Travel and Exploration
73 items found
Abendanon, E. C.
Expédition de la Célèbes Centrale. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale (1909-1910). Volumes I-III (text), atlas. [Complete].
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1916. Three text volumes in three. 8vo (27.3 x 19.1 cm). 1615 pp. [xxviii, xvi, xxii,1549]; 183 plates and maps, 140 text figures. [AND] atlas folio (55.0 x 38.0 cm). Text with eight photogravures, 138 photographs, maps, numerous figures [AND] atlas with title page (double, French/Dutch) one coloured explanatory chart (36 different colours) and 17 mostly coloured folded geological maps and/or profiles (numbered 1, II, 3-11, 12a, 12b, 13-16). Original uniform black and gilt printed olive cloth (text), original printed portfolio (atlas).
Read moreAdriani, N. and A. C. Kruyt
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes. [Complete, in four volumes].
Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. In four volumes. Text in three octavo volumes (26.5 x 18.0 cm) [AND] atlas in folio portfolio (37.0 x 26.5 cm). 1636 pp.; 58 photographs on 26 sheets, 13 coloured plates of which seven partly in full colour, and four coloured folding maps (two showing adjacent regions). Original uniform quarter cloth over printed boards.
Read moreBourrit, M. T.
Description des Alpes, Pennines et Rhetiennes; dédiée a.s.m. très-chrétienne Louis XVI, roi de France et de Navarre. Tome premier - second. [Complete].
Genève, J. P. Bonnant, 1781. In two volumes. 8vo (21.5 x 13.8 cm). xix, 247 pp.; [ii], 285 pp.; eight engraved plates, mainly of glaciers, and one folded engraved map of the Alps, several wood engraved vignettes in the text. Original uniform blind publishers' wrappers. Spines renewed with later printed labels. Contained in a later blue cloth slipcase (23.2 x 15.8 x 6.9 cm) with black morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreBrinkley, F.
Oriental Series. Japan [and] China. [the rare "Lotus"-edition].
Boston and Tokyo, J. B. Millet, 1901-1902. Twelve volumes in twelve. 8vo (23.1 x 15.7 cm). 3752 pp.; 255 plates, of which 115 monochrome and 114 in full colour - all with printed tissue guards, and 26 lithographed, captioned on the plates; three maps, of which two very large, multi-folded and in full colour. Uniform original full dark green morocco. Spines with three raised bands, gilt, pink-and-red inlay morocco lotus vignette and gilt title. Boards with gilt-lined borders and pink-and-red inlay morocco lotuses.
Read moreBrown, E.
[Wunderkammer - Giant Library] Durch Niederland, Teutschland, Hungarn, Serbien, Bulgarien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Oesterreich, Steirmarck, Kärnthen, Carniolen, Friaul, &c. gethane ganz sonderbare Reisen...
Nürnberg, Johann Ziegler, 1685. 4to (20.3 x 16.5 cm). Engraved title, letterpress title in black and red; [viii], 334, [xii] pp.; 18 engraved plates, of which several larger, folding. Later blind vellum.
Read moreBruin, C., De [De Bruyn or Bruijn]
Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie: verrykt met driehondert kunstplaten, vertoonende de beroemste lantschappen en steden, ook de byzondere dragten, beesten, gewassen en planten, die door gevonden worden: voor al derzelver oudheden, en wel voornamentlyk heel uitvoerig, die van het heerlijke en van oudts de geheele werrelt door befaemde hof van Persepolis, by den Persianen Tchilminar genaemt. Alles door den Autheur zelf met groote naeukeurigheit na 't leven afgetekent, en nooit voor dezen in 't ligt gebragt.
Amsterdam, R. and G. Wetstein, J. Oosterwyk and H. van de Gaete, 1714. Folio (33.3 x 21.1 cm). Allegorical frontispiece (by Picart, dated 1711), title page (in red and black); engraved portrait of de Bruyn (by G. Kneller), [vi], 472, [xii] pp.; 260 numbered engraved plates (many double, folded), two large maps, and 34 large text engravings, not numbered, including portraits, views, etc. Contemporary blind ruled and embossed vellum. Spine with six raised bands, title written in ink, in a neat contemporary hand.
