Earth Sciences - Geology
156 items found
Abendanon, E. C.
Expédition de la Célèbes Centrale. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale (1909-1910). Volumes I-III (text), atlas. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1916. Three text volumes in three. 8vo (27.3 x 19.1 cm). 1615 pp. [xxviii, xvi, xxii,1549], 183 plates and maps, 140 text figures. [AND] atlas folio (55.0 x 38.0 cm). Text with eight photogravures, 138 photographs, maps, numerous figures [AND] atlas with title page (double, French/Dutch) one coloured explanatory chart (36 different colours) and 17 mostly coloured folded geological maps and/or profiles (numbered 1, II, 3-11, 12a, 12b, 13-16). Original uniform black and gilt printed olive cloth (text), original printed portfolio (atlas).
Read moreAdriani, N. and A. C. Kruyt
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes. [Complete, in four volumes].
Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. In four volumes. Text in three octavo volumes (26.5 x 18.0 cm) [AND] atlas in folio portfolio (37.0 x 26.5 cm). 1,636 pp.; 58 photographs on 26 sheets, 13 coloured plates of which seven partly in full colour, and four coloured folding maps (two showing adjacent regions). Original uniform quarter cloth over printed boards.
Read moreAgassiz, A.
The coral reefs of the Maldives.
Cambridge, MA, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1903. Two volumes (text and atlas) in one. 4to (29.1 x 23.8 cm). Text: xxv, 168 pp.; numerous text illustrations; Atlas: 6 pp.; 82 maps, as follows: eight folded maps [numbered 1-8], three profiles [numbered 8a-c] and 71 photographic plates [numbered 9-79]. Later green buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original printed front wrappers bound in.
Read moreAgassiz, L.
Untersuchungen über die Gletscher. [Complete text and atlas].
Solothurn, Jent & Gassmann, 1840-1841; Neuchatel, H. Nicolet, 1840. Text: 8vo (21.5 x 14.2 cm). xii, 326, [i] pp. 19th-century pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and title. Greenish endpapers. Subtly marbled edges. Atlas: Oblong folio (29.7 x 44.0 cm). 18 lithographed plates of which 14 with printed overlays (as intended). Contemporary green quarter calf over green boards. Spine with gilt bands. Original pictorial title mounted on front board.
Read moreAgassiz, L. et al.
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Tome I. Avec planches.
Neuchatel, Société des Sciences naturelles de Neuchatel [Petitpierre et Prince], 1853. Large 4to. 199, 40 pp.; 18 fine lithographed and engraved plates of which ten hand-coloured; severaltables incuding one larger, double-folded. Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards; front board with printed title mounted.
Read moreAllemann, F.
Geologische Karte Fürstentum Liechtenstein.
[Vaduz], Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, 1953. Large (102.0 x 67.0 cm), folded map, consisting of 25 rectangular sheets in full colour, mounted on linen. Handwritten and stamped label on the front-facing part of the linen map verso.
Read moreArnold, F.
Halenza's neuestes Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln. Einziges, durch die Berliner und Frankfurter Künstler gefässtes Urtheil, anerkanntes Kustwerk. Panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusq'à Cologne. Panorama of the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne. [Complete with the rare text volume].
Mainz, J. Halenza, [1880]. Two parts in two. 8vo (text: 26.4 x 16.2 cm). Title page, 24 pp. (in English). Panorama: One folding lithographed view by F. Foltz (27 x 230 cm). Contained in original printed boards with the German title on one board, and the French/English titles on the other.
Read moreArthaber, G. Von
Lethaea geognostica. Handbuch der Erdgeschichte. Mit Abbildung der fur die Formationen bezeichendsten Versteinerungen. Mesozoikum. Band 1. Trias. Lieferung 3. Die alpine Trias des Mediterrangebietes.
Stuttgart, 1905. Large 8vo (25.6 x 18.0 cm). 249 pp.; 67 text figures, 27 lithographed and photographic plates. Contemporary blue pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. II. Classe des mollusques, ordre des céphalopodes. Texte et 544 planches.
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1867-1877. 11 parts in 11. Large 4to and folio (32.5 x 25.5). 3,583 pp.; 545 lithographed plates (including 240bis) with explanatory text leaves. Original near uniform blind-tooled cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. VI. Classe des mollusques, ordre des acéphales. Texte et 361 planches. [Bivalvia].
