Invertebrates (others)
345 items found
Agassiz, A.
The coral reefs of the Maldives.
Cambridge, MA, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1903. Two volumes (text and atlas) in one. 4to (29.1 x 23.8 cm). Text: xxv, 168 pp.; numerous text illustrations; Atlas: 6 pp.; 82 maps, as follows: eight folded maps [numbered 1-8], three profiles [numbered 8a-c] and 71 photographic plates [numbered 9-79]. Later green buckram with gilt title on the spine. Original printed front wrappers bound in.
Read moreAgassiz, L.
Iconographie des coquilles Tertiaires, réputées identiques avec les espèces vivantes ou dans différens terrains de l'époque Tertiaire, accompagnée de la description des espèces nouvelles.
Neuchatel, Henri Wolfrath (for the Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles), 1845. Large 4to (32.4 x 25.0 cm). 64 pp.; 15 lithographed plates (numbered 1-14, A). Later quarter cloth over plain blue boards. Spine with paper label with printed title. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreAgassiz, L. et al.
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Tome I. Avec planches.
Neuchatel, Société des Sciences naturelles de Neuchatel [Petitpierre et Prince], 1853. Large 4to. 199, 40 pp.; 18 fine lithographed and engraved plates of which ten hand-coloured; severaltables incuding one larger, double-folded. Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards; front board with printed title mounted.
Read moreAlbers, J. C. [AND] Castello de Paiva, A.
Malacographia maderensis sive enumeratio molluscorum quae in insulis Maderae et Portus Sancti aut viva extant aut fossilia reperiuntur [AND] Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium Insularium Maderensium.
Berolini [Berlin], Georg Reimer, 1854 [AND] Olisipone [Lisbon], Academicis, 1867. Two works in one. 4to (26.9 x 21.3 cm). 94 pp.; 17 lithographed plates (all but one finely hand-coloured). [AND] 170 pp.; two finely hand-coloured lithographed plates, heightened with gum arabic. [AND] Four "letters" loosely inserted. Later blue buckram with gilt titles on the spine.
Read moreAlberti, B.
Über die Stammesgeschichtliche Gliederung der Zygaenidae nebst Revision einiger Gruppen (Insecta, Lepidoptera).
Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1954. 8vo (24.0 x 17.0 cm). 366 pp. [numbered 115-480]; 33 text illustrations, 62 plates (including one larger, folded). Original printed wrappers.
Read more[Anonymous but probably J. Sturm]
Four proof plates for Monographiae Insectorum XVIII. In valle Plauensi delectorum. Verzeichnis der merkwürdigsten Insecten welche in Plauischen Grunde gefunden werden. In: W. G. Becker (1799). Der Plauische Grund bei Dresden, mit Hinsicht auf Naturgeschichte und schöne Gartenkunst.
[Nürnberg, Frauenholzische Kunsthandlung, 1799]. Four loose plates. Folio (24.3 x 18.5 cm or slighly larger). Each finely engraved and carefully hand-coloured.
Read more[Ant, H.]
Manuscript based on Staudinger's printed list of Palaearctic Lepidoptera.
Not published, no date [but after 1936; probably ca. 1950]. Large 8vo (24.0 x 16.1 cm). 161 ruled pages with mounted strips with printed text. Mid-20th century black blind cloth over marbled boards.
Read moreArthaber, G. Von
Lethaea geognostica. Handbuch der Erdgeschichte. Mit Abbildung der fur die Formationen bezeichendsten Versteinerungen. Mesozoikum. Band 1. Trias. Lieferung 3. Die alpine Trias des Mediterrangebietes.
Stuttgart, 1905. Large 8vo (25.6 x 18.0 cm). 249 pp.; 67 text figures, 27 lithographed and photographic plates. Contemporary blue pebbled half cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreAttems, C. Graf
System der Polydesmiden. I Theil - II Theil. [Bound copies; complete].
Wien, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1897-1899. In two volumes. 4to (29.7 x 23.2 cm; 28.5 x 23.0 cm). 448 [1-262; 251-436] pp., 17 [11; 6] lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves. Near uniform contemporary and somewhat later black blind half cloth over black marbled boards.
Read moreBaehr, M.
Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 1. The previous genera Sphallomorpha Westwood and Silphomorpha Westwood. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae).
München, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, 1992. 8vo (24.0 x 16.9 cm). 440 pp.; full colour frontispiece, 553 text illustrations. Laminated pictorial softcover.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. II. Classe des mollusques, ordre des céphalopodes. Texte et 544 planches.
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1867-1877. 11 parts in 11. Large 4to and folio (32.5 x 25.5). 3,583 pp.; 545 lithographed plates (including 240bis) with explanatory text leaves. Original near uniform blind-tooled cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBarrande, J.
Systême Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. Première partie: Recherches paléontologiques. Continuation éditée par le Musée Bohême. Vol. VI. Classe des mollusques, ordre des acéphales. Texte et 361 planches. [Bivalvia].
Prague, Musée Bohême, 1881. Four parts in four. Large 4to (32.8 x 26.0 cm). xxiv, 342 pp.; 361 lithographed plates with explanatory text leaves. Original uniform blind-tooled black cloth with gilt title on the spines.
Read moreBarrois, T. [C.]
Catalogue des crustacés marins, recueillis aux Açores durant les mois d'Août et Septembre 1887.
Lille, Le Bigot, 1888. 8vo (23.6 x 15.8 cm). 110 pp.; four lithgraphed plates (three sepia, one in chromolithography). Contemporary quarter cloth over marbled boards. Gilt title on the spine.
Read moreBasilewsky, S.
Ichthyographia Chinae borealis scripta a Doctore Medicinae Stephano Basilewsky.
Moscou, Université Imperiale, [1852]-1855. 4to (28.2 x 22.5 cm). Title page to the work, 45 pp. [numbered 218-263]; eighth finely engraved and hand-coloured plates, where appropriate heightened with silver. Later green cloth with the original green, printed front wrapper mounted.
Read more[Bates, H. W.]
The Zoologist. A popular miscellany of natural history conducted by Edward Newman, F.L.S., Z.S., &c. Volumes 1-11.
London, John van Voorst, 1843-1853. 11 volumes in 11. 8vo. (21.4 x 13.6 cm). 4156, cciv pp.; illustrations in the text. Contemporary uniform black half calf over marbled boards. Spines with gilt title, volume year, and decorative lines. Speckled edges.
Read moreBergquist, P. R.
The marine fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae, Part I, II, III.
Wellington, New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, 1968-1980. Three parts in three. Large 4to (28.0 x .21.5 cm). Full colour (1) and b/w (1) frontispieces; 233 pp. [105; 85; 43]; 37 text figures [30; 3; 4], 51 plates [14; 20; 17]. Original uniform printed softcovers.
Read moreBerlese, A.
Complete acarological works. Acari Myriopoda and Scorpiones (1882-1903) in 12 volumes [AND] Collected acarological papers from "Redia" (1903-1923) in five volumes [AND] Complete acarological works. Varia (1881-1923) in two volumes. [Complete].
Firenze [REPRINT, The Hague, 1977-1982]. In 19 volumes. 8vo (18 parts: 23.1 x 15.6 cm), 4to (one part: 29.7 x 20.8 cm). Over 7000 pages and numerous plates (some folded). Uniform full dark brown cloth with gilt titles on front boards and spines.
Read moreBianchi, G. P. S. [J. Plancus]
De conchis minus notis liber cui accessit specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini.
Venetiis (Venice), J. Baptista Pasqual, 1739. 4to (28.1 x 20.1 cm). 88 pp.; wood-engraved title vignette and five folded engraved plates. Period style half calf over marbled boards, later endpapers.
Read moreBlanford, W. T. [AND] H. H. Godwin-Austen [AND] G. K. Gude [AND] H. B. Preston
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Mollusca. Parts I-IV. [Complete].
London, Taylor & Francis, 1908-1921. Four parts in four. 8vo (22.8 x 15.8 cm). More than 1,500 pp.; two plates, numerous text figures. Uniform red cloth with gilt titles on spines. Black endpapers (white in Vol. II).
Read moreBleeker, P. and F. P. L. Pollen
Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses Dépendances, d'apres les découvertes de Fr. P. C. Pollen et D. van Dam. 4me Partie. Poissons de Madagascar et de l'Ile de la Réunion des collections de MM. Pollen et Van Dam. [AND] Les pêches a Madagascar et es dépendances.