Read moreCarpeau du Saussay (ed.)
Voyage de Madagascar, connu aussi sous le nom de l'isle de St Laurent. Par M. de De V.... Commissaire provincial de l'artillerie de France. Dedié à S. A. S. M. Le Prince de Contry.
Paris, Jean-Luc Nyon, 1722. 12mo (15.4 x 9.1 cm). Engraved title " Nouveau Voiage de Madagascard", letterpress title, [xviii], 304 pp.; six engraved plates; large, multi-folding map. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine rich gilt, with five gilt-rolled raised bands; compartments with gilt floral borders and crowned shield with a lion; boards with triple gilt borders and large gilt vignettes, showing a Celtic warrior waving a banner, "Brithan" and captioned "Foy de Brehan". Gilt-lined board edges and inner dentelles. Marbled endpapers. Edges red.
Read moreConway, W. M.
Ascensions et explorations a sept mille mètres dans l'Himalaya.
Paris, Hachette, 1898. 8vo (17.9 x 11.4 cm). Title page with pictorial vignette, v, 242 pp.; frontispiece and 47 illustrations, mostly after photographs, and a map. Later black cloth with gilt title on the spine. Original pictorial front wrapper bound in.
Read moreCook, J.
An observation of an eclipse of the sun at the island of New-found-land, August 5, 1766, by Mr. James Cook, with the longitude of the place of observation deduced from it: communicated by J. Bevis, M. D. F. R. S.
London, The Royal Society, 1767. 4to (22.3 x 17.0 cm). 2 pp. Disbound.
Read moreDolomieu, D. [G. S. T.], De
Reise nach den liparischen Insuln oder Nachricht von den äolischen Insuln zur nähern Aufklärung der Geschichte der Vulkane. Nebst einer Abhandlung über eine Art von Luftvulkan, und einer andern über die Temperatur des Clima auf Maltha und die Verschiedenheit der wahren und fühlbaren Wärme.
Leipzig, Johann Gottfried Müller, 1783. 8vo (16.7 x 10.1 cm). 210, [ii] pp. Contemporary marbled boards, small leather label with gilt title on the spine. Edges yellow.
Read moreDoria, G. and R. Gestro (eds.)
Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii del Società Geografica Italiana. - Resultati zoologici.
Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 1895. 8vo (25.5 x 17.0 cm). xviii, 558 pp.; five lithographed plates; one very large, folded map of the Horn of Africa. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreDuppa, R.
Travels on the continent, Sicily and the Lipari Islands. Second edition.
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co., 1829. Large 8vo (26.8 x 17.2 cm). x, 494, [ii] pp.; 21 fine engraved plates, and 34 text engravings. Contemporary grained half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, stipple-gilted bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and a brown morocco label with gilt title.
Read moreEschscholtz, F.
Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten, während des Flottcapitains von Kotzebue zweiter Reise um die Welt, auf der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Kriegsschlupp Predpriaetië in den Jahren 1823-1826 beobachtet von Dr. Friedr. Eschscholtz, Professor und Director des zoologischen Museums an der Universität zu Dorpat. Erstes - Fünftes Heft. [All Published].
Berlin, G. Reimer, 1829-1833. Five parts in one. Tall folio (35.6 x 22.2 cm). Frontispiece portrait of Eschscholtz; five letterpress title pages with blank versos; 103 pp.[I: iii-iv, 17; II: 13; III: 18; IV: 19; V: iii-viii, 28]; 25 engraved plates, each in original hand-colouring. 19th-century quarter calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title. Marbled edges.
Read moreForbes, J. D.
Reisen in den Savoyer Alpen und in anderen Theilen der Penninen-Kette, nebst Beobachtungen über die Gletscher.
Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 1845. 8vo (21.0 x 13.3 cm). xii, 386 pp.; seven lithographed plates (of which one hand-coloured) and two folded lithographed maps depicting the Chamonix Alps. Early 20th-century cloth with mounted title and backstrip from original printed boards and spine.
Read moreHamilton, W.
Voyage à la cote septentrionale du Comté d'Antrim en Irlande, et à l'ile de Raghery, contenant l'histoire naturelle de ses productions volcaniques & plusieurs observations sur les antiquités & moeurs de ce pays... auquel on a ajouté l'essai sur l'oryctographie du Derbyshire par M. Ferber, traduit de l'Allemand.