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1881. Four parts in four. Large 4to (32.8 x 26.0 cm). xxiv, 342 pp.; 361 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves. Original uniform blind-tooled black cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBeche, H. [T.] De la
A selection of the Geological Memoirs, contained in the Annales des Mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations and Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocks. Translated with notes by H. T. de la Beche, Esq.
London, William Phillips, 1824. 8vo (21.1 x 13.3 cm). xxii, 335 pp.; one hand-coloured folded geological map of France and the Netherlands including a great part of Germany, the Alps and northern Italy, by J. d'Omalius d'Halloy (numbered plate 11 [not II]) and two further hand-coloured geological maps or profiles (numbered I-II), eight folded lithographed plates (numbered III-X), including a very fine view of the coalmine at Treuil near St. Etienne, and another showing fossil gastropods and bivalves, one folding table. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt lines and title. Edges speckled red.
Read moreBelanger, L. and P. Vanlerberghe and S. Malgo
View of the torrent of the Lutschinen, and of the glaciers where it takes its source – Vue du torrent de la Lutschinen en Suisse, et des glaciers ou il prend sa source.
London, G. & W. Nicoll, 1800. Broadsheet (71.0 x 56.0 cm). Aquatint, finished by hand.
Read moreBelgrand, [M. F.] E.
Histoire générale de Paris. La Seine. I. Le bassin Parisien aux âges antéhistoriques.
Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1869. In three parts (Texte, Atlas de Paléontologie, and Planches de Géologie et de Conchyliologie). Large 4to and folio (33.8 x 23.9 cm). Texte: cvi, 289 pp., four double-sized coloured maps, 36 engraved text figures, five tissue-guarded plates (four profiles and one with stone age axes); Atlas: 82 [46, a-d] pp.; seven text engravings, 86 plates [1-79, 29bis, 48bis, 53bis, 59bis, 59ter, 62bis, 62ter, 78bis) being tissue guarded heliogravures of mammalian bones, including human skulls, etc., and stone age tools. Géologie and Conchyliologie, 32 pp. Three lithographed plates of shells, three very large folded, coloured geological profiles (numbered 5-7, being a suite to the maps in the text part). All in original green, printed boards or wrappers. Not in Nissen, ZBI.
Read moreBerthier, P. [M.]
Photographic panorama of Mount Etna.
Paris, Paul Berthier, 1865. Very large board (93.0 x 45.0 cm), with original mounted albumen silver prints (panorama, in two parts of 25.0 x 36.2 cm and 25.0 x 35.0 cm, for a continuous image with a total width of 71.2 cm). Paul Berthier printed studio label pasted on verso.
Read moreBoehm, G.
Palaeontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des Koenigliche Bayerische Staates. Zweiter Band, vierte Abtheilung. Die Bivalven der Stramberger Schichten.
Cassel [Kassel], Gustav Fischer, 1883. Folio (44.2 x 31.5 cm), Title page; 18 fine, lithographed plates. In original green portfolio with printed title page mounted.
Read moreBonnard, A. H. De
Sur la constance des faits géognostiques, qui accompagnent le gisement du terrain d'Arkose à l'est du Plateau Central de la France.
Paris, Mme Huzard, 1828. 8vo (21.5 x 13.3 cm). 106 pp.; three folded engraved geological profiles. Contemporary polished half calf. Spine with five raised, gilt-bordered bands and gilt title on red morocco shield. Marbled flyleaves.
Read moreBourguet, [L.]
Traité des pétrifications. Nouvelle édition, corrigée et augmentée.
Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1778. 8vo (19.7 x 12.3 cm). Half-title, title page, 349 pp. (xvii, 326, [vii], and 4; 16 with advertisements); 441 engravings on 60 plates. 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental lines and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreBourrit, M. T.
Description des Alpes, Pennines et Rhetiennes; dédiée a.s.m. très-chrétienne Louis XVI, roi de France et de Navarre. Tome premier - second. [Complete].