Leyde (Leiden), E. J. Brill, 1875. 4to (29.2 x 21.2 cm). Half-title and title to Bleeker and Pollen, title to Pollen; 195 pp. (104, [ii], 89); 27 fine, hand-coloured lithographed plates, including one map (of Mayotte), one portrait (of Antoine Rétout "Le grand Amateur-Pêcheur Créole à l'île de la Réunion"), and four plates showing fisheries and fishing techniques (from the Relation de voyage). Contemporary half morocco over marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands with gilt chains; compartments with gilt vignettes and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreBoehm, G.
Palaeontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des Koenigliche Bayerische Staates. Zweiter Band, vierte Abtheilung. Die Bivalven der Stramberger Schichten.
Cassel [Kassel], Gustav Fischer, 1883. Folio (44.2 x 31.5 cm), Title page; 18 fine, lithographed plates. In original green portfolio with printed title page mounted.
Read moreBonvouloir, [V.] H. [A.] De
Monographie de la famille des eucnémides.
Paris, Société d'Entomologie de France, 1870 [1871]. Thick 8vo (21.0 x 13.2 cm). 907 pp.; 42 fine, engraved plates. Contemporary quarter morocco over marbled boards. Spine with four raised bands and gilt title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read moreBoone, [P.] L.
Scientific results of the World cruises of the yachts "Ara" 1928-1929, and "Alva" 1931-1932, "Alva" Mediterranean cruise 1933, and "Alva" South American cruise 1935, William K. Vanderbilt, commanding. Crustacea: Anomura, Macrura, Euphausiacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda, and Echinodermata: Asteroidea and Echinoidea.
Huntington, NY, Privately Published, 1935. 8vo (24.3 x 16.3 cm). 264 pp.; 96 plates. Original dark green buckram with gilt title on the spines and front boards.
Read moreBoone, [P.] L.
Scientific results of the World cruises of the yachts "Ara" 1928-1929, and "Alva" 1931-1932, "Alva" Mediterranean cruise 1933, and "Alva" South American cruise 1935, William K. Vanderbilt, commanding. Marine algae, Coelenterata, Annelida, Echinodermata, Crustacea, Mollusca.
Huntington, NY, Privately Published, 1938. 8vo (24.3 x 16.3 cm). 372 pp.; 152 plates. Original dark green buckram with gilt title on the spine and front boards.
Read moreBory de Saint-Vincent, [J. B. G. G. M.] et al. (eds).
Annales générales des sciences physiques. Volumes I-VIII. [All published].
Bruxelles, Weissenbuch, Père, 1819-1821. Eight volumes in eight. 8vo (23.0 x 14.3 cm). Numerous pages and plates, of which several with additional hand-colouring. Original uniform blue wrappers. Handwritten paper labels on the spines.
Read moreBosc, L. A. G.
Histoire naturelle des coquilles contenant leur description, leurs moeurs des animaux qui les habitent et leurs usages. Avec figures dessinées d'apres nature. Tome premier - II - III - IV - V. [Complete].
Paris, Deterville, an X [1802]. Five parts in five. 12mo (12.4 x 8.3 cm). Five titles and half-titles, 1501 pp. [343; 330; 292; 280; 256]; one folded table, " tableau des vers", and 44 [1; 2-12,15; 13-14, 16-28; 29-36; 37-44] engraved plates after Desève. Contemporary uniform half calf over marbled boards; gilt title and ornamental lines on spines. Green speckled endpapers.
Read moreBouillet, J. B.
Catalogue des espèces et variétés de mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, observés jusqu'a ce jour a l'état vivant, dans la Haute et la Basse-Auvergne (départemens de Cantal, du Puy-de-Dôme et partie de celui de la Haute-Loire); suivi d'un autre catalogue des espèces fossiles recueillies récemment dans les diverses formations tertiaires des mêmes départemens. [AND] Coquilles fossiles du calcaire d'eau douce du Cantal.
Clermont-Ferrand, Thibaud-Landriot, 1834-1836. Two papers in one. 8vo (21.6 x 13.7 cm). 166, [i] pp.; 16 pp.; two lithographed plates. 20th century half cloth over marbled boards. Spine with gilt title. Original printed wrappers of the first paper bound in.