Paris, Cuchet, 1790. 8vo (19.6 x 12.5 cm). viii, 239 pp.; engraved folding plate showing several geological layers of Derbyshire. Contemporary full mottled calf. Spine rich gilt with floral vignettes, small red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers, red edges.
Read moreHamilton-Temple-Blackwood, F. T. [Lord Dufferin]
A yacht voyage. Letters from high latitudes; being some account of a voyage, in 1856, in the schooner yacht "Foam" to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, by Lord Dufferin, Governor General of the Dominion of Canada.
Toronto, Adam, Stevensen, 1873. 8vo (18.1 x 12.0 cm). 281 pp., engraved frontispiece, tissue-guarded portrait of the author, nine engraved plates including one of a skeleton in a coffin captioned: "Et ego in arctis", several wood engravings in the text. Original decorated cloth with bevelled edges and gilt title on the spine, and gilt title and large vignette on the front board.
Read moreHamond, W.
A paradox: prooving, that the inhabitants of the isle called Madagascar, or St. Laurence, (in temporall things) are the happiest people in the World. Whereunto is prefixed, a briefe and true description of that island: the nature of the climate, and condition of the inhabitants, and their speciall affection to the English above other nations. With most probable arguments of a hopefull and fit plantation of a colony there, in respect of the fruitfulnesse of the soyle, the benignity of the ayre, and the relieving of our English ships, both to and from the East-Indies.
London, Nathaniell Butter, 1640. 4to (18.7 x 14.4 cm). Original second blank; title page, half title, half-title (placed after 12th text page) [xii, xxi] pp., Mid-19th century brown crushed morocco. Spine with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments rich gilt with floral patterns and gilt title; boards with triple gilt borders and rosettes; gilt-lined edges and elaborate gilt inner dentelles.
Read moreHardouin, E. and W. L. Ritter
Java. Tooneelen uit het leven. Karakterschetsen en kleederdragten van Java's bewoners in afbeeldingen naar de natuur geteekend door E. Hardouin met tekst van W. L. Ritter en een voorwoord van H. M. Lange, gepensionneerd Luitenant Kolonel van het O. I. leger. Benevens eene kaart van Java naar de nieuwste bronnen bewerkt.
Leiden, A. W. Sythoff, 1855. Large 4to (28.7 x 20.7 cm). Title page with finely engraved vignette; xv, 242 pp.; hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece and 25 other hand-coloured lithographed and tissue-guarded plates; large, triple-folded coloured double map of Java, Madoera and Bawean. Original green embossed cloth. Spine and front board rich gilt with floral patterns and ethnographical vignettes. Yellow endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreHedin, S. and F. Bergman
History of the Expedition in Asia 1927-1935. Part II. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North Western Provinces of China Under the Leadership of Dr Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publication 24.
Stockholm, Elander, 1943. 4to (28.3 x 22.7 cm). xv, 215 pp.; 60 photographic plates. Contemporary full beige cloth with gilt leather labels on spine. Original buff, printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreHerrera, A. [AND] R. Harcourt [AND] C. Leigh
Aankomst van Jean d'Ezquebel ter bevolking van Jamaica, door den Ammiraal Diego Kolumbus, van Hispaniola derwaards gezonden, in 't jaar 1510. Verhaalende 't misnoegen der Kroon Portugaal; benevens veel zeldzaame avondturen, rampspoeden en gevaaren aan Alonzo d'Ojega, Diego de Nicueza, Vasco Nunez, Lopez d'Alano en andere overgekomen; beneffens de togten naar land van Darien en bevolking van Cuba door Diego Velasques gedaan in 't jaar 1511. Uit d'oorspronkelyke berigten en koninglyk bevel in 't Spaans beschreeven door Antonius Herrera, nu aller-eerst in 't Neederduyts vertaald en met printverbeeldingen en noodig register voorzien. [AND] Scheeps-togt van Robert Harcourt na Gujana, gedaan in het jaar 1608. Aanwijsende de gelegentheeden en hoedanigheeden deses landschaps, des selfs eylanden, rivieren, grens-palen, verscheydenheyd der volkeren en talen, jaar-getijden, tijd-rekeningen, dood-malen, spijse en drank: als mede veelerley soort van dieren, vogelen, vissen, fruyten, suyker-riet, katoen, verw-stoffen, kostelijke gommen, balsem, droogeryen, tabak &c. Door den reysiger selfs in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkomen register verrijkt [AND] Zee-togt van Kapiteyn Charles Leig, gedaan na Gujana, en des selfs volk-plantinge aldaar begonnen, mitsgaders de ongelukkige reyse van het schip de Olijf-bloesem, tot des selfs onderstand derwaards gesonden. In het jaar 1604. Door een der reysigers, die desen togt heeft by-gewoont, en de handen der wilde gelukkig is ontkoomen, in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met een volkoomen register en konst-print verrijkt.