Genève, J. P. Bonnant, 1781. In two volumes. 8vo (21.5 x 13.8 cm). xix, 247 pp.; [ii], 285 pp.; eight engraved plates, mainly of glaciers, and one folded engraved map of the Alps, several wood engraved vignettes in the text. Original uniform blind publishers' wrappers. Spines renewed with later printed labels. Contained in a later blue cloth slipcase (23.2 x 15.8 x 6.9 cm) with black morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreBrard, C. P.
Traité des pierres précieuses, des porphyres, granits, marbres, albatres, et autres roches propres a recevoir le poli et a orner les monumens publics et les edifices particuliers; suivi de la description des machines dont on se sert pour tailler, polir, et travailler ces pierres; et d'un coup d'oeil général sur l'art du marbrier; ouvrage utile aux joailliers, lapidaires, bijoutiers; aux architectes, décorateurs, etc., etc.
Paris, F. Schoell, 1808. 8vo (21.0 x 13.4 cm). Half title, title pages, xxvii, 565 pp.; eight [5; 3] engraved plates of which several are larger, folded. Near contemporary half-vellum over marbled boards. Spine with green morocco label with gilt lines and title. Marbled endpapers.
Read more[Brun, P. le Père le]
Lettres qui decouvrent l'illusion des philosophes sur la baguette, et qui detruisent leurs systemes.
Paris, Jean Boudot, 1696. 12mo (13.0 x 7.0 cm). Title page in black and red. xxvi, 255 pp.; text engraving, two engraved plates. Period-style full mottled calf. Spine with four raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and corner pieces; red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Edges speckled red.
Read moreBuch, L. de
Voyage en Norvège et en Laponie, fait dans les années 1806, 1807 et 1808. Traduit de l`Allemand par J. B. B. Eyriés. Précédé d`une introduction de M. A. de Humboldt. Suivi d`un mémoire de M. de Buch, sur la limite des neiges perpétuelles dans le Nord, et enrichi de cartes et de coupes de terrein.
Paris, Gide fils, 1816. Two volumes in two. 8vo (19.9 x 12.6 cm). 953 pp. [xxiv, 472; 457]; three engraved maps, of which two large, folded. Uniform red calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt ornamental bands, vignettes, and title. Sprinkled edges.
Read moreBuffon, [G. L. L. Comte de]
Oeuvres complètes de Buffon avec la nomenclature Linnéenne et la classification de Cuvier. Revues sur l'édition in 4to de l'Imprimerie Royale et annotées par M. Flourens.
Paris, Garnier frères, 1853-1855. In 12 volumes. Very large 8vo (26.7 x 17.8 cm). Text with one engraved frontispiece, one hand-coloured frontispiece, one engraved portrait of Buffon, and 160 hand-coloured engraved plates and maps, for a total of 163 plates outside the text. Contemporary uniform dark blue half calf over pebbled boards; spines with four raised bands, compartments with gilt vignettes and titles. Iridescent endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreBurat, A.
Angewandte Geognosie oder das Auffinden und der Bau nuβbarer Mineralien. Uebersetzt von Heinrich Krause und J. P. Hochmuth.
Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 1844. 8vo (21.9 x 14.7 cm). xvi, 428 pp.; 168 text engravings, one large, multi-folded, tinted map, and 20 tissue-guarded engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards. Spine with green morocco label with gilt title and ornamental borders.
Read moreCanavari, M. (ed.)
Palaeontologia della Somalia. Fossili raccolti dalle Missioni Stefanini-Paoli (1913) e Stefanini-Puccioni (1924) e da altri.
Pisa, Museo Geologico della R. Università di Pisa, 1931-1939 [REPRINT Bologna, Forni, 1969]. In five volumes. 4to (31.2 x 21.4 cm). 1,115 pp. [216; 192; 301; 89; 270, 47]; 111 plates [17; 24; 26; 12; 27, 5]; numerous text illustrations. Original uniform printed wrappers.
Read moreCarez, L. [L. H.]
La géologie des Pyrénées Françaises.
Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1903-1909. In six volumes, including the supplement. Large 4to (29.5 x 22.6 cm). 3,908 [ix, 3,899] pp.; 39 mainly geological folded maps or profiles (six in full-colour), and heliogravures (photogravures), some with printed overlays. Uniform contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spines with four raised bands and gilt title.
Read moreCatullo, T. A.
