Invertebrates (others)
353 items found
Philippi, R. A.
Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz. Fortgezetzt von Hofrath Dr. G. H. v. Schubert und Professor Dr. J. A . Wagner. In Verbindung mit Dr. Philippi, Dr. L. Pfeiffer und Dr. Dunker neu herausgegeben und vervollständgt von Dr. H. C. Kuster. Zweiten Bandes vierte Abtheilung. Die Gattungen Delphinula, Scissurella und Globulus. In Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen von Dr. R. A. Philippi.
Nürnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853. 4to (28.3 x 21.8 cm). 57 pp.; eight lithographed plates of which seven finely hand-coloured, and one intentionally plain. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePiaget, E.
Les pédiculines. Essai monographique. I (texte), II (atlas), supplement. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1880-1885. In three volumes. 4to (31.5 x 24.8 cm). 926 [xxxix, 714; 0; xii, 161] pp.; 73 [0, LVI; XVII] tinted lithographed plates. Original near uniform green blind stamped cloth with gilt title on the spines and front boards.
Read morePictet, F.
Traité de Paléontologie où histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. [Text and atlas, complete].
Paris, Baillière, 1853-1857. Five parts in five. 8vo (four text parts; 20.7 x 12.7 cm) and 4to (atlas; 30.7 x 23.5 cm). 2742 pp. [I: xiv, 584; II: 727; III: 654; IV: xvi, 768; Atlas; 77]; 110 fine lithographed plates. contemporary uniform pebbled half morocco over marbled boards. Spines with gilt-bordered bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read morePierantoni, U.
Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Naepel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Herausgegeben von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. 31 Monographie: Protodrilus.
Berlin, R. Friedländer & Sohn, 1908. Large 4to (33.2 x 27.0 cm). vii, 226 pp.; 13 text engravings, 11 lithographed plates, all but one larger, mostly double-sized; three in fine chromolithography, one tinted. Original printed wrappers.
Read morePilsbry, H. A.
Catalogue of the marine mollusks of Japan with descriptions of new species and notes on others collected by Frederick Stearns.
Detroit, Frederick Stearns, 1895. 8vo (22.3 x 13.8 cm). viii, 196 pp., 11 lithographed, engraved, and phototype plates. Later blue buckram with gilt lines and title on the spine.
Read morePlinius Secundus, C. [P. C. B. Guéroult, ed.]
Morceaux extraits de l'Histoire Naturelle de Pline.
Paris, Michel Lambert, 1785. 8vo (19.5 x 13.0 cm). 554 pp. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with gilt lines, floral vignettes and brown morocco label with gilt title. Gilt-lined board edges. Marbled endpapers. All edges red.
Read morePotiez, V. L. V. and A. L. G. Michaud
Galerie des mollusques, ou catalogue méthodique, descriptif et raisonné des mollusques et coquilles du Muséum de Douai.
Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1838-1844. Four volumes (texts and atlasses) in two. Large 8vo (22.7 x 15.1 cm). 915 pp.; 70 lithographed plates. First volume (1838): xxxvi, 560 (iv) pp. (texte); 56 pp.; 37 plates (atlas). Second volume (1844): 8 [numbered xxxvii-xliv], 307, (ii) pp. (texte); 23 pp. [numbered 57-79]; 33 plates [numbered 38-70] (atlas). Uniform 20th-century green buckram with gilt title on the spines. Speckled edges. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read more[Prévost d'Exiles, A. F.]
Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection des toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusq'à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connus: ... Tome dix-septième. Histoire générale des voyages, depuis le commencement du XVme siècle, dix-septième partie. Livre septième. Vies des gouverneurs généraux, avec l'abregé de l'histoire des etablissemens Hollandois aux Indes Orientales [AND] Histoire naturelle des Indes Orientales.
La Haye [Den Haag, The Hague], Pierre de Hondt, 1763. 4to (25.1 x 20.4 cm). [ii], 266, 300, 48 pp.; 56 plates (of fish, etc.). Contemporary half calf over speckled boards. Spine with five raised bands. Gilt title.
Read morePrieser, T.
Beiträge zur Systematik und Stammesgeschichte der europäischen Peltoceraten.
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart (Erwin Nägele), 1937. Large 4to (29.2 x 22.4 cm). 144 pp.; nine heliographic plates, seven text figures, five folding plates with line drawings. Burgundy leatherette. Spine with black morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreRathbun, M. J. and J. E. Benedict a.o. [B. W. Evermann (ed.)]