Leyden, van der Aa, 1705-1706. Small 8vo (17.3 x 11.3 cm). 144 pp.; six larger, folded, engraved plates. Bound with two other rare works published by van der Aa: Scheeps-togt na Gujana, 44 pp. with a foldout map of Guyana [AND] Zee-Togt van kapitein Charles Leigh, gedaan na Gujana. 40 pp., also with a map of Guyana and adjacent areas, and a large, folded, engraved plate of an attack by local tribes. Both with their own title pages with engraved vignette and index. Bound in later, very fine half morocco over cloth boards. Spine with five raised gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt borders and gilt titles. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreHutchinson, G. E.
The Clear Mirror. A pattern of life in Goa and in Indian Tibet.
Cambridge, at the University Press, 1936. 8vo (22.2 x 14.1 cm). xi, 171 pp.; 13 b/w photographic plates, one map. Publisher's green cloth with green title on the front board and spine; top edge green. In original printed dust jacket and transparent sleeve.
Read moreJacquemont, V.
Correspondance de Victor Jacquemont avec sa famille et plusieurs de ses amis, pendant son voyage dans l'Indie (1828-1832). Tome premier - tome deuxième. [complete].
Paris, H. Fournier, 1833. Two parts in two. 8vo (21.9 x 13.6 cm). 388, 374 pp., one large, folded map. Contemporary uniform quarter calf over marbled boards. Spines with four raised bands, gilt and black lines, gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read more["JAM" (R. de Bouillé, Comte)]
[Original watercolour sketches of French landscapes]
[France], no place, no publisher, ca. 1863-1890. 13 oblong sheets (22.3 x 29.2 cm), all with fine watercolour paintings, either full-sized, or smaller, in a drawn rectangular frame. And one drawing on slightly smaller paper, more sketchy, in pencil.
Read moreKaempfer, E.
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat Ryk.
The Hague, P. Gosse and J. Neaulme; Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1729. Folio (37.5 x 25.0 cm). 500 pp. Half-title, title page explanation, frontispiece (engraved title) by I. C. Philips, letterpress title in red and black; 48 double-sized maps and plates (I-XVII, XXX-XLV, XXIV*, A-BXXVIII, A-BXXIX). Contemporary full mottled calf; spine with six raised bands; compartments rich gilt with fine, elaborate floral ornaments, and red morocco label with gilt title; boards with double gilt roll stamped border, gilt floral corner pieces and central vignettes. Mottled edges.
Read moreKoehler, [J. B. F.] R.
Ophiures recueillis par l'Investigator dans l'Océan Indien. I. Les ophiures de mer profondes [AND] Ophiures recueillis par l'Investigator dans l'Océan Indien II. Les ophiures littorales.
Calcutta [Kolkata], The Trustees of the Indian Museum, 1899-1900. Folio (31.4 x 25.0 cm). [74; (ii), 4] pp., 22 [I-XIV; XV-XXII] lithographed plates (one folded). Contemporary, dark blue morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised, gilt-lined bands. and gilt title. Original printed front wrappers preserved.
Read moreKükenthal, W.
Im Malayischen Archipel. Eine Forschungsreise. [OR] Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgeführt von Dr. Willy Kükenthal, Inhaber der Ritter-Professur für Phylogenie und a.-o. Professor an der Universität Jena.
Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1896. 4to (30.0 x 23.0 cm). xi, 321 pp.; 63 plates, including ten chromolithographed plates with printed, explanatory overlays; seven coloured maps (several large, folded), five text illustrations. Original black quarter cloth over pictorial boards.
Read moreLafitau, J. F.
Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le nouveau monde.
Paris, Saugrain & Coignard, 1733. Two parts in two. 4to (29.6 x 25.7 cm). [iv], xxiv, 616 pp.; [xxiv] 693, [xliv] pp. With an engraved frontispiece, one text-vignette, 14 engraved plates and views (of which one larger, folding), and a fine, large, multi-folded map of the world. Uniform contemporary full calf, spines with raised bands and extensive gilt floral patterns; rich gilt red morocco labels with titles. Marbled endpapers. Edges speckled red.
Read moreLamarck, J. B. P. A. de Monet de
Considérations sur quelques faits applicables à la théorie du globe, observés par M. Péron dans son voyage aux Terres Australes, et sur quelques questions géologiques qui naissent de la connoissance de ces faits.
Paris, Levrault Schoell, et Cie., An XIII - 1805. 4to (27.5 x 21.3 cm). 27 pp. [numbered 26-52]. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreLe Goux de Flaix, A. [Legoux]
Historisch-geographisch politischer Versuch über Ostindien nebst der Schilderung von dessen Handel nach Le Goux de Flaix. Mit Noten, Anmerkungen und einer Vorrede von E. A. W. v. Z[immermann].
Leipzig, Heinrich Gräff, 1810. Two volumes in two. 8vo (17.5 x 10.7 cm). 892 [I: viii, 444; II: iv, 436] pp.; one folded engraving of the Jagannath temple. Contemporary uniform tree calf resembling paper boards with ruled borders, olive and brown gilt-lettered morocco labels on spines.
Read moreLecoq, H.
[Auvergne] Itinéraire de Clermont au Puy de Dome, ou description de cette montagne et de la Vallée de Royat et Fontanat; seconde edition. [AND] Two other papers on the geology of Auvergne, by A. C. P. F. Von Lasaulx, and by J. B. Bouillet, bound in.
Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1836. 8vo (21.2 x 13.3 cm). vi, 102 pp. Early 20th century half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreLesseps, [J. B. B.] de
Herrn von Lesseps Gefährten des Grafen de la Perouse Reise durch Kamtschatka und Sibirien nach Frankreich. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Mit Anmerkungen von Johann Reinhold Forster.
Berlin, Voss, 1791. 8vo (22.4 x 14.5 cm). xxviii, 302 [303-544] pp.; two engraved, folded maps, one folded table. Original blind boards.
Read moreLinnaeus, C.
Skrifter af Carl von Linné. I. Flora Lapponica Öfversatt till Svenska spraket. [AND] II. Valda smärre skrifter af alllmänt naturvetenskapligt innehåll. [AND] III. Classes Plantarum opus denuo editum. [AND] IV. Valda smärre skrifter af botaniskt innehåll [AND] V. Iter lapponicum. Andra upplagan. Med bilagor och noter. Ombesörjd af Th. M. Fries. [Five papers in the series: Skrifter af Carl von Linné. Utgifta af Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien].
Upsala [Uppsala], Almqvist & Wiksells, 1905-1913. Five volumes in five. 8vo (24.5 x 16.5 cm). Near uniform later half linen over marbled boards. All but one with the original printed front wrapper mounted on the front board.
Read moreMilne-Edwards, H. and [P.] H. Lucas [A. C. V. M. D. d'Orbigny (ed.)]
Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la république orientale de l'Uruguay, la république Argentine, la Patagonie, la république du Chili, la république de Bolivia, la république du Perou). Exécuté dans le cours des années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Tome cinquième. Partie: Crustacés.
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, V. Levrault, 1843-[1844]. Text and plates. Large 4to/folio mix (33.7 x 25.8 cm). Half-title (to the Voyage), title and half-title (to the Crustacés); 39 pp.; 18 finely lithographed and delicately hand-coloured plates [numbered 1-12, 14-17, 7bis, 8bis]. Later marbled wrappers.
Read moreNiebuhr, C.
Description de l'Arabie d'apres les observations et recherches faites dans le pays meme.
