122 text engravings (numbered 189-310); vol. IV (1901): 101 pp., full colour frontispiece, of a landscape with "Miriopoden"; 33 plates (numbered 133-165), 64 text engravings (numbered 311-394, and including phototypes of fossil animals and tracks, freshwater bivalves, and, e.g. the author at work). Original uniform brown cloth sumptuously embossed with black floral borders, and gilt vignettes depicting Permian amphibians, reptiles and fish. Marbled edges.
Read moreGleichen Russworm, W. F. Von [Rußwurm, Rusworm]
Das Neueste aus dem Reiche der Pflanzen oder mikroskopische Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen der geheimen Zeugungstheile der Pflanzen in ihren Blüten, und der in denselben befindlichen Insekten; nebst einigen Versuchen von dem Keim, und einem Anhang vermischter Beobachtungen, beschrieben, und mit Farben nach der Natur vorgestellet. Herausgegeben, verlegt und mit den nöhtigen in Kupfer gestochenen und illuminirten Abbildungen versehen von Johann Christoph Keller.
Nürnberg, Christian de Launoy seel[ig] Erben, [1763]-1764-[1766]. Folio (40.2 x 25.8 cm). Title page with motto on verso, half-title with motto on verso; 159 pp. [(iv), 8, (iv), 72, 40, (vi), 26]; 51 engraved plates [numbered I-V, IIb (all showing microscopes); I-IV, A-E, V-XXX (mainly showing flowers); 1-10 (mainly showing insects)], all in fine, original hand-colouring; and decorated with several large, finely engraved headpieces. Contemporary mottled calf. Spine with seven raised, gilt-lined bands; compartments rich gilt with floral vignettes and corner pieces; brown morocco label with gilt title. Board edges gilt-rolled. Marbled pastedowns. All edges red.
Read moreGroen, J. van der and P. Nylandt
Het vermakelyk land-leven. I. Deel. Den Nederlantsen hovenier, zijnde het I. Deel van het Vermakelijk Land-leven. Beschrijvende allerhande prinçelike en heerlijke lust-hoven en hof-steden, en hoe men deselve, met veelderley uytnemende boomen, bloemen en kruyden, kan beplanten, bezaeijen, en verçieren. ... Desen laetsten druk is doorgaens verbetert. [AND] De verstandige hovenier. Over de twaelf maenden van 't jaer. Zijnde het II. deel van het vermakelyk lant-leven. [AND] De medicyn-winkel, of ervaren huys-houder: zijnde het III. deel van het vermakelyk landleven.
Amsterdam, Weduwe Gijsbert De Groot, [1696-]1711-1721. Three parts in one. 4to (20.1 x 15.3 cm cm). Engraved title (or frontispiece, with "consent en privilegie" printed on verso), dated 1696; letterpress title page with wood-engraved vignette (dated 1721); [xxvii], 103, [iii] pp., including 69 full-page engraved plates (mainly garden designs, pergolas, etc.), and a few text engravings [AND] Engraved frontispiece, letterpress title page with engraved vignette (dated 1711), [v], 84, [iv] pp., including one engraved plate. [AND] Title page with large copper engraving (dated 1711), pp. [2]-38; half-title Den naerstigen byen-houder, with large copper engraving (verso blank), pp. 41-53, [54-56]; half-title De verstandige kok (dated 1711) with large copper engraving and "Privilegie" on verso, pp. [59-60], 61-88. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, and morocco label with gilt ornamental borders and title.
Read moreGünther, A. et al. [H. M. S. "Alert"]
Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the H.M.S. "Alert" 1881-1882.
London, Taylor and Francis, 1884. Thick 8vo (22.2 x 14.1 x 4.8 cm). xxv, 684 pp. 54 lithographed plates of which eight double-sized and two partly coloured. Original gilt-titled, embossed cloth.
Read moreHammer, M.
Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. I. The Argentine and Bolivia. II Peru. III. Chile. IV. Patagonia. [Complete].
København, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1958-1962. Large 8vo (27.0 x 21.0 cm). 419 pp. [129; 157; 96; 37] pp., 118 [34; 43; 30; 11] plates. Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreHoefnagel, G.
Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat. I. Chr. Weigel excudit. [Complete with all titles and plates].
"Frankfurt am Main, J. Hoefnagel, 1592" [But Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, shortly after 1638]. Oblong folio (extremely wide-margined copy, 29.5 x 37.0 cm). Engraved titles to the four parts. 48 engraved plates. Pars Prima, Plates 1-12; Pars Secunda, Plates 1-12; Pars Tertia, Plates 1-12, Pars Quatra, Plates 1-12. [Complete]. Period style full burgundy morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt with floral borders and floral vignettes; red morocco label with gilt title; boards with broad, gilt-rolled borders, gilt corner-pieces; tripple gilt-lined inner borders and floral corner-pieces. Gilt-rolled edges and inner dentelles.
Read moreHoola van Nooten, B.
Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l'ile de Java. peints d'après nature. Ouvrage dédié à s majesté la reine de Hollande.
Bruxelles, Émile Tarlier, 1863. Large folio (55.6 x 40.8 cm). Title page, [ii] pp. (preface), dedication leaf; 41 chromolithographed plates, some finished by hand, with explanatory text leaves. Contemporary half calf over over burgundy linen boards. Spine blind-tooled with four low, wide bands, and dark brown morocco label with gilt title. Light, greyish green endpapers.
Read moreHorn, W. and S. Schenkling
Index Litteraturae Entomologicae Serie I: de Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863. [Interleaved set with additions].
Berlin, Walter Horn, 1928-1929. 8vo (23.2 x 15.8 cm). Four parts in four. 1426 pp. [interleaved with blanks]; four plates with portraits. Uniform contemporary half cloth over marbled boards. Spines with gilt bands and title. Speckled edges.
Read moreHoulbert, C. et al.
Faune Entomologique Armoricaine. Publiée par la Station Entomologique de l'Université de Rennes. Tome I-II.
Rennes, Station Entomologique de l'Université de Rennes, 1909-1912. Three parts in three. 8vo (25.0 x 16.5 cm). 624 pp. [viii, 97; 140; 111-311; vi, 172]. 600 text illustrations [146; 149; 150-237; 217]. Near uniform original wrappers.
Read more