Trattato sopra la costituzione geognostico-fisica dei terreni alluviani o postdiluviani delle provincie Venete.
Padova, Cartallier e Sicca, 1838. 8vo (21.2 x 13.3 cm). Title page with engraved vignette, [iv], 512 pp.; several tables in the text. Mid-19th-century pebbled cloth. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreClairaut, J. B., a.o.
Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum ex scriptis Societati Regiae Scientiarum exhibitis. Edita, continuatio III, sive Tomus IV. Cum figuris et indice materiarum.
Berolini, Johann Andreas Rüdiger, 1734. Small 4to (20.5 x 16.0 cm). vi, 405 pp.; 11 mostly folded engraved plates. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt, red morocco label with gilt title. Edges speckled red.
Read more[Clouds; Wolken]
Internationaler Atlas der Wolken und Himmelsansichten. Internationales Meteorologisches Komitee. Kommission für das Studium der Wolken. Vol 1: Allgemeiner Atlas.
Paris, Office National Méteorologique, 1932. Large, thick 4to (32.0 x 24.5 x 4.0 cm). ix, 108 pp. In original printed wrappers & 174 loose-leaved plates. In original printed portfolio. Contained in cardboard slipcase.
Read moreCollet, O. [J. A.]
l'Or aux Indes orientales Néerlandaises. Étude sur l'etat actuel de l'industrie aurifere.
Batavia, G. Kolff, 1889. Small 4to (24.4 x 16.3 cm). 51 pp. Original crimson pebbled and embossed cloth with gilt ornamental bands and gilt title on the front board. Floral-pattered endpapers.
Read moreCuvier, G. and A. [T.] Brongniart
Essai sur la géographie minéralogique des environs de Paris. Proof copy of the introductions, with corrections by Brogniart.
Paris, Institut Impériale de France, [1809 or 1810]. 4to (25.0 x 20.0 cm). 33 pp. Not bound. In a 20th century blue hardcover paper drop-box (26.8 x 22.0 cm) with printed label on the top board.
Read moreCuvier, G. [L. C. F. D.] and A. Brongniart
Description géologique des environs de Paris, par MM. G. Cuvier et Alex. Brongniart. Nouvelle édition, dans laquelle on a inséré la descrition d'un grand nombre de lieux de l'Allemagne, de la Suisse, de l'Italie, etc., qui présentent des terrains analogues a ceux du Bassin de Paris. Avec 2 cartes et 16 planches représentant les coupes de ces terrains et beaucoup des coquilles fossiles qu'ils renferment, et une table alphabétique de tous les lieux décrits ou seulement cités.
Paris, G. Dufour et E. d'Ocagne, 1822. 4to (29.3 x 22.2 cm). ix, 428 pp.; one brightly hand-coloured geological map of the surroundings of Paris, and 17 lithographed plates, including one hand-coloured geological map of the basins of London and Paris. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-ornamented bands; compartments rich gilt, and with two morocco labels (red and blue) with gilt title.
Read moreCuvillier, J.
Revision du nummulitique Égyptien. [AND] Nouvelle contribution à la paléontologie du nummulitique Égyptien. [AND] Étude complémentaire sur la paléontologie du nummulitique Égyptien. [Complete].
Le Caire, Institut d'Egypte, 1930-1935. Three parts in three. 4to (27.5 x 22.0 cm). 530 pp. [371; 76; 83]; 37 plates [24; 8; 5], one folded map. Original, uniform printed front wrappers.
Read moreDavidson, T.
A monograph of British Cretaceous Brachiopoda. [AND] M. R. Sahni, the Terebratulidae of the British Chalk. [AND] N. E. Pettitt, The Rhynchonellidae of the British Chalk.
London, The Palaeontographical Society, 1854-1953. 4to (27.0 x 20.6 cm). 205 pp., 21 [12, 9] lithographed plates; 62 pp.; ten plates; 58 pp., three plates. Later half calf, spine with five raised, gilt bordered bands, and gilt titles on spine. Edges speckled red.
Read moreDevèze de Chabrol, J. S. and J. B. Bouillet
Essai géologique et minéralogique sur les environs d'Issoire, département du Puy-de-Dôme, et principalement sur la Montagne de Boulade.