Investigations of the aquatic resources and fisheries of Porto Rico. Second Part.
Washington, DC, United States Fish Commission, 1902. 4to (26.8 x 18.7 cm). viii, 431 pp., 72 plates (heliotypes, photographs, two fine chromolithographs of crabs), numerous text figures. Contemporary red pebbled half calf over red pebbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Red marbled endpapers, red marbled edges.
Read moreRatzeburg, J. T. C.
Die Waldverderbniss oder dauernder Schade, welcher durch Insektenfrass, Schälen, Schlagen und Verbeissen an lebenden Waldbäumen entsteht. Zugleich ein Ergänzungswerk zu den Abbildung und Beschreibung des schädlichsten Forstinsekten. Zweiter Band. Tanne, Lärche, Laubhölzer, und entomologischer Anhang.
Berlin, Nicolai, 1868. 4to (28.9 x 23.1 cm). xvi, 464 pp.; 26 [numbered 34-51, 41A, 43A, 45A, I-V] engraved plates of which 13 in chromolithography with additional hand-colouring and partly heightened with gum arabic. Original green boards with raised panels with gilt floral ornaments, and gilt borders. Spine with gilt bands and title. Iridescent silk endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreReeve, L. A.
Conchologia Iconica. Monograph of the genus Marginella.
London, Lovell A. Reeve, 1864-1865. 4to (28.0 x 22.0 cm). Title page and 27 hand-coloured lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves and printed index. Original "The Oast House, Brook, Ashford" pictorial wrappers.
Read moreReeve, L. [A.]
Elements of conchology; an introduction to the natural history of shells and of the animals which form them.
London, Reeve, 1860. Two volumes in two. 4to (25.3 x 15.3 cm). Part I: vi, 260 pp.; Part II: vi, 203 pp.; 62 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Original uniform full, blind-stamped cloth with gilt title on the spines and gilt vignette on the front boards. Yellow endpapers.
Read moreRicketts, E. F. and J. Calvin
Between Pacific Tides. An account of the habits and habitats of some five hundred of the common, conspicuous seashore invertebrates of the Pacific Coast between Sitka, Alaska, and northern Mexico.
Stanford University Press, 1939. Large 8vo (22.8 x 15.6 cm). xxii, 320 pp.; 46 numbered plates, 112 illustrations on unnumbered plates. Publisher's pictorial cloth. Green endpapers.
Read moreRigacci, G.
Catalogo delle conchiglie componenti la collezione Rigacci. Parte prima. Conchiglie viventi. [AND] Necrologia di Giovanni Rigacci.
Roma, Salviucci, 1874-1875. Tall 4to (27.2 x 19.2 cm). [ii], 144 pp. Albumen portrait, mounted. Patterned half-linen over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title.
Read moreRisso, [J.] A.
Histoire naturelle des crustacés des environs de Nice. Ornées de gravures.
Paris, Librairie Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1816. 8vo (21.1 x 12.6 cm). 176 pp., three folded engraved plates. Later green morocco over marbled boards. Spine with four gilt-ornamented bands, gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreRomanoff, N. M.
Mémoires sur les lépidoptères. Rédigés par N. M. Romanoff. Tome I-IX.
St.-Pétersbourg, Privately published, 1884-1897. Nine volumes in eight. 4to (25.5 x 18.1 cm). Titles, half-titles, 3492 pp.; 130 plates of which 76 finely hand-coloured, and one tinted; four maps. [I (1884) [i], 181 pp., 10 plates (I-IV finely hand-coloured), and colour-printed map; II (1885) [bound with I] [i], 262 pp., 16 plates (II-IV, VII, XIII-XVI finely hand-coloured); III (1887) [i], 419 pp., 17 plates (VI, XIII-XIV hand-coloured), two colour-printed maps (one on p. 241]; IV (1890) xvii, 577 pp., 22 plates (I-XXI, A; of which III-V, XI-XIII finely hand-coloured and A tinted), one rose-tinted table on p. 146, and a rose-tinted map on p. 196. In rear pocket a large, folded map (which is usually lacking!); V (1889) [i], 248 pp., 12 plates (V, VIII-XII finely hand-coloured; VI (1892) 701 pp., 16 plates (I-IV, VI-XVI finely hand-coloured); VII (1893) lvi, 658 pp., 23 plates (20 hand-coloured [I-III are always plain]); VIII (1901) [i], xiv, 602 pp., 34 full colour plates [numbered XXIV-LVII] [in modern reprint, as always]; IX (1897) [i], 367 pp., 14 finely hand-coloured plates]. Later uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with four raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt author's name and Volume number.