Copenhague [Copenhagen], Nicolas Möller, 1773. Large, thick 4to (27.8 x 21.0 cm). Title page with engraved vignette; xlvi (including dedication leaf, dated 1772, with engraved vignette), 372; 25 engraved plates and maps, of which several larger, folded; the very large map of Arabia, and two other plates with original, additional hand-colouring; one large, folded table. Contemporary mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands; compartments with gilt floral corner-pieces and central vignette, and burgundy morocco label with gilt title. Boards with gilt-rolled decorative border. Patterned endpapers. All edges gilt.
Read moreOrbigny, A. [C. V.] D. d'
Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la république orientale de l'Uruguay, la république Argentine, la Patagonie, la république du Chili, la république de Bolivia, la république du Perou). Exécuté dans le cours des années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Tome cinquième. 3.e Partie: Mollusques.
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, V. Levrault, 1834-[1847]. In two volumes (text and atlas). Large 4to and folio (33.0 x 25.4 cm). Half-title to the Voyage, title to the Mollusques, half-title to the Mollusques; xliii, 758 pp.; 86 finely lithographed and delicately hand-coloured plates [numbered 1-85; 41bis; plates 83-85 not coloured, as always]. Uniform period style half calf over marbled boards. Spines with five raised, gilt-stippled bands; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreOsbeck, P.
Dagbok öfwer en Ostindisk Resa, Åren 1750. 1751. 1752. Med anmärkringar uti Naturkunnigheten, främmande Folkslags Sprak, Seder, Hushallning, m.m.
Stockholm, L. L. Grefing, 1757. 8vo (11.8 x 19.6 cm). [vi], 376, [xvi] pp.; 12 engraved plates. Near contemporary full mottled calf. Spine with five raised bands, blind-tooled floral patterns and vellum label with title. Speckled edges.
Read morePalassou, P. B.
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacens. [AND] Suite des mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacens.
Pau, Vignancour, 1815-1819. Two volumes in two (20.7 x 12.7; 19.6 x 12.0 cm). 8vo. 954 pp. [xvi, 485; xxiii, 430]. Contemporary green boards. Spine with gilt bands and red morocco label with gilt title (volume I), and near contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers (volume II).
Read moreParry, W. E.
Reis ter ontdekking van eene noordwestelijke doorvaart uit de Atlantische in de Stille Zee, gedaan in de jaaren 1819 en 1820 door de schepen The Hecla en The Griper onder bevel van W. E. Parry. Uit het Engelsch. Met kaarten en platen.
Amsterdam, Johannes Van der Hey, 1822. 8vo (20.8 x 12.1 cm). xii, 333 pp.; two large, folded engraved plates, two engraved folded maps. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental bands and red morocco label with gilt title.
Read more[Pfanner, P.]
Stereo slides. Afrique - Africa - early 1960's. [AND] Malaysia - India - Indonesia - Hong Kong - Cambodia - Australia, etc. (1973-1975).
Switzerland, unpublished, (before) 1966-1975. A large collection of colour stereo slides, in uniform trays, and boxes, preserved in four leather suitcases. With the original stereo camera; and a contemporary stereoscope with working light.
Read morePhillip, A.
Arthur Phillips Reise nach der Botany-Bay, nebst Auszügen aus den Tagebüchern der neuesten Brittischen Entdecker in der Südsee.
Hamburg, Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann, 1791. 8vo (20.4 x 11.1 cm). [xiv], viii, [9]-264 pp.; one engraved portrait as a frontispiece, one engraved title vignette, eight engraved plates and one hand-coloured folded map. Contemporary mottled half calf over marbled boards. Green morocco label with gilt title on the spine. Blue endpapers.
Read morePitou, L.
Louis Ange Pitou's Leben und Verweisung nach Cayenne nebst der Geschichte seiner Reise in das innre von Amerika, mit authentischen Nachrichten von den dortigen Wilden oder Menschenfressern. Von ihm selbst beschrieben. Aus dem Fransösisch.
Leipzig, Johann Conrad Hinrichs. 1805. 8vo (22.5 x 14.2 cm). vi, 387 pp.; two folded engraved plates. Original plain wrappers.
Read more