Read moreBourguet, [L.]
Traité des pétrifications. Nouvelle édition, corrigée et augmentée.
Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1778. 8vo (19.7 x 12.3 cm). Half-title, title page, 349 pp. (xvii, 326, [vii], and 4; 16 with advertisements); 441 engravings on 60 plates. 19th-century half calf over marbled boards. Spine with gilt ornamental lines and title. Marbled endpapers. Speckled edges.
Read more[Bourguignat, J. B.] Servain, G. (ed.)
Oeuvres scientifiques de M. J.-R. Bourguignat. Précédés d'une préface biographique par le Dr. Georges Servain. Président de la Société malacologique de France.
Paris, D. Dumoulin, 1891. 8vo (23.6 x 15.5 cm). ix, 256 pp. Original printed wrappers.
Read moreBox, H. E.
Typescripts, correspondence and papers.
Various places and publishers, 1923-1953. 4to and 8vo. Over 60 items of various size and shape. Many thousands of pages, numerous illustrations including some original photos. Preserved in two similar cardboard folders with punch holes.
Read moreBraun, J. H.
[BINDING]. Exercitatio academica ex antiquitatibus Germanicis et Francicis de Butigulariis, praecipue iis qui Norimbergae olim floruerunt quam sub praesidio Christiani Gotlib. Schwarzii com. palat. caes. et prof. publ. a.d. viii decembr a.r.s. mdccxxiii in academico disputantium circulo as disquirendum proponit a. et r. Iohannes Hieronymus Braun. Norimbergensis.
Altorfii Noricorum (Nürnberg), Iod. G. Kohlesius, 1723. Small 4to (19.0 x 16.2 cm). Title page, [ii], 100 pp.; one engraved map of the Nürenberg area and one peculiar engraving showing a crossbowman on a beehive with two coats-of-arms: one of Crenan, Leidlarius, Eschanson and Butigul, and one engraved initial letter. Wonderful medieval-style contemporary parchment binding decorated with blind-tooled roller stamp decoration of hunting scenes including deer, birds and lions. Edges red.
Read moreBroeck, [J.] E. van den [vanden Broeck]
Esquisse géologique et paléontologique des dépôts pliocènes des environs d'Anvers. [Author's copy - interleaved, with handwritten additions and emendations].
Bruxelles, G. Mayolez, 1876-[1878]. 8vo (25.0 x16.3 cm). 296 pp. (printed), 296 pp. (ruled, partly annotated); folded and coloured topographical map of Antwerp and surroundings and one folding table. Original printed boards.
Read moreBuc'hoz, [P. J.] [Buchoz]
Histoire des insectes utiles a l'homme, aux animaux, et aux arts; l'abeille, le ver a soie, le kermès, la cochinelle, l'ecrevisse, les cloportes, les cantharides, les sangsues, &c. Avec les moyens qu'on peut employer pour les multiplier, & pour en tirer avantage. A laquelle on a joint un supplément sur la destruction des insectes nuisibles.
Paris, Guillot, 1785. 12mo (16.1 x 9.6 cm). vi, 351 pp. Contemporary half morocco over mottled boards. Spine with five raised bands. Rich gilt compartments. Red morocco label with gilt title. Marbled endpapers.
Read moreBucquoy, M. E. J. and P. Dautzenberg and G. F. Dollfus
Les mollusques marins du Roussillon. Tomes I - II. [Complete].
Paris, Baillière, et chez les auteurs Dautzenberg à Paris and Buquoy à Perpignan, 1882-1898. Two parts in four (two text parts, two atlases). Thick 8vo (24.0 x 17.3 cm). 1454 pp. [570; 884]; 165 plates including 66 mounted real photographs or phototypes by Berthaud. Uniform blue buckram; spines with gilt title. Original printed wrappers bound in.
Read moreButler, A. G. [AND] Owen, R.
The butterflies of Malacca. [AND] On Hypsiprymnodon, Ramsay, a genus indicative of a distinct family (Pleopodidae) in the diprodont section of the marsupialia.
London, The Linnean Society, 1879. 4to (30.3 x 24.0 cm). 36 pp.; two lithographed plates (one very nicely hand-coloured), table; [AND] ten pp.; two plates, including one hand-coloured, by Joseph Wolf. Original printed wrappers.
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