Clermont-Ferrand, Thibaud-Landriot, 1827. Folio (41.0 x 26.2 cm). xii, 104 pp.;hand-coloured lithographed geological map and hand-coloured profile, and 30 lithographed plates depicting vertebrates and several tables, including one very large, folded in the text. Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with gilt lines and title. Marbled endpapers; speckled edges.
Read more[Dezallier d'Argenville, A. J. D.]
l'Histoire naturelle éclaircie dans une de ses parties principales, l'Oryctologie, qui traite des terres, des pierres, des métaux, des minéraux, et autres fossiles. Ouvrage dans lequel on trouve une nouvelle méthode Latine & Françoise de les diviser, & une notice critique des principaux ouvrages qui ont paru sur ces matières.
Paris, De Bure, 1755. 4to (28.6 x 21.1 cm). Engraved frontispiece, [6], xvi, 560 [1] pp.; 26 engraved plates. Contemporary full mottled calf, richly floral gilt spine with five raised bands and gilt lettered red morocco label. Marbled endpapers, edged red.
Read moreDiderot, D. and J. d'Alembert (eds.)
Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une société de gens de lettres mis en ordre par Mons. Diderot. Histoire naturelle. Règne mineral.
Paris, Diderot et d'Alembert, 1768. Folio (43.2 x 27.2 cm). 4 pp., 130 plates (partly folded). Disbound.
Read moreDolomieu, D. [G. S. T.], De
Reise nach den liparischen Insuln oder Nachricht von den äolischen Insuln zur nähern Aufklärung der Geschichte der Vulkane. Nebst einer Abhandlung über eine Art von Luftvulkan, und einer andern über die Temperatur des Clima auf Maltha und die Verschiedenheit der wahren und fühlbaren Wärme.
Leipzig, Johann Gottfried Müller, 1783. 8vo (16.7 x 10.1 cm). 210, [ii] pp. Contemporary marbled boards, small leather label with gilt title on the spine. Edges yellow.
Read moreDufrenoy, [O. P. A.] and [J. B. A. L. L.] Élie de Beaumont
Explication de la carte géologique de la France. Volumes I-IV (text and atlas), and two maps. [Complete].
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, Imprimerie Nationale, 1841-1879. Four volumes in seven, and a large map in six folded sheets, each ca. 70 x 205 cm (including borders) with linen covers. Large 4to (four text volumes; ca. 27.5 x 21.0 cm); folio (two atlas volumes, 26.8 x 35.7 cm). Tome premier: Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1841. Large 4to. xxii, 825 pp., 71 text engravings (mainly profiles); Tome deuxième: Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1848. Large 4to. xii, 813 pp., 105 text engravings (mainly views and profiles), one large, folded chromolithographed geological map (finished by hand) of France (printed surface: 57 x 54 cm, and consisting of 15 smaller sections, mounted on linen and folded) bound in the rear; Tome troisième. Première partie (by Dufrénoy): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1873. Large 4to. viii, 231 pp., 18 text engravings (mainly profiles). Printed wrappers. Tome quatrième. Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1879. Large 4to. 185 pp. Printed wrappers; Tome quatrième. Atlas (in two volumes). Première partie. Fossiles principaux des terrains (by É. Bayle). Seconde partie. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller (by Zeiller): Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1878. Folio. Title page, half title to first part. 86 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered I-LXXXVI; 90 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves, numbered LXXXVII-CLXXVI (the last 16 on plants), for a total of 176 plates. Volumes I, II, and IV plate volumes in near uniform contemporary dark-green pebbled morocco over marbled boards. Spines with five gilt-stippled bands, and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. The text volumes with top edge gilt, atlases with marbled top edges. Text volumes III and IV in original printed wrappers. The large chromolithographed map in six sheets (approximately 218 x 223 cm) is contained in a contemporary, book-like crimson box with gilt-lettered spine, with raised bands and patterned paper sides.
Read moreDuppa, R.
Travels on the continent, Sicily and the Lipari Islands. Second edition.
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co., 1829. Large 8vo (26.8 x 17.2 cm). x, 494, [ii] pp.; 21 fine engraved plates, and 34 text engravings. Contemporary grained half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, stipple-gilted bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and a brown morocco label with gilt title.
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