Read moreRue, A. De la
Entomologie forestière, ou histoire naturelle des insectes nuisibles et utiles aux forêts.
Paris, Madame Huzard; Nancy, George-Grimblot, Thomas et Raybois, 1838. 8vo (20.9 x 12.8 cm). iv, 154 pp., six engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title. Edges marbled.
Read moreSand, M.
Manuscript of: Catalogue raisonné des lépidoptères du Berry & de l'Auvergne ( Cher, Indre, Creuse, Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal) ( France centrale) Deuxième Partie - Microlepidoptera.
Paris, E. Deyrolle [published edition], 1871-[shortly before] 1879. 4to (22.1 x 14.6 cm). [179] pp., followed by ca. 100 blanks. Original green half sheep over marbled boards. Printed label on front board. [AND] 12 pages of manuscript text pertaining to this work and in particular the preface. In a contemporary envelope [AND]. A signed letter (draft?) 92 pp. (folded), by the author on paper with his blind-stamp, directed to one of his correspondents.
Read moreSarasin, P. and F. Sarasin
Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes. II. Die Land-Mollusken von Celebes.
Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1899. Large 4to/Folio (30.1 x 24.4 cm). viii, 248 pp.; map, 31 photographic, lithographed or engraved plates, of which five in full colour. Original blue grained cloth with gilt title on spine and front board.
Read moreSaulcy, [L.] F. [J. C.] de
Voyage autour de la Mer Morte et dans les terres bibliques exécuté de décembre 1850 à avril 1851. Relation de voyage; atlas. [Complete].
Paris, Gide et J. Baudry, 1852-1853. In two text volumes and one atlas volume. 8vo (24.5 x 16.0 cm [text]). 1054 pp. [399; 655]). Folio/large 4to (31.0 x 23.7 cm [atlas]). 172 pp. [4, vii, 20, i-iv, 5-19; xxvi, 96]; 15 maps on 14 sheets (one double-sized); 61 (LVII; 4) lithographed plates (several tinted). Text in near contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt bands and title; Atlas in contemporary half morocco over grained, cloth with gilt title on the front board and spine. Marbled endpapers. Original printed wrappers of the text volumes bound in.
Read moreSaussure, H. [L. F.] De
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle de Mexique, des Antilles et des États-Unis. Ire livraison. Mémoire sur divers crustacés nouveaux du Mexique et des Antilles.
Geneve, J. Kessmann, 1858-1861. 4to (29.0 x 22.2 cm). 82 pp., six lithographed plates. Original printed wrappers (protected by transparent paper).
Read moreSauvage, [F.] C. and [N.] A. Buvignier
Statistique minéralogique et géologique du département des Ardennes.
Mézières, Trecourt, 1842. 8vo (21.0 x 13.0 cm). xlv, 554 pp.; five lithographed plates. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with four raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with blind-stamped and gilt ornamental borders. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreSchaeffer, J. C.
Die Blumenpolypen der süßen Wasser beschrieben und mit den Blumenpolypen der salzigen Wasser verglichen.
Regensburg, Emanuel Adam Weiss, 1755. 8vo (22.7 x 18.7 cm). Title page, [iv], 54 pp.; three originally hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary marbled wrappers.
Read moreSchiödte, J. S. [Schiødte]
Genera og species af Danmarks Eleutherata at tjene som fauna for denne orden og som indledning til dens anatomie og historie. Förste Bind. Med fem og tyve kobbertavler. [All published].
Kjöbenhavn, H. C. Klein [Paa kongelig bekostning], 1841. Large, thick 8vo (25.1 x 17.0 cm). xii, 613, xxii pp.; 25 engraved plates on 24 leaves. Contemporary polished half calf over marbled boards. Spine with blind embossed and gilt bands; gilt title.
Read moreSchiødte, J. C. [Schiödte]
Fortegnelse over de i Danmark levende Coleopter. [List of Coleoptera living in Denmark].
København (Copenhagen), C. A. Reitzel, [1864-1872]. In four volumes. 8vo (22.0 x 14.5 cm). 453 pp.; one tissue-guarded lithographed plate. Uniform polished half calf over pebbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and title. Yellow endpapers, subtly marbled edges.
Read moreSchmidt, F. C.
Versuch über die beste Einrichtung zur Aufstellung, Behandlung und Aufbewahrung der verschiedenen Naturkörper und Gegenstände der Kunst, vorzüglich der Conchylien-Sammlungen, nebst kurzer Beurtheilung der conchyliologischen Systeme und Schriften und einer tabellarischen Zusammenstellung und Vergleichung der sechs besten und neuesten conchyliologischen Systeme, welchen ein Verzeichniß der am meisten bekannten Conchylien angehängt ist, wie solche nach dem Lamarkischen System geordnet werden können.
Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1818. Small folio (27.2 x 18.0 cm). Title page, dedication leaf, [iv], 252 pp. 20th-century green buckram with gilt title on the spine.
Read moreSchönherr, C. J.
Synonymia insectorum, oder Versuch einer Synonymie aller bisher bekannten Insecten nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum geordnet.
Stockholm, Lewerentziana and Nordström, 1806-1817. Four parts in four. 8vo (19.6 x 11.8 cm). I(I) (1806) xxii, 293 pp; I(II) (1808), ix, 424 pp.; I(III) (1817) xi, 506 pp.; I(III Appendix) (1817) 226 pp. with six [3; 1; 2; 0] hand-coloured engraved plates. Uniform contemporary half calf with marbled boards.
Read moreSchott, J. J.
Schmetterlingskalender, oder systematisches Verzeichniss alle Schmetterlinge, welche in Deutschland bekannt sind.
Frankfurt am Main, P. H. Guilhauman, 1830. (21.0 x 13.1 cm). 558 pp. [vi, 500, 52]; seven originally hand-coloured engraved plates. 19th-century polished half calf over marbled boards. Spine with ornamental gilt bands and black morocco label with gilt title. Edges yellow.
Read moreSchrenck, [P.] L. [I.] von
Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande 1854-1856. Volume 2, Heft 3. Mollusken des Amur-Landes und des Nordjapanischen Meeres.
Saint Petersburg, 1859-1867. Folio (33.0 x 23.2 cm). Half-title. 718 pp. [numbered (259)-976]; 17 finely lithographed plates and two large, folding maps [numbered consecutively, XII-XXX]. Navy cloth. Spine with black label with gilt title.
Read moreSchumacher, [H.] C. F.
Essai d’un nouveau système des habitations des vers testacés. Avec XXII planches.
Copenhague, Schultz, 1817. Quarto (25.2 x 20.2 cm). Title page, 287 pp.; 22 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf over tree calf resembling paper boards. Spine with gilt ornaments and title. Yellow endpapers. Marbled edges.
Read moreSeder, A.
Das Thier in der decorativen Kunst. I. Serie. Die Wasserthiere [AND] II. Serie. Vögel. [Complete]. Together with two amazing original watercolours (of plates 21 and 25) drawn by the artist himself.
Wien, Gerlach & Schenk, 1896. Two large folio portfolios (57.9 x 44.3 cm) with one page of text, one illustrated title page and 29 stunning chromolithographed plates showing animals in a fabulous Art Nouveau style. Each original quarter linen portfolios has an impressive dragon on front, with the title artistically arranged around it [AND] Two original watercolours by Seder, being the originals examples for plates 21 and 25.
Read moreSeitz, [F. J.] A.
Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Abteilung I. Die Groß-Schmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes. Band I-IV. [Complete original edition].
Stuttgart, A. Kernen, 1906-1913. Four volumes in seven (text and atlases). Large 4to (31.4 x 24.0 cm). Text volumes with title pages to the volumes and to the parts; 1869 pp. (I: 379, [vi]; II: vii, 479; III: iii, 511; IV: v, 479]. Atlases with plate indexes, and 245 chromolithographed plates [I: 89; II: 56; III-IV: 75; 25]. Contemporary uniform quarter calf over pebbled boards. Spines with four slightly raised, gilt-bordered bands, gilt vignettes and head- and tailpieces; front boards with gilt ornamental title. Bluish or brownish-green endpapers. Marbled edges.
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